What is the Recorder of Ye’Cind?
The Recorder of Ye’Cind is a magical musical instrument that can produce wondrous effects when played by a skilled bard. It was created by Ye’Cind, a legendary elven bard and wizard who lived in the ancient kingdom of Celene in the world of Greyhawk. The recorder is made of silver and has six finger holes and a mouthpiece. It is decorated with elven runes and intricate patterns. The recorder is said to have a mind of its own, and can communicate with its wielder telepathically. The recorder can also record and replay any sound or music it hears, making it a valuable tool for bards and spies alike. The recorder has a long and mysterious history, and many legends and rumors surround its origin and powers. Some say that Ye’Cind created it as a gift for his lover, a nymph named Liriel. Others claim that the recorder was a weapon that Ye’Cind used to fight against the evil god Vecna. Some even believe that the recorder is the key to unlocking the secrets of the Rainbow Vale, a hidden paradise where Ye’Cind and Liriel are said to dwell. The recorder is one of the most sought-after artifacts in the Greyhawk setting, and many adventurers have risked their lives to find it or steal it from its current owner. The recorder is also one of the most powerful and versatile artifacts in the game, as it can grant its wielder a range of abilities depending on their skill and creativity. The recorder can enhance the bard’s performance, cast spells, summon creatures, create illusions, manipulate emotions, and more. However, the recorder also has a will of its own, and may not always cooperate with its user. The recorder may also have a hidden agenda, or a secret connection to Ye’Cind’s fate. The recorder is a musical mystery that can inspire awe and wonder, or fear and dread, depending on who plays it and how.
How does the Recorder of Ye’Cind look like?
The Recorder of Ye’Cind is a musical instrument that resembles a recorder, a type of woodwind instrument that is played by blowing air into a mouthpiece. However, unlike a typical recorder, the Recorder of Ye’Cind is made from an 18-inch piece of hollowed-out lake reed with 10 holes drilled into it. The recorder is held vertically and played by blowing into the open end. The recorder is made of silver and has elven runes and intricate patterns engraved on its surface. The recorder also has a slight curve to its shape, giving it a more elegant and graceful appearance. The recorder is a beautiful and unique artifact that reflects the skill and artistry of its creator, Ye’Cind.
The History of the Recorder of Ye’Cind
The Recorder of Ye’Cind is an ancient artifact that has a long and fascinating history. Here is a timeline of some of the most important events related to the recorder and its creator:
- Over a century ago: Ye’Cind, an elven bard and wizard, is born in the kingdom of Celene, a land of beauty and magic. He develops a passion for music and lore, and travels throughout the world to learn and share his songs and stories. He becomes renowned as one of the greatest bards of his time.
- Twenty years before his reappearance: Ye’Cind witnesses the murder of the king of a small kingdom by his brother, who usurps the throne. Ye’Cind flees the scene, leaving behind only blood on his sheets. He goes into hiding, and begins to work on his masterpiece: a magical recorder that can record and replay any sound or music, and also produce various effects depending on the tune played. He names it the Recorder of Ye’Cind, and imbues it with part of his own intelligence and personality.
- The annual festival of life: Ye’Cind returns to the kingdom where he saw the murder, with his recorder in hand. He plays different melodies for the crowd, creating different moods and emotions. He then confronts the usurper king, and plays a tune that reveals his crime to everyone. The king is arrested, and Ye’Cind disappears again.
- Unknown date: Ye’Cind meets Liriel, a nymph who lives in the Rainbow Vale, a hidden valley of peace and harmony. They fall in love, and Ye’Cind gives her his recorder as a gift. They live happily together in the vale, away from the troubles of the world.
- Unknown date: Vecna, an evil god of secrets and magic, learns about the Rainbow Vale and its inhabitants. He covets the recorder, and sends his minions to attack the vale. Ye’Cind and Liriel fight back, using the recorder as a weapon. They manage to repel the invaders, but at a great cost: Ye’Cind is mortally wounded, and Liriel is captured by Vecna. Before he dies, Ye’Cind entrusts his recorder to a loyal friend, who escapes from the vale with it.
