DUNGEON23 – Megadungeon Challenge – Room #11 – Level #1


The room contains four armors of different style and crafting standing on a basalt dais, each one facing the other in front of them – Armor 14a is facing Armor 14c, Armor 14b is facing Armor 14d.

The armors are clearly decorative, and not specifically made for combat situations, yet they look like of fine facture and a high quality crafting.

Note for the Game Master. At the base of each dais there is a sequence of eight symbols. The player’s can take note of each sequence by adding to their notes the respective Clue.

  • 14a. Bronze Full Plate Armor. This armor is decorated with engravings of cherries, medlars, apricots and strawberries and is wielding a Military Fork (polearm). Clue #5: Sequence of Eight Symbols.
  • 14b. Steel Full Plate Armor. This armor bears the symbol of a shining sun on the breast and is wielding a Battle Axe. Clue #6: Sequence of Eight Symbols.
  • 14c. Iron Full Plate Armor. This armor is decorated with engravings of leaves on the breast, the arms and the legs. The leaves seems to belong to various tree. The armor is wielding a two-handed sword. Clue #7: Sequence of Eight Symbols.
  • 14d. Blackened Steel Full Plate Armor. This armor is odd in any sense compared to the other three. It is a couple of feet higher and not made for a standard medium sized humanoid. Arms, shoulders and legs are spiked, and the helm depicts a demonic face. The armor is wielding a two-handed warhammer. Clue #8: Sequence of Eight Symbols.

Note for the GM. The basalt dais can be rotated and rotating the dais in the correct position unlock the revolving wall (14e). The correct position of the armors to unlock the revolving door is 14a-facing-14b, 14b-facing-14c, 14c-facing-14d and 14d-facing-14a.

14e. Revolving Wall. The revolving wall, once unlocked and opened, can be replaced to its original position with a Strength check.

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Dungeon Scrawl

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