On the subject of Dwarves gives you a fresh look at an older ttrpg race and breathes new life (amongst other things) into the race. This book though it is only 52 pages long is packed with content that is all dwarf-related.
From a new class to racial feats, traits and drawbacks as well as new types of dwarves this should sate the appetite for the moment. A little bit more about it can be read below if you are interested in such an endeavor.
On the Subject of Dwarves Has four racially different styles of dwarves to read about. From the Dwelves which are an alternate take on an elf/dwarf hybrid to the mechanistic dwarves who are lawful in the extreme.
These two are followed by true dwarves who some believe to be progenitors of the classic dwarves and lastly they are followed by the chaos dwarves who are Very different from your typical dwarf.

After reading up on the different races and their histories above, there is a section of racial traits and drawbacks that can be selected to further customize your unique dwarven adventurer. I think that it fits them pretty well.
The next section is on feats and is quite a little smorgasbord. It has 22 new feats for your characters. a good number of them can be taken by any dwarf and the rest are fairly specific to the races detailed previously. They range in effect from making some of their innate abilities more powerful to gaining a companion and even some pertaining to mining and exploration.
The last section has a nice version of a miner class in it which is a full base class suitable for player characters. For those who grew up in the Underhill of the earth and aspire to be the best this will allow them to be the best miner that they could be. This class could be taken by any race but was intended originally for dwarves.
If you do decide to purchase this pdf I sincerely hope that you enjoy it and if you have any questions, comments, or critiques you are welcome to leave them on the drivethrurpg page or message me there.
On the Subject of Dwarves