The corridors are blocked by debris, caused by a collpase of the ceiling. It takes 1 hour of excavation by four persons to remove 5 feet (1 square) if debris with digging tools, whilst it takes 1d4+1 hours without digging tools.
Area 4 and Area 5 are infested by a colony of Green Slimes (2d6) (AD&D 2e MM).
Every hour spent inside area 4 and 5 there is a 25% (1 on 4) that a Green Slime attacks a random character from above.
If the characters rest inside the caves, 1d4 Green Slimes automatically attacks the campment.

Even a superficial examination reveals that someone or something excavated from the other side and stopped where the the hexagonal rooms were supposed to be.
Close observations reveals trace of the remaining walls, which looks like those of room 3a, 3b and 3c.
In this cave there are stalagmites and stalactites, which provide support to the cave and prevent it from collapsing.
For every hour spent searching the cave there is are 90% chance of retrieving a quartz (1d6 sp), the quarts vein exhaust if a 95% or more is rolled on a d100.
Tunnels 5a and 5b lead to another section of the cave.
This subterranean stream runs from north to south, and sprout inside the cave. The rocks around the stream clearly show that someone exacavated to uncover the water stream. Both ends of the water stream, north and south, lead to alternate entrances to the megadungeon.
Potential XP: Green Slime (2d6 or 7)
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