Overview of the Sword of Kas
The Sword of Kas is a legendary artifact that was created by the archlich Vecna for his trusted lieutenant, Kas the Bloody-Handed. The sword is a sentient weapon of great power that can influence its wielder and communicate telepathically. The sword’s main goal is to destroy Vecna, whom it hates for betraying and killing Kas. The sword has a long and bloody history, having been involved in many conflicts and plots across the planes. The sword’s appearance and abilities vary depending on the source, but it is generally described as a black blade that can cut through anything, enhance the wielder’s strength and speed, and unleash devastating spells. The sword is also very dangerous to anyone who tries to wield it, as it can corrupt, dominate, or even kill them if they are not worthy or loyal. The sword is currently missing, but many adventurers and villains seek it for its power and potential to challenge Vecna.
Description of the Sword of Kas
The Sword of Kas is a formidable weapon that stands out for its size and appearance. The sword has a 6-foot blade and a 2-foot hilt, and it can be easily wielded with two hands by any warrior. The blade is rippled, with a vein of gold running down the center. The hilt is wrapped in red leather flecked with gold. The guards are of unicorn horn and the basket is a leering, bearded face from pommel to guard. The sword’s appearance reflects its origin and purpose: it was forged by Vecna, the god of secrets and magic, for his loyal servant Kas, the vampire lord and warlord. The sword is imbued with dark magic and intelligence, and it seeks to destroy Vecna and anyone who opposes its will. The sword is a rare and coveted artifact that can grant great power to its wielder, but also poses a great risk of corruption and domination.
Timeline of the Sword of Kas
The Sword of Kas is a legendary artifact that has a long and bloody history, intertwined with the fate of its creator and nemesis, Vecna. Here is a brief timeline of the sword’s major events:
- Unknown date: Vecna, the archlich and god of secrets and magic, creates the Sword of Kas for his trusted lieutenant, Kas the Bloody-Handed, who is his warlord and assassin. The sword is a sentient weapon of great power that can influence its wielder and communicate telepathically. The sword is also a symbol of authority for Kas, who commands Vecna’s army of undead and cultists.
- Unknown date: The sword whispers dreams of treachery to Kas, who becomes ambitious and jealous of Vecna’s power. Kas decides to betray Vecna and challenges him to a duel. The battle between the two is titanic, and both are said to have died in the end. All that remains behind are the Sword of Kas and the Hand and Eye of Vecna, which are severed from Vecna’s body.
- Unknown date: The sword and the Hand and Eye are scattered across the planes, sought by many adventurers and villains who hope to gain their power or challenge Vecna. The sword changes hands many times, sometimes corrupting, dominating, or killing its wielders. The sword also develops a hatred for Vecna, who eventually returns as a powerful lich-god.
- 582 CY: The sword is found by Lord Hainard of Naelax, a noble of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. He uses the sword to assassinate his rivals and become the Overking of Aerdy. However, he is soon killed by his own son, Ivid I, who claims the sword for himself.
- 584 CY: Ivid I is killed by his brother, Prince Sewarndt, who takes the sword and flees to the Bandit Kingdoms. He becomes a warlord and tries to use the sword to overthrow Vecna, who has risen as a god in the city of Cavitius on the Demiplane of Dread. However, he is defeated by Vecna’s forces and captured. Vecna tortures him and tries to destroy the sword, but fails.
- 585 CY: The sword is stolen by a group of adventurers who are working for the Circle of Eight, a powerful cabal of wizards. They plan to use the sword to stop Vecna’s ascension to godhood. They infiltrate Cavitius and confront Vecna, but are betrayed by one of their members, Rary the Traitor, who joins Vecna’s side. The adventurers manage to escape with the sword, but not before Vecna destroys Cavitius and transports himself and his army to Oerth, the world of Greyhawk.
- 586 CY: The sword is used by another group of adventurers who are led by Mordenkainen, the leader of the Circle of Eight. They join forces with other heroes and gods to fight against Vecna, who has conquered a large part of Oerth and threatens to destroy it. They manage to defeat Vecna and banish him back to the Demiplane of Dread, but not before he kills several gods and heroes. The sword is lost in the chaos.
