DUNGEON23 – Megadungeon Challenge – Room #23 – Level #1


The statue of an elf wearing a robe and holding a lyre. The elf appears to be playing the lyre and their mouth is open as if in song.

As soon as one character enters this chamber, an elven boy appears from nowhere and the statue animates and start touching the lyre.

The appearance of the elven child is incorporeal, clearly marking his undead nature.

The child is performing a dance. If the character waits at least 1 minute he wil be able to recognize the ten steps characterizing the dance.

The dance repeats once and again, until someone leaves the room behind, and begins again when someone enters in it.

Note for the Game Master. This room is connected to the Prophecy #3 in Room #25 “The Forgotten Oracles”.

The course of actions the characters may take are multiples.

Touching or interacting in any other way other than imitating the dance of the elven child will immediately trigger the reaction of the spirit, which will attack the closest character. The elven child is considered a Shadow for the purpose of combat.

If a character imitates and exact same steps of the dance performed by the elven child for 1 minute, then the elven child disappears into nothingess, and the statue crumbles into dust.

Immediately after, a voice speak with elven words “My blessing on you, our liberators”, and then everything goes silent.

A search in the pile of dust reveals a Ring of Silence (Silence 10-ft/radius 3/day).

Potential XP: Shadow (1)

Tools & Resources

Dungeon Scrawl

100 Statues to Find in a Dungeon from Azukail Games

100 Floors to Find in a Dungeon from Azukail Games

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