DUNGEON23 – Megadungeon Challenge – Room #18 (part 1) – Level #1


The hall ambience is filled with dust floating in the air.

The dust is able to unnaturally remains suspended instead of depositing to the floor.

The density (or thickness) of the dust is everchanging. At some point it becomes denser, at others it clear up a bit.

Note for the Game Master

Walking through the Dust causes the following effects:

  • Disorientation. The dust interfere with the ability to take a set direction. After having entered the dust for more than 20 feet (4 squares), the Game Master secretly rolls 1d8 (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW) to determine the true direction the character is taking. The players, once their characters realize they are being disoriented by the dust, may find ways to resolve this problem, the Game Master is encouraged to listen and consider the solutions proposed by the players.
  • Respiration. Breathing inside the dust is not easy, and also potentially harmful. Every round spent inside dust, a character must make a Physical/Constitution based saving throw or suffers intoxication. Mark the intoxication near the constitution score, once the intoxication points equals the constitution score the character will be exhausted/nauseated/incapacitated until he has completed a full rest cycle. Any healing spell or spell-like ability immediately remove any intoxication points. A character using a wet rag on his mouth does not need to make any saving throw, but the wet rag saturates after 10 minutes of exposition.
  • Visibility. Due to the everchanging density of the dust, a character’s visibility varies, from round to round, to 1d4 x 5 feet (1d4 squares).

Encounters in the Dust

Anytime a character enters the dust roll 1d6 to see what happens:

  • 1-2. Nothing happens
  • 3. The characters spots in the distance a shape that vaguely resemble himself or that of one of his party member.
  • 4. The dust “moves” and surrounds the character completely. His visibility is now 5 feet (1 square) during all the permanency in the dust.
  • 5. The dust filters inside the character’s equipment and attempt to spoil it. If character is carrying with him items that are sensible to dust pollution (rations, water, potions, or anything the Game Master finds appropriate), then these piece of equipment may become temporarily or permanently useless.
  • 6. The dust takes the shape of a couple of thin claws that attempt to touch the character, but they do nothing else than that (see Dust Mephit of the Gray Wastelands).

Note for the Dungeon Builder. The list presented above can be extended with further details.

Dust Mephit of the Gray Wastelands of Hade

The hall of the dust is the den of a tribe of Dust Mephits of the Gray Wastelands of Hade (1d6+4).

Consider this Dust Mephit as a variant of the canonic one.

The actitude of the Dust Mephit is indifferent, but the Game Master should handle their reaction and behaviour as neutral/chaotic neutral creatures.

Potential XP: Dust Mephit of the Gray Wastelands of Hade (1d6+4).

Tools & Resources

Dungeon Scrawl

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