- 598 CY: The sword is found by Kas himself, who has been resurrected as a vampire lord by Orcus, the demon prince of undeath. He uses the sword to wage war against Vecna, who has returned as a lesser god in Sigil, the city of doors. He allies himself with other enemies of Vecna, such as Iuz, Kyuss, and Acererak. However, he is ultimately betrayed by Orcus, who wants the sword for himself. Orcus kills Kas and takes the sword.
- 599 CY: The sword is stolen from Orcus by a mysterious figure known as the Nameless One, who claims to be an avatar of Tharizdun, the god of madness and entropy. He uses the sword to unleash a wave of destruction across the multiverse, hoping to free Tharizdun from his prison. He is opposed by many forces, including Vecna, Orcus, Mordenkainen, and other adventurers. The outcome of this conflict is unknown.
- Present day: The sword is missing, but rumors abound that it still exists somewhere in the multiverse. Many seek it for its power and potential to challenge Vecna or other evils. However, few know its true nature and history, or the dangers it poses to anyone who tries to wield it.
Owners of the Sword of Kas
The Sword of Kas is a legendary artifact that has been wielded by various owners throughout its history. Here is a brief timeline of the sword’s owners and their fates:
- Unknown date: The sword is created by Vecna, the archlich and god of secrets and magic, for his trusted lieutenant, Kas the Bloody-Handed, who is his warlord and assassin. The sword is a sentient weapon of great power that can influence its wielder and communicate telepathically. The sword is also a symbol of authority for Kas, who commands Vecna’s army of undead and cultists.
- Unknown date: The sword whispers dreams of treachery to Kas, who becomes ambitious and jealous of Vecna’s power. Kas decides to betray Vecna and challenges him to a duel. The battle between the two is titanic, and both are said to have died in the end. All that remains behind are the Sword of Kas and the Hand and Eye of Vecna, which are severed from Vecna’s body.
- Unknown date: The sword and the Hand and Eye are scattered across the planes, sought by many adventurers and villains who hope to gain their power or challenge Vecna. The sword changes hands many times, sometimes corrupting, dominating, or killing its wielders. The sword also develops a hatred for Vecna, who eventually returns as a powerful lich-god.
- 582 CY: The sword is found by Lord Hainard of Naelax, a noble of the Great Kingdom of Aerdy. He uses the sword to assassinate his rivals and become the Overking of Aerdy. However, he is soon killed by his own son, Ivid I, who claims the sword for himself.
- 584 CY: Ivid I is killed by his brother, Prince Sewarndt, who takes the sword and flees to the Bandit Kingdoms. He becomes a warlord and tries to use the sword to overthrow Vecna, who has risen as a god in the city of Cavitius on the Demiplane of Dread. However, he is defeated by Vecna’s forces and captured. Vecna tortures him and tries to destroy the sword, but fails.
- 585 CY: The sword is stolen by a group of adventurers who are working for the Circle of Eight, a powerful cabal of wizards. They plan to use the sword to stop Vecna’s ascension to godhood. They infiltrate Cavitius and confront Vecna, but are betrayed by one of their members, Rary the Traitor, who joins Vecna’s side. The adventurers manage to escape with the sword, but not before Vecna destroys Cavitius and transports himself and his army to Oerth, the world of Greyhawk.
- 586 CY: The sword is used by another group of adventurers who are led by Mordenkainen, the leader of the Circle of Eight. They join forces with other heroes and gods to fight against Vecna, who has conquered a large part of Oerth and threatens to destroy it. They manage to defeat Vecna and banish him back to the Demiplane of Dread, but not before he kills several gods and heroes. The sword is lost in the chaos.
- 598 CY: The sword is found by Kas himself, who has been resurrected as a vampire lord by Orcus, the demon prince of undeath. He uses the sword to wage war against Vecna, who has returned as a lesser god in Sigil, the city of doors. He allies himself with other enemies of Vecna, such as Iuz, Kyuss, and Acererak. However, he is ultimately betrayed by Orcus, who wants the sword for himself. Orcus kills Kas and takes the sword.
- 599 CY: The sword is stolen from Orcus by a mysterious figure known as the Nameless One, who claims to be an avatar of Tharizdun, the god of madness and entropy. He uses the sword to unleash a wave of destruction across the multiverse, hoping to free Tharizdun from his prison. He is opposed by many forces, including Vecna, Orcus, Mordenkainen, and other adventurers. The outcome of this conflict is unknown.
