DUNGEON23 – Megadungeon Challenge – Room #16 – Level #1


The Gray Goblins attempted to excavate into the Vault (Room #18) on different points but a steel wall blocked their path until they found an access to Room #17…where some of them met their fate.

The survivors have set up camp here and are waiting for reinforcements.

Gray Goblin Expedition
  • Gray Goblin Miner (2d6+6)
  • Gray Goblin Engineer (1)
  • Gray Goblin Chief (1)
  • Gray Goblin Warrior (2d4)
  • Goblin Hound (1d2)
Equipment & Treasures
  • 234 sp (among all goblins)
  • Buckets (2d6)
  • Shovels (2d6)
  • Picks (2d6)
  • Mauls (2d6)
  • Liniment Oil (1d4 flasks): Favored by everyone with sore feet, to squires with aching shoulders, this thick oil is rubbed into the skin to ease aches and pains.
  • Chalk Dust (1 barrel): This dust enhances grip. However, some enterprising adventurers use it to reveal invisible foes. If an entire bag of chalk dust is thrown as a splash weapon, chalk dust reveals any invisible creatures in the impacted square for 2d4 rounds
  • Metal Burnish: This thick oil keep weapons and tools in top shape and protecting it from rust and dampness.
  • Fencing Ball: A leather ball attached to a rope, ideal training tool for warriors who want to sharpen their precision. Hung from a high branch, the goal is to stab the ball with a blunted tip, and continue to stab as it swings wildly. This tests a warrior’s reflexes against a moving target.
  • Fly Smoke: A paper packet filled with herbs and flowers, they produce thick, fragrant smoke when burned. When dropped in a fire, the smoke will keep biting insects and pests away from a campsite for several hours.
  • Goblin Rations: Enough goblin food to sustain the current expedition for a couple of months.

Gray Goblin Attitude. They are not necessarily hostile or threatening, unless attacked. It is possible to negotiate with them, but if they discover the characters have already looted the vault (Room #18) they may advocate a share of the loot and things could become complicated.

Exit (E)*. This tunnel is hundred feet long and leads to the surface.

*Note for the Dungeon Builder. Alternate access into the megadungeon.

19a. Gray Goblin Outpost

The gray goblins have assigned a couple of sentinels in this small cave to guard the entrance to their lair. They expect and fear that the skeleton warriors in Room #17 may return t hunt them down. They have heard the fighting of the characters against the skeleton warriors, and they are on alert.

Potential XP: Gray Goblin (20), Goblin Hound (1d2)

Tools & Resources

Dungeon Scrawl

100 Bits of Miscellaneous Tat to Find from Azukail Games

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