Introduction: What is the Seal of Jafar al-Samal?
The Seal of Jafar al-Samal is one of the most powerful and mysterious artifacts in the world of Zakhara, the land of fate. It is a 3-foot-tall golden jar containing four gen that correspond to the four elements: fire, water, earth, and air. The vessel is sealed with lead and inscribed with a silver talisman bearing Jafar’s name. This item is found only in Zakhara, and its origins and purpose are shrouded in legend.
The Seal of Jafar al-Samal is named after Jafar al-Samal, a legendary sorcerer-king who ruled over a vast empire in ancient times. He was said to be a master of elemental magic, and he used the gen in the jar to perform incredible feats and miracles. He was also feared and respected for his wisdom and justice, and he was known as the “King of Kings” among his subjects.
However, Jafar’s reign came to an abrupt end when he mysteriously disappeared, along with his jar and his palace. Some say he ascended to the heavens, while others say he was cursed by fate or by his enemies. No one knows for sure what happened to him or his artifact, but many have sought to find them and uncover their secrets.
The Seal of Jafar al-Samal has been the object of many quests and adventures throughout history. It has been rumored to be hidden in various places, such as ancient tombs, forgotten ruins, or secret vaults. It has also been claimed by various factions, such as powerful sultans, ambitious wizards, or fanatical cults. It has been the source of many conflicts and wars, as well as many wonders and miracles.
The Seal of Jafar al-Samal is more than just a jar with four gen. It is a symbol of power, mystery, and destiny. It is a legacy of a legendary king who shaped the history of Zakhara. It is a challenge for those who seek to unravel its secrets and harness its power. It is the Seal of Jafar al-Samal.

History: How the Seal of Jafar al-Samal Came to Be and What Happened to It
The Seal of Jafar al-Samal has a long and fascinating history that spans many ages and events. Here is a timeline of the major milestones in the history of the artifact:
- The Creation of the Seal: Jafar al-Samal, also known as Jafar the Incomparable, was the first sha’ir, a wizard who could summon and command gen. He made the Seal in a distant age, when the four genie lords (the rulers of the four elemental planes) grew jealous of his power and sent an army to harass the people of Zakhara. Jafar used his magic to capture four gen, one from each element, and imprison them in a golden jar. He then sealed the jar with lead and inscribed it with a silver talisman bearing his name. While the Seal was in his hands, the genies obeyed all men perforce, much as the dao now serve all yak-men, and Zakhara enjoyed a golden age.
- The Disappearance of Jafar: Jafar al-Samal ruled over a vast empire as the King of Kings, and he was revered for his wisdom and justice. He also performed many wonders and miracles with the help of the Seal, such as creating oases, healing diseases, and granting wishes. However, one day, he mysteriously disappeared, along with his jar and his palace. Some say he ascended to the heavens, while others say he was cursed by fate or by his enemies. No one knows for sure what happened to him or his artifact.
- The Quarrel of the Students: After Jafar’s disappearance, his foolish students quarreled over the Seal. They each claimed to be his rightful heir and successor, and they tried to seize the jar by force or by trickery. While they squabbled, their own gen united against them, stole the jar, and hid it somewhere in Zakhara. The students never found it again, and they eventually died or went mad.
- The Quests for the Seal: Since then, the Seal of Jafar al-Samal has been the object of many quests and adventures throughout history. It has been rumored to be hidden in various places, such as ancient tombs, forgotten ruins, or secret vaults. It has also been claimed by various factions, such as powerful sultans, ambitious wizards, or fanatical cults. It has been the source of many conflicts and wars, as well as many wonders and miracles. However, no one has ever been able to prove that they have found or possessed the Seal, and its true location and status remain unknown.
This is a brief overview of the history of the Seal of Jafar al-Samal. There are many more stories and legends about this legendary artifact that have been passed down from generation to generation. The Seal of Jafar al-Samal is a part of Zakhara’s heritage and culture, and it continues to inspire curiosity and awe among those who seek to unravel its secrets and harness its power.