- Unknown date: The friend of Ye’Cind travels to various places, looking for someone who can help him rescue Liriel from Vecna. He meets several adventurers who join him in his quest. Along the way, he teaches them how to use the recorder, and shares some of Ye’Cind’s songs and stories with them.
- Unknown date: The friend of Ye’Cind and his companions reach Vecna’s fortress, where Liriel is held prisoner. They infiltrate the fortress, and face many dangers and traps. They finally reach Vecna’s throne room, where they confront him in a final battle. They use the recorder to fight against Vecna’s magic, but it is not enough: Vecna proves to be too powerful for them. He kills them all, except for one: a young bard who manages to escape with the recorder.
- Unknown date: The young bard flees from Vecna’s fortress with the recorder. He vows to honor Ye’Cind’s legacy, and to continue his quest to free Liriel from Vecna’s clutches. He also hopes to find other allies who can help him in his mission. He travels across the world, spreading Ye’Cind’s music and lore wherever he goes. He becomes known as the Keeper of the Recorder.
The Recorder of Ye’Cind is still in the possession of the Keeper, who is still looking for a way to defeat Vecna and save Liriel. The recorder is one of the most coveted artifacts in the world, as many people seek its power or its secrets. The recorder is also one of the most mysterious artifacts in the world, as no one knows its full potential or its true purpose.
The Owners of the Recorder of Ye’Cind
The Recorder of Ye’Cind is an artifact that has been in the hands of many different owners over the years. Here is a timeline of some of the most notable ones:
- Ye’Cind: The original creator and owner of the recorder. He was an elven bard and wizard who lived in Celene, a kingdom of elves in the world of Greyhawk. He made the recorder as a gift for his lover, Liriel, a nymph who lived in the Rainbow Vale. He also used the recorder as a weapon against Vecna, an evil god who sought to destroy the vale. He died defending the vale from Vecna’s attack, and entrusted his recorder to a friend.
- The Friend of Ye’Cind: A loyal companion of Ye’Cind who escaped from the Rainbow Vale with the recorder. He traveled across the world, looking for someone who could help him rescue Liriel from Vecna’s clutches. He met several adventurers who joined him in his quest, and taught them how to use the recorder. He died fighting Vecna in his fortress, and passed the recorder to a young bard.
- The Keeper of the Recorder: A young bard who inherited the recorder from the friend of Ye’Cind. He vowed to honor Ye’Cind’s legacy, and to continue his quest to free Liriel from Vecna. He also hoped to find other allies who could help him in his mission. He traveled across the world, spreading Ye’Cind’s music and lore wherever he went. He became known as the Keeper of the Recorder, and kept it hidden from those who would misuse it or steal it.
- The Thief: A rogue who stole the recorder from the Keeper while he was sleeping in an inn. He did not know what the recorder was, or how to use it. He only wanted to sell it for a high price. He was pursued by the Keeper and his friends, who tracked him down and confronted him. The thief tried to use the recorder against them, but failed miserably. The recorder did not obey him, and instead played a loud and annoying noise that attracted the attention of everyone nearby. The thief was captured by the authorities, and the recorder was returned to the Keeper.
- The Collector: A wealthy and eccentric nobleman who collected rare and exotic items from all over the world. He heard about the recorder from a rumor, and became obsessed with acquiring it. He hired a group of mercenaries to find and kidnap the Keeper, and bring him and the recorder to his mansion. He tortured the Keeper, trying to force him to reveal the secrets of the recorder. The Keeper refused to cooperate, and resisted with all his will. The collector grew frustrated and angry, and decided to kill the Keeper and take the recorder by force. However, before he could do so, he was interrupted by a group of heroes who had come to rescue the Keeper. They fought their way through the collector’s guards, and reached his chamber. They found him holding the recorder, ready to strike down the Keeper. They attacked him, but he managed to play a note on the recorder that unleashed a blast of fire that engulfed them all.
