DUNGEON23 – Megadungeon Challenge – Room #26 – Level #1


The air is dry and dusty, and the sound of a slight wind pervades the room.

The wall is made from gray bricks in rows. Each row is set slightly back from the one below, until the middle of the wall is reached, at which point they are set slightly forward, making the wall form a V-shape as it tapers in.

The ceiling, from where the sounds of wind comes, is translucent and semi-transparent, and through it, it is possible to observe a yellow sky with gray clouds.

A character casting Detect Magic immediately idenfity this weird phenomenon as gate toward another reality.

A character with knowledge in the planes of existence, have a chance to understand that this gate leads to the Gray Wastelands of Hades.

Tools & Resources

Dungeon Scrawl

100 Airs and Atmospheres to Encounter in a Dungeon from Azukail Games

100 Walls to Find in a Dungeon from Azukail Games

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