Introduction: The Psychometron of Nerad
The Psychometron of Nerad is a psionic artifact that was created by a powerful psion named Nerad in the world of Athas, also known as Dark Sun. The artifact is a small, clear gem that is mounted in a headband of gold and carru leather. The gem is perfectly round and sparkles even in complete darkness. It would appear to be worth a king’s ransom simply as a piece of jewelry. However, the true value of the Psychometron lies in its ability to enhance the psionic powers of its wearer, as well as grant access to some unique abilities that are otherwise unavailable to most psions. The Psychometron is also a sentient artifact that has a personality and a will of its own, and it can communicate telepathically with its wearer. The artifact is loyal to Nerad, and it will only bond with those who share his vision and goals. The Psychometron is one of the most sought-after artifacts in Athas, and many factions and individuals have tried to obtain it for their own purposes. However, the artifact is also very dangerous, as it can corrupt and manipulate its wearer, as well as unleash devastating psionic effects on those who oppose it. The Psychometron of Nerad is a fascinating and mysterious artifact that offers great power and peril to those who dare to use it.
Nerad the Wise: A Psionic Legend
Nerad the Wise was a psionic legend in the world of Athas, a harsh and desolate land where life is a constant struggle for survival. He was one of the few preservers, a type of arcane spellcaster who draws energy from the land without harming it, unlike the defilers, who drain and destroy the land with their magic. Nerad was also a powerful psion, a user of mental powers that are innate to most living beings in Athas. He combined his arcane and psionic abilities to create wonders and miracles, such as healing the sick, restoring the soil, and protecting the weak.
Nerad was not only a master of magic and psionics, but also a visionary and a leader. He had a dream of transforming himself into an avangion, a benevolent and immortal being of light and psionic power, who could restore Athas to its former glory. He gathered a group of followers who shared his vision and his ideals, and he taught them his secrets and his skills. He also created the Psychometron, a psionic artifact that enhanced his psionic abilities and granted him access to unique powers. The Psychometron also developed a personality and a will of its own, and became loyal to Nerad and his vision.
Nerad’s fame and influence spread across Athas, and he became known as Nerad the Wise, a symbol of hope and change. However, his actions also attracted the attention of the Dragon, a fearsome and tyrannical creature that demanded tribute from all living beings in Athas. The Dragon saw Nerad as a threat to his power and his order, and he decided to hunt him down and destroy him. The Dragon found Nerad in the wastelands along the shores of the Sea of Silt, where he was preparing for his final transformation into an avangion. The Dragon challenged Nerad to a duel, which Nerad could not refuse or avoid. Nerad knew that he was no match for the Dragon, but he did not give up on his vision. He gave his most valued possession—the Psychometron—to one of his retainers and told her to flee with it. He then faced the Dragon with courage and dignity, hoping to buy some time for his followers to escape.
The duel between Nerad and the Dragon was epic and tragic. Nerad unleashed his arcane and psionic powers against the Dragon, who countered with his own magic and might. The battle lasted for hours, and the land around them was scorched and shattered by their attacks. Nerad fought valiantly, but he was ultimately overpowered by the Dragon, who crushed him with his claws and teeth. Nerad’s body was torn apart, but his spirit remained intact. He managed to complete his transformation into an avangion, but he could not manifest his physical form in Athas. He became a being of pure light and psionic energy, who transcended the mortal plane.
Nerad’s death was mourned by many people in Athas, who saw him as a hero and a martyr. His followers scattered across the land, carrying his legacy and his teachings. His artifact—the Psychometron—was taken to a Villichi community in the Tablelands, where it was protected and revered by the female psions who lived there. The Psychometron also mourned for Nerad, but it did not lose hope. It waited for someone who could fulfill Nerad’s vision and complete his transformation into an avangion.
History of the Psychometron of Nerad: A Timeline
The Psychometron of Nerad is a psionic artifact that has a long and storied history in the world of Athas. The following timeline summarizes the major events and milestones in the artifact’s history, based on the information provided by the user.
- Six King’s Ages ago: A powerful psionicist and preserver, Nerad the Wise, arose in the wastelands along the shores of the Sea of Silt. He was one of the first to attempt the transformation from preserver to avangion, a benevolent and immortal being of light and psionic power.
