After 10 rounds the characters enter this room – or more according to the Game Master’s pace – the Gardener will appear by crossing the teleporter.
The gardener is a modified Harpy whose name is Mynise which has to be considered an Outsider native of the Gray Wastelands (Pluton, Niflheim or Oinos at Game Master’s discretion).
Mynise’s main purpose is to take care of the Petrified Forest by adding corpse, either by secretly subtracting them from the Gray Wastelands or by capturing them from the Prime Material Plane.
The presence of the characters represents a good chance to capture fresh souls to feed the roots of her trees.
Mynise is not necessarily hostile versus the characters. If they are ALL of Good alignment she will let them pass through the Teleporter (see below) which lead to the second level of the dungeon, but she will demand the characters to return any equipment they have subtracted from this room.
If an evil character, or NPC, is present in the party, Mynise will claim his/her sould immediately, but in exchange she will let the remaining characters to croos the Teleporter.

Altar of the Chosen Ones
This altar is used by Mynise as an oracle to pick the candidates for the Petrified Forest. The sould harvested by Mynise, upon indication of the Altar, may be located in any place of the Prime Material Plane. The candidate’s soul must be compatible to become a petitioner of the Gray Wastelands.
On the Altar of the Chosen Ones there are the following items:
- Journal of the Chosen Ones. Ten of thusands of names are written here, in different languages.
- Chalice of the Inevitable Fate (minor artifact). This chalice has been crafted specifically for Mynise. It allows to drink the black waters of the Acheron without suffering any harmful effect. Upon drinking from the chalice, the subject will aknowledge everything about a name on the Journal of the Chose Ones, location, details of her/his life, desires, sins, etcetera, and wil be teleported near the location where the Chosen One is. This minor artifact helps Mynise in her task to harvest the soul.
This is a gate that can teleport the party to the second level of the Dungeon, and nowhere else. Only Mynise can use it to teleport on any location of the Prime Material Plane.
33a – Tools Rack. This room contains what seem to be ordinary gardener tools, but all made of Stygian Iron.
33b – The Library. Shelves made of ancient wood contain scrolls, parchment and other aged documents. Each parchment refers to a specific Chose One, with details of his/her life.
33c – The Study. Here is where Mynise writes her notes, chronicles and anything else she thinks is useful to accomplish her tasks.
33d – The Vault. Sometimes Mynise is allowed to keep for herself the possessions of the Chosen Ones, provided these items are not excessively powerful. Coins, gemstones, jewelries and object of art are all allowed. The Game Master may decide to place the following treasures:
- 2d20 x 1,000 copper coins.
- 1d10 x 1,000 silver coins.
- 1d4 x 1,000 gold coins.
- 2d10 Object of Arts. These objects should come from different or unknown cultures. Keep in mind that Mynise can travel over all the Prime Material Plane, so even on other planets.
- Gemstones
- Jewelries. Like Objects of Art, jewelries can precede from any known or unknown place.
- Magical Items. Weapons are possible, but Mynise probably prefer stuff like Miscellaneous Items.
Potential XP: Mynise (1). Consider Mynise as a standard harpy but grants her some traits that typically define extraplanar creature of the Gray Wastelands of Hades. You can either import elements from the Yugoloth or the Daemon, or just develop her own unique traits. Each harpy of the Gray Wastelands is unique and with a specific name and a specific task. Mynise is not intrinsecally evil or cruel, she does what she has to do and accomplish her duty with extreme diligence. She sincerely believes that some soul’s deserve to stay in the Petrified Forest, others deserve to go in the Elysium (or whatever upper plane). The Game Master’s should consider Mynise’s alignment as Lawful Neutral for the purpose of interacting with the characters, but it is important to keep in mind that Mynise does not make deal with mortals, unless their name appears on the Journal of the Chosen Ones.
Tools & Resources
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