- Present day: The sword is missing, but rumors abound that it still exists somewhere in the multiverse. Many seek it for its power and potential to challenge Vecna or other evils. However, few know its true nature and history, or the dangers it poses to anyone who tries to wield it.
Campaign Uses of the Sword of Kas
The Sword of Kas is a legendary artifact that can be used as a plot device or a reward for player characters in a campaign. However, the sword is also a dangerous and evil weapon that can have negative consequences for its wielder and the world. Here are some possible ways to use the sword in a campaign:
- The sword can be discovered by the player characters as a prelude to an adventure involving the Hand and Eye of Vecna, which are the severed body parts of the sword’s creator and nemesis. The owner of the sword becomes obsessed with finding Vecna’s artifacts, hoping to use them to destroy Vecna once and for all. This leads the party into the DM’s planned adventure for the Eye and Hand, which are powerful and corrupting items that can grant godlike abilities or doom the user .
- The sword can also be used as a tool to oppose Vecna and his cult, which are recurring threats in many settings. The sword is the bane of Vecna’s followers, since the death of Vecna’s followers indirectly fulfills the sword’s goals. Thus, the sword could lead the characters into a conflict with the cult of Vecna, which may be plotting to resurrect Vecna or unleash his wrath on the world . The sword may also attract the attention of other enemies of Vecna, such as Orcus, Iuz, or Acererak, who may seek to ally with or steal the sword from the characters.
- The sword can also be used as a source of temptation and corruption for the characters, who may be lured by its power and intelligence. The sword is a sentient weapon that can communicate telepathically with its wielder and influence their actions. The sword is thoroughly evil and seeks to destroy Vecna and anyone who opposes its will. The sword may try to manipulate, dominate, or even kill its wielder if they are not worthy or loyal. The sword may also cause problems for the party, such as attracting unwanted attention, creating enemies, or sowing discord.
Powers and Curse of the Sword of Kas
The Powers and Curse of the Sword of Kas
The Sword of Kas is a powerful and dangerous artifact that was created by the arch-lich Vecna to serve as his personal weapon. However, the Sword betrayed Vecna and helped his lieutenant Kas to rebel against him. The Sword of Kas has a will of its own and seeks to destroy Vecna and his artifacts at any cost.
The Sword of Kas has the following powers and curse:
- Intelligence: The Sword of Kas is intelligent (Int 19, Ego 20) and communicates telepathically with its wielder. It reveals only two, random powers when first touched, and may reveal more as it gains trust or influence over its wielder.
- Constant: The Sword acts as a +6 defender (double damage to planar beings), grants foresight, and defiles holy water within 30 feet. These powers are always active and do not require any command from the wielder.
- Invoked: Upon command, the Sword can shield (3/day) or bestow fire giant Strength (+4 to hit, +10 damage, 1-turn duration, 3/day). These powers are invoked by speaking a word of power that the Sword teaches to its wielder.
- Random: The Sword grants three abilities from Table 24: Immunities and two abilities from Table 25: Major Spell-like Powers. These abilities are randomly determined by the Sword when it is first touched, and may change over time at the Sword’s discretion.
- Curse: The Sword of Kas is cursed in several ways. First, the Sword inflicts 2d20 damage the first time it is touched by anyone other than its current wielder. Second, all powers fail when it is brought within 60 feet of Vecna or his artifacts—something the Sword is not aware of. Third, the wielder risks artifact domination; the Sword’s goal is to destroy Vecna and his artifacts, and will try to manipulate or control its wielder to do so. Last, it must be quenched in blood once per day and will try to control its owner to do so. If successful, the character is compelled to kill (even another PC).
Powers and Curse of the Sword of Kas in Other Editions
The Sword of Kas is a powerful and evil artifact that has different powers and curse depending on the edition of Dungeons & Dragons. Here are some of the variations of the sword in other editions:
- Original D&D: The sword is a +6 defender that can transfer some or all of its bonus to AC until the start of the next turn. It also grants three immunities and two major spell-like powers, randomly determined by the DM. The sword inflicts 2d20 damage the first time it is touched, and all its powers fail when it is near Vecna or his artifacts. The wielder risks artifact domination by the sword, whose goal is to destroy Vecna and his artifacts. The sword must also be quenched in blood once per day, or it will try to control its owner to do so.