Owners: Who Possessed the Seal of Jafar al-Samal and What Did They Do With It?
The Seal of Jafar al-Samal has changed hands many times throughout history, and each owner has left a mark on the history of Zakhara and the world. Here is a timeline of the known owners of the artifact and their deeds:
- Jafar al-Samal: The first and most famous owner of the Seal was Jafar al-Samal, the first sha’ir and the creator of the artifact. He made the Seal in a distant age, when the four genie lords sent an army to invade Zakhara. He captured four gen, one from each element, and imprisoned them in a golden jar. He then used the Seal to subjugate all genies to the will of the Zakharans, and ushered in a golden age of peace and prosperity. He ruled as the King of Kings, and performed many wonders and miracles with the help of the Seal. However, he mysteriously disappeared, along with his jar and his palace, and no one knows what happened to him or his artifact.
- The Students of Jafar: After Jafar’s disappearance, his foolish students quarreled over the Seal. They each claimed to be his rightful heir and successor, and they tried to seize the jar by force or by trickery. They also abused the power of the Seal, and caused much chaos and destruction in Zakhara. While they squabbled, their own gen united against them, stole the jar, and hid it somewhere in Zakhara. The students never found it again, and they eventually died or went mad.
- The Sultan of Al-Badia: Centuries later, the Seal was discovered by a nomadic tribe in Al-Badia, the desert region of Zakhara. The tribe’s leader, who became known as the Sultan of Al-Badia, claimed the Seal as his own, and used it to unite the nomads under his rule. He also used the Seal to create oases, wells, and gardens in the desert, and to fend off any invaders or enemies. He became a benevolent and respected ruler, and his tribe prospered under his guidance. However, he also became paranoid and secretive about his artifact, and he hid it in a secret vault under his tent.
- The Thief of Al-Badia: One night, a daring thief managed to sneak into the Sultan’s tent, and stole the Seal from his vault. The thief was a young woman who had heard rumors about the artifact, and wanted to see it for herself. She was amazed by the beauty and power of the jar, and she decided to keep it for herself. She fled from Al-Badia with the Seal, and traveled across Zakhara in search of adventure. She used the Seal to summon and command genies, and to perform various feats of magic. She also used the Seal to help those in need, or to trick those who deserved it. She became known as the Thief of Al-Badia, a legendary figure who eluded capture by anyone who pursued her.
- The Wizard of Huzuz: The Thief of Al-Badia eventually met her match in Huzuz, the City of Delights. There, she encountered a powerful wizard who had learned about the Seal from ancient texts. He recognized the artifact when he saw it in her possession, and he challenged her to a duel of magic. The wizard was more skilled than the thief, and he managed to defeat her and take the Seal from her. He then fled from Huzuz with the artifact, and locked himself in his tower. He studied the Seal for many years, trying to unlock its secrets and increase his power. He also experimented with different ways of using the Seal’s elemental powers.
- The Cult of Jafar: The Wizard of Huzuz was not able to enjoy his prize for long. His tower was attacked by a fanatical cult that worshipped Jafar al-Samal as a god. The cult had been searching for the Seal for decades, believing that it was a sacred relic that belonged only to Jafar’s followers. They stormed into the wizard’s tower, killed him, and took the Seal from him. They then brought it to their hidden temple in Zakhara’s mountains. There, they performed rituals and ceremonies with the artifact, hoping to communicate with Jafar or summon him back to life.
- The Unknown Owner: The last known owner of the Seal was an unknown person who infiltrated the cult’s temple and stole the artifact from them. This person was never identified or caught, and their motives for taking the Seal were never revealed. They disappeared with the artifact without leaving any trace or clue behind.
This is a summary of the owners of the Seal of Jafar al-Samal and their actions with it. There may be more owners that have not been recorded or discovered, or more events that have not been reported or remembered. The Seal of Jafar al-Samal is a mysterious and elusive artifact that has influenced the history of Zakhara and the world in many ways. It is a treasure that many seek, but few find. It is a challenge that many face, but few overcome. It is the Seal of Jafar al-Samal.