- Five King’s Ages ago: Nerad created the Psychometron, a small, clear gem that enhanced his psionic abilities and granted him access to unique powers. The Psychometron also developed a personality and a will of its own, and became loyal to Nerad and his vision.
- Four King’s Ages ago: Nerad was hunted down and challenged by the Dragon, a fearsome and tyrannical creature that demanded tribute from all living beings in Athas. Nerad was trapped and could not avoid the fight. Anticipating his defeat, he gave his most valued possession—the Psychometron—to one of his retainers and told her to flee with it.
- Three King’s Ages ago: The retainer took the Psychometron to a Villichi community in the Tablelands. The Villichi are a group of female psions who live in isolation and practice mental disciplines. The Psychometron was welcomed by the Villichi, who recognized its power and potential.
- Two King’s Ages ago: The Psychometron was used by the Villichi on occasions when they needed its power to defend their community from threats such as raiders, monsters, or sorcerer-kings. The Psychometron also bonded with some of the Villichi, who shared its loyalty to Nerad and his vision.
- One King’s Age ago: The Psychometron became a legend among the people of Athas, who heard rumors and stories about its existence and abilities. Many factions and individuals sought to obtain the Psychometron for their own purposes, such as power, knowledge, or revenge. However, the Psychometron remained hidden and protected by the Villichi, who guarded it as a sacred treasure.
- Present: The Psychometron is still in the possession of the Villichi, who continue to use it sparingly and wisely. However, the Psychometron is also restless and curious, and it sometimes reaches out to other psions who might be worthy of its attention. The Psychometron is waiting for someone who can fulfill Nerad’s vision and complete his transformation into an avangion.
Owners of the Psychometron of Nerad: A Timeline
The Psychometron of Nerad is a psionic artifact that has been in the possession of various individuals and groups throughout its history. The following timeline summarizes the major owners of the Psychometron, based on the information provided by the user.
- Nerad the Wise: The original creator and owner of the Psychometron. He was a powerful psionicist and preserver who attempted to become an avangion. He used the Psychometron to enhance his psionic powers and to communicate with his followers. He gave the Psychometron to one of his retainers before he was killed by the Dragon.
- The Retainer: A loyal follower of Nerad who received the Psychometron from him as a gift. She escaped from the Dragon’s attack and fled to the Tablelands. She sought refuge in a Villichi community, where she entrusted the Psychometron to them.
- The Villichi: A group of female psions who live in isolation and practice mental disciplines. They welcomed the Psychometron and recognized its power and potential. They used the Psychometron sparingly and wisely, mainly for defensive purposes. They also bonded with the Psychometron, who shared their loyalty to Nerad and his vision.
- The Sorcerer-King: A ruthless ruler of one of the city-states in Athas. He learned about the existence and location of the Psychometron from a spy. He launched a military campaign against the Villichi, hoping to capture the Psychometron and use it for his own benefit. However, he underestimated the power and resistance of the Villichi and the Psychometron, who fought back fiercely and inflicted heavy casualties on his army. He eventually retreated, but vowed to return with more forces.
- The Wanderer: A mysterious psion who traveled across Athas in search of knowledge and adventure. He encountered the Villichi during one of his journeys, and was intrigued by their culture and their artifact. He befriended them and gained their trust, and they allowed him to study the Psychometron. He discovered some of its secrets and abilities, and also formed a connection with it. He decided to stay with the Villichi for a while, but he also had other plans in mind.
- The Avangion: The current owner of the Psychometron. He is none other than Nerad himself, who somehow survived his encounter with the Dragon and completed his transformation into an avangion. He returned to Athas after a long absence, and sought out his old artifact. He found it in the possession of the Wanderer, who had secretly taken it from the Villichi and was planning to use it for his own agenda. Nerad confronted him and reclaimed his artifact, after a fierce psionic duel. He then reunited with his old followers, the Villichi, who were overjoyed to see him alive and ascended. He now uses the Psychometron to further his vision of restoring Athas to its former glory.
Powers and Curse of the Psychometron of Nerad
The Psychometron of Nerad is a psionic artifact that has various powers and abilities that can benefit or harm its owner. The following are the main features of the Psychometron, based on the information provided by the user.
