DUNGEON23 – Megadungeon Challenge – Room #6 – Level #1


Huge granite columns follow the the descending stairs (33 feet long, 22 squares).

Between the columns there are eight bas-relief, engraved in precious veined marble, each one depicting a different scene.

If a character stairs at or examine (1 round or more) one of the bas-relief, describe the scene and roll the result as described in the respective paragraph.

9a. A woman gazing covetously at a neighbours man and possession (1d6)
  • 1-4: Nothing happens
  • 5: The character is nauseated until he completes a long rest or a healing spell is cast on him.
  • 6: Mental/willpower based saving throw. Failure means the character is compelled to steal an object (randomly determined by the GM) belonging to another party member. Until this compulsion is not satisfied, the character suffers a -2 penalty on all mental/willpower saving throw and perception checks. Once the compulsion is satisfied, the character will not separate from the object until a Remove Curse is cast on him.
9b. A gargantuan, obese, winged demon lord is sitting on a huge throne made of bones. The throne itself stand on a massive dais constructed from corpses that raises it well above the ground. Behind the throne stand two smaller demons, each with wings and a bestial face. These demons bear a flaming sword and a flaming whip and are themselves wrapped in flames (1d6).
  • 1-2: Nothing happens
  • 3-4: The character feels emboldened by a sort of supernatural power when fire is within his line of sight. He gains a +1 on attack rolls and +1 on damage rolls. This effect persists until he receives fire damage.
  • 5-6: The character is scared by fire. When fire is within his line of sight he will feel uncomfortable and excessively prudent. The character suffers -1 on attack rolls and -1 on initiative rolls and will never act first in the initiative order. This effect persists until a Remove Curse or Remove Fear are cast on him.
9c. Group of individuals are being fed to wild animals inside what looks like an arena, some of them are running, others have already been partially devoured alive (1d6).
  • 1-3. Nothing happens
  • 4-6. Mental/willpower based saving throw. Failure means the character feels the compulsion to charge at opponents whenever a hostile encounter occurs. This effect persists until the character is knocked by an opponent or a Remove Cure is cast on him.
9d. An individual is being stabbed at the back by another (1d6).
  • 1-3. Nothing happens.
  • 4-6. Mental/willpower based saving throw. Failure means the character has 1 minute (10 rounds) to stab in the back one of his party member. This effect ends once the compulsion is satisfied.
9e. A man wearing light mail and holding a shortbow is sitting on a horse watching and aiming at a wild boar at the edge of the image. In the background, a woman wearing a tunic is observing the scene while drinking from a cup (1d6).
  • 1-3. Nothing happens
  • 4-6. The character loses the ability to speak, and have to express himself with grunts like a boar. This effect persists until a Remove Curse is cast on the character.
9f. A single image of what would appear to be a powerful mage dressed in rich flowing robes embroidered with eldritch symbols. The mage is surrounded by magical symbols and is enveloped in an aura. In one hand he holds a gemstone-topped staff and in the other a much shorter wand (1d6).
  • 1-2: Nothing happens
  • 3-4: The character receives a blessing which grants him a +2 bonus on any saving throw. This blessing lasts until 1d4 saving throws have been rolled.
  • 5-6: If the character is an arcane spellcaster, one spell at Game Master’s discretion appears on his book.
9g. Mermaids wearing shells over their breasts are swimming around several rocks sticking above the surface of an idyllic-looking sea. One mermaid in particular is sitting on a rock in the foreground, out of the water itself. She is wearing heavily decorated shells and a thin band of tiny shells are strung on several strands of gold wire around her head (1d6).
  • 1-2: Nothing happens
  • 3-4: All silver coins in the character possession transmute into gold
  • 5: The character gains the ability to speak with fishes (except sea mammals). This ability ceases when a Remove Curse is cast on him.
  • 6: The character gains the ability to Breath Water (salt water only). This ability ceases when a Remove Curse is cast on him.
9h. A variety of fantastic and magical creatures, some of them quite dangerous, including some gigantic dragons, are grovelling before a towering, mostly unseen figure cloaked in darkness that ascends far above even the largest of those before it. The huge figure appears to be of generally humanoid shape but the only parts that can be made out are two huge glowing eyes and a crown made of chunks of black matter that stream black flames that is orbiting its head.
  • 1: Nothing happens
  • 2: The character receives the blessing of a temporary immunity to fire. He can ignore the first 2d12 fire damage he takes.
  • 3: The character receives the blessing of a temporary immunity to acid. He can ignore the first 2d12 acid damage he takes.
  • 4: The character receives the blessing of a temporary immunity to cold. He can ignore the first 2d12 cold damage he takes.
  • 5: The character receives the blessing of a temporary immunity to electricity. He can ignore the first 2d12 electricity damage he takes.
  • 6: The character’s shadow animates and attack him and his party members.

A character can receive the effects of a specific bas-relief only once.

Potential XP: Shadow (1)

Tool & Resources

Dungeon Scrawl

100 Frescoes, Mosaics, Murals and Reliefs to Find in a Dungeon from Azukail Games

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