Campaign: How to Use the Seal of Jafar al-Samal in Your Adventures
The Seal of Jafar al-Samal is a powerful and dangerous artifact that can have a major impact on your campaign. It can be used as a plot device, a reward, a challenge, or a complication for your players. Here are some possible ways to use the Seal of Jafar al-Samal in your adventures:
- The Quest for the Seal: The Seal of Jafar al-Samal is hidden by the genies and is almost impossible to find—it is protected by guardian and slayer genies somewhere on the rim of the world. However, your players may have a reason to seek it out, such as a prophecy, a clue, a request, or a curiosity. You can design a series of challenges and encounters that test their skills, courage, and luck as they try to locate and obtain the artifact. You can also introduce rivals or enemies who are also after the Seal, such as other adventurers, sultans, wizards, or cults. The quest for the Seal can be a long and epic adventure that spans across Zakhara and beyond.
- The Power of the Seal: The Seal of Jafar al-Samal grants unprecedented power over the four genie lords (to make them cooperate, for instance). Your players may want to use the Seal for their own purposes, such as fulfilling their wishes, solving their problems, or achieving their goals. You can allow them to use the Seal’s powers, but with some limitations and consequences. For example, you can limit the number of times they can use the Seal per day, or make them roll dice to determine the outcome of their wishes. You can also make them face the wrath of the genies, who will try to reclaim the Seal or punish its owner. You can also make them deal with the moral and ethical dilemmas of using such power, such as how it affects their alignment, reputation, or relationships.
- The Trouble with the Seal: The Seal of Jafar al-Samal is not only a boon, but also a curse. It attracts trouble and danger from all sides. All sha’irs will become the enemy of the owner, as they covet the Seal and fear any other who has its power. As soon as any of its powers are invoked, all genies are aware that it has a new owner, though they do not know where it is. Characters should soon have their hands full just trying to hang onto the Seal. You can use the Seal as a source of conflict and complication for your players. You can make them face attacks, threats, traps, or betrayals from those who want to take the Seal from them. You can also make them face difficult choices and trade-offs between keeping the Seal or giving it up.
- The Fate of the Seal: The Seal of Jafar al-Samal is best removed from the campaign once the need for it has passed. The easiest method to accomplish this is to allow the genies to recover the Seal. If the characters covet it, the task of getting the Seal away from them becomes an adventure in itself. And when the genies regain the Seal, it will be hidden far from mortal eyes. You can use this as a way to end your adventure or campaign involving the Seal. You can make it a dramatic and memorable finale that involves a final confrontation with the genies or their agents. You can also make it a bittersweet farewell that involves giving up something precious for something greater.
These are some suggestions on how to use the Seal of Jafar al-Samal in your campaign. You can modify or adapt them according to your own preferences and style. The Seal of Jafar al-Samal is a versatile and intriguing artifact that can add flavor and excitement to your adventures. It is a legacy of a legendary king who shaped the history of Zakhara. It is a challenge for those who seek to unravel its secrets and harness its power. It is the Seal of Jafar al-Samal.
Powers and Curse: What the Seal of Jafar al-Samal Can Do and What It Costs
The Seal of Jafar al-Samal is a potent artifact that grants its owner incredible abilities and advantages, but also comes with a heavy price and peril. Here are the main features of the Seal’s powers and curse:
- Constant: The Seal’s owner gains the abilities of a sha’ir at a level equal to his own in any other class, and sha’ir gain an additional four levels. This means that the owner can summon and command gen, cast spells from any school of magic, and access the elemental planes. The Seal also functions as a protection from genies scroll; no genie can ever destroy the Seal or harm the owner of the Seal. This makes the owner immune to any direct attacks or effects from genies, such as spells, breath weapons, or physical blows.
- Invoked: The owner can demand three services (not wishes) of a number of genies not to exceed the owner’s Wisdom score. This means that the owner can compel genies to do his bidding, such as performing tasks, granting information, or providing assistance. However, the services must be within the power and nature of the genies, and they cannot violate their alignment or loyalty. For example, a djinni cannot be forced to kill an innocent person, and a marid cannot be forced to betray its sultan.
