DUNGEON23 – Megadungeon Challenge – Room #12 – Level #1


This room contains four cells. The air si filled with the stench of dead and putrefaction.

Door (N). This ebony door has oiled steel hinges. Although it lacks a lock, a bronze padlock with the vague shape of demonic face keeps the door locked. Opening the bronze lock requires a picklock skill check, but it can also be broken with brute force. The bronze padlock is of fine crafting (2d12 gp).
staple keeps it fastened shut.

15a. A pack of Undead Giant Rats (5d4) that had been enjoying the rest of dead body now reduced to bones and rags. The pack attacks the first character getting closer than 5 feet of the cell. The undead giant rats carry a disease very similar to the Ghoul Fever.

15b. Parts of a skeletal body are scattered around the cell, with limbs, head and torso all in separate places, none attached to each other. Sprays of old dried blood coat all the surfaces.

15c. Lying on the floor is a skeleton with its chest ripped open. The ribs have been broken, with jagged edges sticking out of the wound, and a pool of dried blood surrounds the body. Careful examination of the body will reveal that the ribs have been broken outwards, suggesting that the damage was caused by something inside the chest.

15d. This body is wrapped from head to toe in thick, wrought iron chains. Barely a single piece of the body is visible through the enwrapping chains, which
cover the corpse in an iron sheath several inches deep. By opening the cell the Chains (Animated Object) animates and attack the closest character.

Potential XP: Animated Chains* (1), Giant Undead Rats (5d4)

*count as an Animated Object

Tools & Resources

Dungeon Scrawl

100 Corpses to Find in a Dungeon from Azukail Games

100 Doors to Find in a Dungeon from Azukail Games

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