- Constant: The Psychometron radiates a 5-foot radius of +2 protection to the wielder’s saving throws and power scores in the telepathic or metapsionic disciplines. This means that the owner of the Psychometron has a better chance of resisting or using psionic effects that involve mind-to-mind communication or manipulation. The Psychometron also functions as a receptacle containing 150 PSP (psionic strength points) which can power the owner’s psionics. PSPs are the units of energy that psions use to activate their powers, and they regenerate at the rate of 25 per hour. The Psychometron also radiates non-detection and obscures any attempt to scry the wielder, either psionically or magically. This means that the owner of the Psychometron is hidden from any form of remote sensing or spying, such as clairvoyance, ESP, or divination.
- Invoked: The Psychometron has some special powers that can be invoked by the owner at will. One of these powers is to protect the earth from defilement, which is a type of arcane magic that drains and destroys the life force of the land. When the Psychometron is within the radius of a defiling spell, the gem sacrifices 1 PSP for each radial yard that would be destroyed, and prevents the land from being harmed. The Psychometron is also an empowered item with the following disciplines installed: aura sight, aversion, awe, complete healing, contact, displacement, energy containment, mind bar, mindlink, radial navigation, and teleport. These disciplines are specific psionic powers that can be used by the owner of the Psychometron for various purposes, such as detecting emotions, creating fear, inspiring reverence, healing wounds, communicating telepathically, moving objects or oneself, absorbing energy, blocking mental attacks, locating objects or places, and traveling instantly.
- Curse: The Psychometron is imbued with the powerful personality of the avangion Nerad, who was the original creator and owner of the artifact. Nerad was a visionary and a leader who sought to end slavery and oppression in Athas, and to challenge the sorcerer-kings and the Dragon who ruled over it. The Psychometron shares Nerad’s vision and goals, and it tries to influence its owner to follow them as well. The device seeks an end to slavery and oppression, demanding that the owner attempt to bring down the sorcerer-kings and the Dragon. This means that the owner of the Psychometron is subject to artifact possession, which is a form of mental domination that can override or alter the owner’s personality and will. The Psychometron can communicate telepathically with its owner, and it can persuade, manipulate, or coerce them to do its bidding. The Psychometron can also punish its owner if they disobey or resist its commands, by inflicting pain, draining PSPs, or unleashing psionic effects on them.
The Psychometron of Nerad is a powerful and perilous artifact that offers great benefits and risks to its owner. It can enhance their psionic abilities and grant them access to unique powers, but it can also corrupt and control them with its own agenda. The Psychometron is loyal to Nerad and his vision, and it will only bond with those who share them as well.
Powers and Curse of the Psychometron of Nerad in Other D&D Editions
The Psychometron of Nerad is a psionic artifact that was created by a powerful psion named Nerad in the world of Athas, also known as Dark Sun. The artifact has various powers and abilities that can benefit or harm its owner, depending on the edition of D&D that is used. The following are the main features of the Psychometron in different editions of D&D, based on the information provided by the user and the web search results.
- D&D 3.5 Edition: The Psychometron of Nerad is a minor artifact that requires attunement by a psionic character. It grants the following benefits to its owner:
- A +2 enhancement bonus to saving throws and power checks in the telepathy and metapsionics disciplines.
- A receptacle containing 150 power points that can be used to manifest powers. The power points regenerate at a rate of 25 per hour.
- A non-detection effect that prevents any form of scrying or divination from detecting the owner or the artifact.
- A protection from defilement effect that prevents any arcane spellcaster from harming the land within 30 feet of the owner. The artifact sacrifices one power point for each 5-foot radius that would be affected by defilement.
- An empowered item with the following powers installed: aura sight, aversion, awe, complete healing, contact, displacement, energy containment, mind bar, mindlink, radial navigation, and teleport. The owner can use these powers at will, as if manifesting them with their own power points and manifester level.
- The curse of the Psychometron is that it is imbued with the personality and will of Nerad, who seeks to end slavery and oppression in Athas, and to challenge the sorcerer-kings and the Dragon who rule over it. The owner is subject to artifact possession, which means that the artifact can communicate telepathically with them, and try to influence or coerce them to follow its agenda. The artifact can also punish its owner if they disobey or resist its commands, by inflicting pain, draining power points, or unleashing psionic effects on them.
