DUNGEON23 – Megadungeon Challenge – Room #14 – Level #1


The corpses of 14 Gray Goblins are lying on the floor. They bear the mark of slashing wounds.

Note on Gray Goblin. Variant of the standard goblin. Dedited to mining, better infravision, less hostile but more greedy.

Skeleton Warriors (S)

The skeleton warriors animate as described in Room#16 or if anyone manage to access the barrack. They carry a Spear, Chain Mail and Medium Shield.

  • Tactics. If at anytime two skeleton warriors manage to fight side by side they each gain a +1 bonus on Armor Class and a +1 bonus on Hit Rolls. In addition, if it happens that a skeleton has 1 hit point, it will attempt to return to its alcove to have all its hit points restored.
  • Resistance. The skeleton warriors are particularly resistants to the abilities of Turn Undead and Destroy Undead. Instead of being turned or destroyed they immediately return to their respective alcove for 1d4 rounds before animating again. Returning to the alcove does not activate the hit points restoration unless the skeleton warrior has 1 hit point.
Double Door (W)

This darkly stained 1-foot thick wooden door is covered with 8 Bronze Plates (3d12 gp) with carvings of demonic figures which are devouring, torturing or otherwise abusing various mortal races. The carvings are exquisitely rendered in great detail but are disturbing to look at.

Note for the Game Master. Good-aligned characters, or characters with strong religious belief, should insist that the carvings are defaced.

Gray Goblins Corpses

The character may search each body for stuff.

Every gray goblin carried a Military Pick and a Buckler Shield, plus the result of a 1d8 roll.

  • 1) Kidney Belt. Made from saddle leather, these belts protect the lower back and sides below the rib cage. A kidney belt may provide an armour bonus (max +1 AC) and impose a penalty (-2 Dexterity based check) due to how stiff and awkward it is.
  • 2) Dried Mushrooms. These broad, smooth mushrooms have been dried until they’ve turned dark brown. Light in weight, tough, and maybe edibles. Any non-goblin eating these mushrooms must make a saving throw to avoid being nauseated for 1d4 hours, letting aside that, they are nourishing enough to substitute a one-day standard ration.
  • 3) Rubbing Wax. These finger-long cylinders of colored wax are often used by explorers who wish to take rubbings of inscriptions found on stone walls, or doors. If
  • one of these cylinders is lit, it will burn as a candle, allowing them to pull double duty.
  • 4) Necklace with Quartz (1d6 gp). A carefully finished quartz crystal attached to a hemp-like necklace.
  • 5) Leather Cords. These cords are made from simple leather strips, and are used as utility items.
  • 6) Awl. A simple spike with a wooden handle is used for punching holes.
  • 7) Map. Contain the map of the caves the gray goblin dug so far. Careful analysis will reveal they attempted to reach Room#18 but something stopped them and they had to round that room.
    Note for the Game Master: This result may occur only once, if the roll repeats, the search is unfruitful.
  • 8) Tent. A tent with enough space for up to 6 small sized occupants, or 3 medium sized occupants.

Note for the Game Master. The putrified corpses of the goblin are indeed infected. Anytime a character search one, secretly roll a saving throw against disease to avoid the character being infected with Ghoul Fever.

Potential XP: Skeleton Warriors (10)

Tools & Resources

Dungeon Scrawl

100 Doors to Find in a Dungeon from Azukail Games

100 Bits of Miscellaneous Tat to Find from Azukail Games

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