- The Survivor: A hero who survived the fire blast caused by the collector’s attempt to use the recorder. She was badly injured, but managed to crawl towards the recorder, which had fallen on the floor. She picked it up, and felt a strange connection with it. She heard a voice in her mind, that sounded like Ye’Cind’s voice. It said: “You are worthy of my gift. Use it well.” She felt a surge of energy that healed her wounds, and gave her new strength. She looked around, and saw that she was alone in the chamber. The collector, the Keeper, and her companions were all dead. She felt a mix of sadness and anger, but also hope and curiosity. She decided to take up the recorder as her own, and continue Ye’Cind’s quest to free Liriel from Vecna. She also decided to learn more about Ye’Cind’s life and legacy, and share his music and lore with others. She became known as The Survivor of Ye’Cind’s Fire.
The Recorder of Ye’Cind is still in possession of The Survivor, who is still looking for a way to defeat Vecna and save Liriel. She is also looking for other bards who can appreciate Ye’Cind’s music and lore, and join her in her mission. She is careful not to reveal her identity or location to anyone who might be after her or her artifact. She is aware that there are many dangers and enemies out there who would stop at nothing to get their hands on The Recorder of Ye’Cind.
The Powers and Curse of the Recorder of Ye’Cind
The Recorder of Ye’Cind is not only a musical instrument, but also a magical artifact that can grant its wielder various abilities and effects. However, the recorder also has a dark side, as it can also inflict a terrible curse on its user. Here are some of the powers and curse of the recorder:
- Constant: The recorder emits an ear-piercing note anytime anything of the user’s (including the recorder) is stolen within 30 feet of it. This note alerts the user of the theft, and also attracts the attention of anyone nearby. The note can only be stopped by retrieving the stolen item, or by silencing the recorder with magic or other means.
- Invoked: The recorder can be commanded to play complicated melodies upon itself. Playing a sustained G reveals a single and important truth about a subject of the user’s choosing. This truth is revealed in the form of a shimmering image, complete with visual and audial effects. The truth is usually something of profound significance in the subject’s life, although the recorder does not reveal the same image more than once for a single subject (once per day).
- Random: The recorder can also produce other effects depending on the notes played by the user. These effects are randomly chosen from two tables: Table 21: Enchantment/Charm (notes A, C, and E), and Table 26: Minor Spell-Like Powers (notes B, D, and F). These tables can be found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide 2nd edition revised (1995), page 203. The effects range from beneficial to harmful, from charming to frightening, from healing to harming. The user has no control over these effects, and must rely on their luck and skill to play the right notes at the right time.
- Curse: The recorder has a hidden curse that affects its user over time. The music of the recorder is so beautiful that the user becomes unable to hear anything except the recorder within 2d4 weeks. All of the standard penalties for deafness are suffered. The user becomes isolated from their surroundings, and obsessed with the recorder. The only way to break the curse is to destroy the recorder, or to find a powerful magic that can remove it.
The Recorder of Ye’Cind is a powerful and mysterious artifact that can inspire awe and wonder, or fear and dread, depending on who plays it and how. It is a gift and a curse, a blessing and a bane, a friend and a foe. It is a musical mystery that only the most brave and talented bards can master.
Powers and Curse of the Recorder of Ye’Cind in Other Editions
The Recorder of Ye’Cind is a powerful artifact that grants its wielder various magical abilities related to music and sound. However, it also carries a curse that affects the user’s hearing and sanity. The powers and curse of the Recorder vary slightly depending on the edition of Dungeons & Dragons.
D&D 3.5 Edition
In D&D 3.5 edition, the Recorder of Ye’Cind is a wondrous item that requires attunement by a bard. It has the following powers:
- It can play simple yet haunting tunes on command, as if using the Perform skill with a +20 bonus.
- It sounds a shrill alarm when anything within 30 feet, including itself, is stolen, as if using the Alarm spell.
- Once per day, it can create a magical vision containing clues on some topic of interest to the user, as if using the Legend Lore spell.
- It can cast the following spells at will, using the user’s caster level and save DC: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Message, Prestidigitation, and Ventriloquism.
- It can cast the following spells once per day each, using the user’s caster level and save DC: Charm Monster, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Hold Person, Hypnotism, Invisibility, Silence, Suggestion, and Zone of Truth.