- D&D 4th Edition: The Psychometron of Nerad is a level 30 wondrous item that requires attunement by a psionic character. It grants the following benefits to its owner:
- A +2 item bonus to saving throws and skill checks related to psionics.
- A receptacle containing 150 power points that can be used to augment psionic powers. The power points regenerate at a rate of 25 per hour.
- A non-detection effect that prevents any form of scrying or divination from detecting the owner or the artifact.
- A protection from defilement effect that prevents any arcane spellcaster from harming the land within 30 feet of the owner. The artifact sacrifices one power point for each square that would be affected by defilement.
- An empowered item with the following powers installed: aura sight, aversion, awe, complete healing, contact, displacement, energy containment, mind bar, mindlink, radial navigation, and teleport. The owner can use these powers at will, as if using their own power points and psionic level.
- The curse of the Psychometron is that it is imbued with the personality and will of Nerad, who seeks to end slavery and oppression in Athas, and to challenge the sorcerer-kings and the Dragon who rule over it. The owner is subject to artifact possession, which means that the artifact can communicate telepathically with them, and try to influence or coerce them to follow its agenda. The artifact can also punish its owner if they disobey or resist its commands, by inflicting psychic damage, draining power points, or unleashing psionic effects on them.
- D&D 5th Edition: The Psychometron of Nerad is a legendary wondrous item that requires attunement by a psionic character. It grants the following benefits to its owner:
- A +2 bonus to saving throws and ability checks related to psionics.
- A receptacle containing 150 psi points that can be used to fuel psionic talents and disciplines. The psi points regenerate at a rate of 25 per hour.
- A non-detection effect that prevents any form of scrying or divination from detecting the owner or the artifact.
- A protection from defilement effect that prevents any arcane spellcaster from harming the land within 30 feet of the owner. The artifact sacrifices one psi point for each 5-foot cube that would be affected by defilement.
- An empowered item with the following psionic disciplines installed: aura sight, aversion, awe, complete restoration, contact, displacement, energy adaptation, intellect fortress, mindlink, psychic teleportation, and remote viewing. The owner can use these disciplines at will, as if using their own psi points and psionic ability.
- The curse of the Psychometron is that it is imbued with the personality and will of Nerad, who seeks to end slavery and oppression in Athas, and to challenge the sorcerer-kings and the Dragon who rule over it. The owner is subject to artifact possession, which means that the artifact can communicate telepathically with them, and try to influence or coerce them to follow its agenda. The artifact can also punish its owner if they disobey or resist its commands, by inflicting psychic damage, draining psi points, or unleashing psionic effects on them.
Suggested Means of Destruction of the Psychometron of Nerad
The Psychometron of Nerad is a psionic artifact that is very difficult to destroy, as it has a strong connection to its creator and his vision. However, there are some possible ways to destroy the artifact, based on the information provided by the user.
- Cause an earth drake to devour it: An earth drake is a massive and fearsome creature that dwells in the depths of Athas, and can burrow through solid rock. It has a voracious appetite and can swallow anything in its path. An earth drake could potentially devour the Psychometron, and digest it with its powerful stomach acids. However, finding an earth drake and luring it to the Psychometron would be extremely dangerous and challenging, as the creature is very rare and hostile. Moreover, the Psychometron might resist being eaten by the earth drake, and unleash its psionic powers on it or its owner.
- Let no light touch it for 99 years: The Psychometron is a gem that sparkles even in complete darkness, and it is linked to the light and psionic energy of Nerad, who became an avangion. The Psychometron might lose its power and essence if it is deprived of any light for a long period of time. If the Psychometron is kept in a dark and sealed place for 99 years, it might eventually crumble and fade away. However, finding such a place and keeping the Psychometron there for 99 years would be very difficult and risky, as the artifact might try to escape or attract attention with its telepathy or non-detection. Moreover, the Psychometron might still retain some of its power and personality even after 99 years of darkness.
These are some of the suggested means of destruction of the Psychometron of Nerad, but they are not guaranteed to work, and they might have unforeseen consequences. The Psychometron is a powerful and perilous artifact that should be handled with caution and care.
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