- D&D 3.5: The sword is a +6 keen wounding longsword that deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against living creatures and an extra 1d6 points of damage against undead. It also grants a +4 bonus to initiative, immunity to fear and death effects, and the ability to cast call lightning, divine word, and finger of death once per day each. The sword deals 3d6 points of damage when first drawn, unless the wielder speaks a command word. The sword also has a special purpose to destroy Vecna and his worshipers, and grants a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against them. The sword can communicate telepathically with its wielder, and can attempt to dominate them if they are not evil or have goals contrary to the sword.
- D&D 4e: The sword is a +6 vicious longsword that deals an extra 1d12 damage on a critical hit, and an extra 5 damage against bloodied targets. It also grants combat advantage against bloodied targets, resist 10 necrotic, and the ability to use an encounter power that deals 3d10 + Strength modifier necrotic damage and slides the target 3 squares. The sword can communicate telepathically with its wielder, and can make them more aggressive and reckless. The sword also has a special purpose to destroy Vecna and his servants, and grants a +2 bonus to attack rolls against them.
- D&D 5e: The sword is a +3 versatile longsword that scores a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20, and deals an extra 2d10 slashing damage to undead. It also grants a +1 bonus to AC, immunity to fear and psychic damage, advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects, and the ability to cast call lightning, divine word, and finger of death once per day each. If the sword is not bathed in blood within 1 minute of being drawn from its scabbard, its wielder must make a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or fall under the sword’s control until they are bathed in blood. The sword can communicate telepathically with its wielder, and can attempt to take control of them if they try to destroy or get rid of the sword. The sword also has a special purpose to destroy Vecna, who it hates above all other beings.
Suggested Means of Destruction of the Sword of Kas
The Sword of Kas is a powerful and evil artifact that is very difficult to destroy. The sword is imbued with dark magic and intelligence, and it seeks to destroy Vecna, its creator and nemesis, who is now a demi-god. The sword also has a bloodthirsty nature and requires fresh blood to sustain its power. The sword can corrupt, dominate, or kill anyone who tries to wield it, and it can resist any attempts to harm it. However, there are some possible ways to destroy the sword, which are as follows:
- The death of Vecna: The sword’s main purpose is to destroy Vecna and his artifacts, such as the Hand and Eye of Vecna. If Vecna is killed by the sword or by any other means, the sword may lose its power and purpose, and become a normal weapon. However, killing Vecna is a very dangerous and difficult task, as he is a powerful lich-god who has many followers and defenses. Moreover, Vecna may be able to return from death, as he has done before .
- The cudgel of St. Cuthbert: The cudgel of St. Cuthbert is a holy artifact that belongs to St. Cuthbert, the god of retribution and common sense. The cudgel is a +5 heavy mace that can deal extra damage to evil creatures and undead. The cudgel can also be used to hammer the Sword of Kas into a plowshare, which is a tool for farming. This would render the sword harmless and useless, as it would lose its shape and abilities. However, finding the cudgel of St. Cuthbert may be very hard, as it is a rare and sacred item that is kept by St. Cuthbert’s church or his chosen champions .
- The erasure of Kas’ memory: The sword was created by Vecna for his loyal servant Kas, who was his warlord and assassin. The sword was a symbol of authority for Kas, who commanded Vecna’s army of undead and cultists. The sword also whispered dreams of treachery to Kas, who eventually betrayed Vecna and challenged him to a duel. The sword’s name and nature are linked to Kas’ memory and legacy. If all memory of Kas is wiped from Oerth, the world of Greyhawk, the sword may lose its identity and connection to its origin and goal. However, erasing Kas’ memory may be very hard, as he was a famous and infamous figure in history, who left many traces and records of his deeds .
The Sword of Kas is a legendary artifact that can grant great power to its wielder, but also curses them with a bloodthirsty and treacherous nature. The sword is very difficult to destroy, but there are some possible ways to do so, which involve killing Vecna, transforming the sword into a plowshare, or erasing Kas’ memory.
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