- Random: The Seal has one power each from Tables 17-20: Elemental Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. These are special abilities that relate to the four elements, such as creating storms, earthquakes, fireballs, or floods. The powers are randomly determined by rolling dice on the tables, and they can be used once per day each. The powers can be used for offensive or defensive purposes, but they also have side effects and risks that vary depending on the element.
- Curse: Whenever the owner demands a service from a genie, he must roll a successful Charisma check or the genie is unmoved. Furthermore, successfully commanded genies loathe their masters, and although they cannot harm them, they will work indirectly against the mortal. Misfortune and woe follow the owner of the Seal—strange accidents and coincidences caused by vengeful genies. For example, a bridge may collapse under the owner’s feet, a fire may break out in his tent, or a scorpion may sting him in his sleep. The curse also affects the owner’s reputation and relationships, as he becomes hated and feared by other sha’irs and genies.
These are the powers and curse of the Seal of Jafar al-Samal. They are a double-edged sword that can bring glory or doom to its owner. They are a test of wisdom and willpower that can reveal one’s true character. They are the powers and curse of the Seal of Jafar al-Samal.
Powers and Curse: How the Seal of Jafar al-Samal Works in Other D&D Editions
The Seal of Jafar al-Samal is a powerful and dangerous artifact that was originally created for the Al-Qadim setting in the AD&D 2nd edition. However, it can also be adapted and used in other D&D editions, with some modifications and adjustments. Here are some possible ways to convert the Seal’s powers and curse to other editions:
- 3rd Edition: The Seal of Jafar al-Samal can be treated as a unique wondrous item that grants its owner the abilities of a sha’ir at a level equal to their own level in any other class, and sha’irs gain an additional four levels. This means that the owner can summon and command gen, cast spells from any school of magic, and access the elemental planes. The owner can also use the Seal to cast protection from genies as a 1st-level spell at will, affecting only genies. The owner can also use the Seal to cast planar ally as a 6th-level spell once per day, summoning a genie of their choice. However, the genie summoned by this effect is not friendly or cooperative, and requires a successful Charisma check to be persuaded to perform a service (not a wish). The owner can also use the Seal to cast one spell of each level from 1st to 4th, chosen from the following list: air walk, burning hands, control water, earth tremor, fire shield, gust of wind, ice storm, levitate, meld into stone, produce flame, shape water, wall of fire, wall of ice, wind wall. Each spell can be cast once per day. The curse of the Seal is that whenever the owner uses any of its powers (except for protection from genies), all genies within 100 miles become aware of their location and identity, and become hostile towards them. Additionally, all sha’irs within 100 miles become aware of their possession of the Seal and covet it. The owner also suffers from bad luck and misfortune caused by vengeful genies, such as accidents, traps, or curses.
- 4th Edition: The Seal of Jafar al-Samal can be treated as a unique artifact that requires concordance by a creature that can use arcane powers. The concordant creature gains the abilities of a sha’ir at a level equal to their own level, and sha’irs gain an additional four levels. The concordant creature can also use the Seal to gain resist 10 against damage from genies. The concordant creature can also use the Seal to perform three rituals per day without expending components: Planar Portal (to summon a genie), Elemental Boon (to gain an elemental power), and Elemental Curse (to afflict an enemy with an elemental effect). However, the genie summoned by Planar Portal is not friendly or cooperative, and requires a successful Diplomacy check to be persuaded to perform a service (not a wish). The curse of the Seal is that whenever the concordant creature uses any of its powers (except for resist damage), all genies within 100 miles become aware of their location and identity, and become hostile towards them. Additionally, all sha’irs within 100 miles become aware of their possession of the Seal and covet it. The concordant creature also suffers from bad luck and misfortune caused by vengeful genies, such as accidents, traps, or curses.
