DUNGEON23 – Megadungeon Challenge – Room #13 – Level #1


At the center of the room stand two basalt pedestal holding an Iron Box each.

On the west a huge metal Portcullis stands closed.

C (Trapdoor in Ceiling). Any character stepping on the trapdoor will activate it. Upon activation a 5 ft x 5 ft (1 square) iron cage fall on the character. The iron bars of the cage continue uninterrupted from the floor to holes in the ceiling from where they come. In addition, activating this trap also trigger the opening of the Portcullis (see below).

The Portcullis

Opening the portcullis is a hard task. There is no lever to activate it from the outside and strength, or other means, must be employed. In general, an overall score of 50 of strength is required to lift the portcullis of 1 foot, enough to let a standard humanoid (medium or smaller size) to slip through it.
Note for the GM: As soon as the portcullis is being lifted, even if not completely, the creatures inside the the Room #17 animate in 1d4+1 rounds/turns. However, if the Portcullis opens due to activation of C (Trapdoor in Ceiling), then the creatures inside Room #17 animate in 1 round.

The Pedestals and the Iron Boxes
  • Iron Box #1. It requires a picklock check (average difficulty) to open. This iron box contains the crown of a king (500 gp).
  • Iron Box #2. It requires a picklock check (average difficulty) to open. This iron box contains the crown of a queen (500 gp).

Upon removing the iron boxes from the pedestals the two secret doors (NW and NE) open immediately and two Zombies (Z) exit from the respective alcoves. The zombies are wearing what is left of regal clothings, now reduced to filthy and dirty piece of rags. It is easy to notice they once were a man and a woman.
Note for the Dungeon Builder: Consider placing clues inside one or both of the alcoves for future connections.

Potential XP: Zombie (2)

Tools & Resources

Dungeon Scrawl

100 Detailed Things to Find in a Dungeon from Azukail Games

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