DUNGEON23 – Megadungeon Challenge – Room #10 – Level #1


The room contains four precious tapestries of fine crafing made of silk and wool. Each tapestry measures around 25 square feet and weights enough to occupy a mule for the purpose of encumbrance. The value of each tapestry should be around 500 gp.

Note for the Game Master. At the base of each tapestry there is a sequence of eight symbols. The player’s can take note of each sequence by adding to their note the respective Clue.

  • 13a. This tapestry depicts different scenes with trees full of flowers, birds flocking in the sky. People are harvesting fruits like cherries, medlars, apricots and strawberries. Armies of humanoids are marching outside their city walls. Clue #1. Sequence of Eight Symbols.
  • 13b. This tapestry depicts farmers harvesting fields of what seems to be wheat and other cereals, the sun shines high in the sky. Armies of humanoids are fighting against an enemy which seems to be unhuman or feral in appearance, composed of beastmen and other type of demonic creatures. Clue #2. Sequence of Eight Symbols.
  • 13c. This tapestry depicts farmers sewing fields, whilst the trees are now withering and losing their leaves. The sky is cloudy and the sun remain partially hidden behind a cloud. The armies of humanoids are returning to their homes, reduced in number and and without any cavalry accompanying them. Clue #3. Sequence of Eight Symbols.
  • 13d. This tapestry depicits a dark sky, filled with cloud and with snow falling from the sky. Thunders and rain also is abundant, whilst the fields and the tree seems to be rotting and dying. People are dead or dying everywhere in the fields, while cities are burning and falling under the siege of horrific creatures. The curious detail about this tapestry is the different crafting, which clearly differs fromt he previous three. A close examination reveals hairs have been sewed over a humanoid skin, of which the whole tapestry is made of. Clue #4. Sequence of Eight Symbols.

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