The curse of the Recorder is that it gradually makes the user deaf to all sounds except those made by the Recorder itself. The user must make a DC 15 Will save every day or lose 10% of their hearing permanently. This deafness can only be cured by a Wish or Miracle spell. Additionally, the user becomes obsessed with the Recorder and its secrets, and must make a DC 20 Will save every time they try to part with it or let someone else use it.
D&D 4th Edition
In D&D 4th edition, the Recorder of Ye’Cind is an artifact that requires concordance by a bard. It has the following powers:
- It can play simple yet haunting tunes on command, granting a +5 bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks.
- It sounds a shrill alarm when anything within 30 feet, including itself, is stolen, as if using the Alarm ritual.
- Once per day, it can create a magical vision containing clues on some topic of interest to the user, as if using the Consult Mystic Sages ritual.
- It can cast the following at-will powers: Charm of Misplaced Wrath (as an encounter power), Majestic Word (as a daily power), and Vicious Mockery (as an at-will power).
- It can cast the following encounter powers: Dissonant Strain (as a daily power), Stirring Shout (as an encounter power), and Words of Friendship (as an at-will power).
- It can cast the following daily powers: Crown of Madness (as an encounter power), Song of Discord (as a daily power), and Unluck (as an encounter power).
The curse of the Recorder is that it gradually makes the user deaf to all sounds except those made by the Recorder itself. The user must make a saving throw every day or lose one healing surge permanently. This deafness and surge loss can only be cured by an epic tier Remove Affliction ritual. Additionally, the user becomes obsessed with the Recorder and its secrets, and must make a saving throw every time they try to part with it or let someone else use it.
D&D 5th Edition
In D&D 5th edition, the Recorder of Ye’Cind is a legendary item that requires attunement by a bard. It has the following powers:
- It can play simple yet haunting tunes on command, granting advantage on Charisma checks.
- It sounds a shrill alarm when anything within 30 feet, including itself, is stolen, as if using the Alarm spell.
- Once per day, it can create a magical vision containing clues on some topic of interest to the user, as if using the Legend Lore spell.
- It can cast the following spells at will, using Charisma as its spellcasting ability: Charm Person, Detect Magic, Minor Illusion, Message, Prestidigitation, and Thaumaturgy.
- It can cast the following spells once per day each, using Charisma as its spellcasting ability: Charm Monster, Clairvoyance, Dispel Magic, Hold Person, Hypnotic Pattern, Invisibility, Silence, Suggestion, and Zone of Truth.
The curse of the Recorder is that it gradually makes the user deaf to all sounds except those made by the Recorder itself. The user must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw every day or lose 10% of their hearing permanently. This deafness can only be cured by a Wish spell. Additionally, the user becomes obsessed with the Recorder and its secrets, and must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw every time they try to part with it or let someone else use it.
Suggested Means of Destruction of the Recorder of Ye’Cind
The Recorder of Ye’Cind is a very resilient artifact that can withstand most forms of damage. However, there is a legend that says it can be destroyed by following these steps:
- It must be bathed in the liquid essence of 100 windchimes. This is a rare and expensive substance that can only be obtained by melting down windchimes made of pure silver and enchanted with sonic magic. The liquid essence must be heated to a high temperature and poured over the Recorder in a ritual that lasts for an hour.
- The holes must be plugged with sovereign glue. This is a powerful adhesive that can bond anything to anything else. The glue must be applied to each of the Recorder’s seven holes, sealing them shut and preventing any sound from escaping or entering.
- It must be cast back into the lake where the reed from which it is made originally grew. This is the most difficult part, as the location of the lake is unknown and shrouded in mystery. Some say it is hidden in a remote corner of the Feywild, while others claim it is in a secret dimension accessible only by a portal that opens once every century. The lake is said to be guarded by ancient and powerful creatures that do not take kindly to intruders.
If these steps are followed correctly, the Recorder of Ye’Cind will sink into the depths of the lake and dissolve into nothingness, releasing its curse and its secrets forever. However, this is only a legend, and no one has ever confirmed if it is true or not.
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