- 5th Edition: The Seal of Jafar al-Samal can be treated as a unique legendary item that requires attunement by a creature that can cast spells. The attuned creature gains the abilities of a sha’ir at a level equal to their own spellcasting level, and sha’irs gain an additional four levels. The attuned creature can also use the Seal to cast protection from evil and good as a 1st-level spell at will, affecting only genies. The attuned creature can also use the Seal to cast conjure elemental as a 5th-level spell once per day, summoning a genie of their choice. However, the genie summoned by this effect is not friendly or cooperative, and requires a successful Charisma check to be persuaded to perform a service (not a wish). The attuned creature can also use the Seal to cast one spell of each level from 1st to 4th, chosen from the following list: burning hands, control water, earth tremor, fire shield, gust of wind, ice storm, levitate, meld into stone, produce flame, shape water, wall of fire, wall of ice, wind wall. Each spell can be cast once per day. The curse of the Seal is that whenever the attuned creature uses any of its powers (except for protection from evil and good), all genies within 100 miles become aware of their location and identity, and become hostile towards them. Additionally, all sha’irs within 100 miles become aware of their possession of the Seal and covet it. The attuned creature also suffers from bad luck and misfortune caused by vengeful genies, such as accidents, traps, or curses.
Destruction: How to Get Rid of the Seal of Jafar al-Samal
The Seal of Jafar al-Samal is a powerful and dangerous artifact that can have a major impact on the world. However, it is also possible to destroy it, if one is willing to pay the price and face the risks. Here are some suggested means of destruction for the Seal of Jafar al-Samal:
- The Pilgrimage of the Tortoise: The Seal must be carried by a tortoise to every shrine in Zakhara and blessed by a Moralist priest at each one. This is a long and arduous journey that requires patience, faith, and protection. The tortoise must be a living creature, not a construct or an undead, and it must be willing to carry the Seal. The shrines must be visited in a specific order, following the cycle of the seasons and the elements. The Moralist priests must be sincere and devout, and they must perform a special ritual at each shrine. The Seal will resist this process, and try to escape or corrupt the tortoise or the priests. The genies will also try to stop or sabotage this process, by sending agents, obstacles, or temptations. If the pilgrimage is completed successfully, the Seal will lose its power and crumble into dust.
- The Riddle of the Elements: The Seal must be cleansed with the breath of a soul, softened in the water of life, heated with a spark of the sun, and opened with a mountain’s heart. This is a cryptic and complex puzzle that requires intelligence, creativity, and courage. The breath of a soul is the purest form of air, which can be found in places of sanctity or enlightenment. The water of life is the source of all living things, which can be found in places of fertility or healing. The spark of the sun is the essence of fire, which can be found in places of power or glory. The mountain’s heart is the core of earth, which can be found in places of stability or mystery. The Seal must be exposed to each element in turn, in a specific way that matches its nature and symbolism. The Seal will resist this process, and try to deceive or destroy the solver or the elements. The genies will also try to prevent or interfere with this process, by sending riddles, traps, or dangers. If the riddle is solved successfully, the Seal will lose its power and shatter into pieces.
- The Sacrifice of the Forgotten God: The Seal must be placed on the brow of the Forgotten God. This is a dark and dangerous secret that requires knowledge, stealth, and sacrifice. The Forgotten God is an ancient and powerful deity that was banished from Zakhara by Jafar al-Samal long ago. He lies in a hidden tomb deep beneath the earth, guarded by ancient wards and terrible creatures. He is asleep but not dead, and he dreams of vengeance and destruction. The Seal must be brought to his tomb without alerting his guardians or awakening him. It must be placed on his brow while he sleeps, which will trigger a chain reaction that will consume both him and the Seal in a cataclysmic explosion. The Seal will resist this process, and try to awaken or warn the Forgotten God. The genies will also try to detect or stop this process, by sending spies, hunters, or assassins. If the sacrifice is made successfully, the Seal will lose its power and explode into ashes.
These are some suggested means of destruction for the Seal of Jafar al-Samal. They are not easy or safe methods, but they are possible ways to end the threat of the artifact once and for all. They are a challenge for those who seek to save Zakhara from its power. They are the destruction of the Seal of Jafar al-Samal.
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