DUNGEON23 – Megadungeon Challenge – Room #19 – Level #1


Two apparitions (incorporeal undead) resembling two humans, one armed with a great sword and the other with a battle axe, are fighting a duel. The one wielding the greatsword behad the other, who collapses to the ground with a look of surprise on his face while rolling on the floor.

If the characters decide to wait for the apparition to repeat itself, they will have to wait one hour.

The Floor

The floor is made of irregular volcanic stone tiles, most of them broken or distorted by the action of extreme heat. The moment the characters enters this room the air and the floor are warm and comfortable.

A character searching the room or more specifically the floor easily spot a tile that has turned into a black powder.

A Detect Magic reveals a faint aura of magic radiating from the black powder.

Searching in the Black Powder

A search in the black powder reveals two Bronze Bottles (abjuration magic aura) with symbols of abjuration written on the metal and a Blacksand Hourglass (necromantic magic aura) embedded in a copper frame.

Bronze Bottles. Each bottles contain ash. If emptied, two incorporeal figures will instantly appear in the room and then fade away into nothingness.

Blacksand Hourglass. The blacksand inside the hourglass flow up/down no matter the gravity, with a cycle of one hour. Anyone carrying the blacksound hourglass heals 1 hit point per hour.

Potential XP: Apparition (2)

Tools & Resources

Dungeon Scrawl

100 Floors to Find in a Dungeon from Azukail Games

100 Ghostly Apparitions to Encounter from Azukail Games

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