The Obsidian Man of Urik: A Dark Sun Artifact of Power and Mystery
In the harsh and desolate world of Athas, where magic is feared and hated, there exists a legend of a colossal construct that can lay waste to armies and cities with ease. This legend is the Obsidian Man, a towering figure made of black glass that radiates an aura of dread and malice. The Obsidian Man is not a mindless golem, but an intelligent and ancient artifact that can be controlled by a golden circlet. The Obsidian Man is one of the most powerful and mysterious artifacts in the world of Dark Sun, and its origins and purpose are shrouded in mystery.
The Obsidian Man is currently located in the city-state of Urik, where it serves as the personal weapon of the sorcerer-king Hamanu. Hamanu is one of the most feared and ruthless rulers in Athas, and he has used the Obsidian Man to crush his enemies and expand his domain. Hamanu is also one of the few people who knows how to activate and command the Obsidian Man, as he possesses the golden circlet that grants him this ability. However, Hamanu does not use the Obsidian Man often, as he knows that the artifact has a will of its own and may not always obey him. The Obsidian Man is also a source of great curiosity and envy for other sorcerer-kings, who would love to claim it for themselves or destroy it to prevent Hamanu from using it.
The Obsidian Man is more than just a weapon, however. It is also a relic of a forgotten past, a time when Athas was not a barren wasteland, but a lush and vibrant world. The Obsidian Man was created by an ancient civilization that mastered the art of psionics and technology, and used them to create wonders and horrors alike. The Obsidian Man was one of their greatest creations, but also one of their greatest failures. The Obsidian Man was designed to be a guardian and protector, but something went wrong during its creation, and it became corrupted and twisted by dark forces. The Obsidian Man turned against its creators, and unleashed a wave of destruction that contributed to the downfall of their civilization. The Obsidian Man was eventually stopped and sealed away, but not before it left a trail of death and devastation in its wake.
The Obsidian Man is an artifact of power and mystery, a legend that inspires awe and fear in equal measure. It is a remnant of a lost age, a testament to the glory and folly of an ancient civilization. It is a force of destruction, a weapon that can change the fate of nations. It is the Obsidian Man of Urik, and it awaits the day when it will rise again.

About Urik: The City-State of the Lion of the Desert
Urik is one of the seven city-states of Athas, a post-apocalyptic world where magic has drained the life force of the land and created a harsh and desolate environment. Urik is a proud and powerful city-state, whose armies have no match among the other cities. Urik is ruled by Hamanu, a sorcerer-king who calls himself the King of the World and who can transform into a giant lion. Hamanu is a rigid and brilliant strategist, who demands peace and order within his domain. He controls every aspect of Urik’s governance and economy, and he is feared and respected by his subjects.
Urik is surrounded by imposing fortress walls, which protect it from external threats and reflect its authoritarian nature. Urik’s laborers and crafters are industrious, producing a variety of goods such as pottery, obsidian weapons and tools, leather, meat, chitin, and kank nectar. Urik also has vast herds of animals in the surrounding lands, which provide food and resources for the city-state. Urik’s water supply comes from cisterns that gather runoff from the Ringing Mountains, and deep wells that are scattered throughout the city.
Urik’s culture is influenced by Hamanu’s military mindset. Urik’s citizens are disciplined and obedient, following a strict code of conduct and hierarchy. Urik’s templars are loyal to Hamanu, and they have the ability to cast priest spells, unlike most other templars in Athas. Urik’s soldiers are well-trained and well-equipped, forming the backbone of Hamanu’s war machine. Urik’s gladiators are also renowned for their skill and courage, often fighting in the arena or in Hamanu’s wars.
Urik is a city-state that values strength, order, and loyalty. It is a formidable force in Athas, and a bastion of civilization in a savage world. It is also home to the Obsidian Man, one of the most powerful and mysterious artifacts in existence.
The Obsidian Man of Urik: A Timeline of Events
The Obsidian Man of Urik is an artifact of ancient origin and unknown purpose, that has been involved in several events that have shaped the history of Athas. Here is a timeline of some of the most significant events related to the Obsidian Man:
- Wind’s Reverence, 85 years ago: The Obsidian Man is discovered by obsidian miners in the Smoking Crown, a volcanic region near Urik. The miners chisel away the surrounding stone and transport the statue to Urik, but along the way, many people are killed by the Obsidian Man during the night.
- Wind’s Reverence, 85 years ago: The Obsidian Man is brought before Hamanu, the sorcerer-king of Urik, who is intrigued by the artifact but unable to learn anything about it. He orders 20 half-giants to guard it and retires to his library to research it.
- Wind’s Reverence, 85 years ago: The Obsidian Man breaks free from its guards and rampages through the palace and the city. Hamanu confronts it in the main square and defeats it after a fierce battle. He binds it to his service with a golden circlet that grants him control over the artifact.
- Wind’s Reverence, 78 years ago: Hamanu learns that the Obsidian Man has several powers and abilities, such as superhuman strength, speed, durability, and psionics. He also learns that the Obsidian Man cannot function during daylight, and returns to its resting place at dawn.
- Wind’s Reverence, 78 years ago – Sorrow’s Solace, 7 years ago: Hamanu uses the Obsidian Man as his personal weapon and enforcer. He unleashes it on his enemies and rivals, such as other city-states, rebel groups, and monsters. The Obsidian Man becomes a legend of terror and destruction in Athas.
- Sorrow’s Solace, 7 years ago: A young templar in Hamanu’s service makes a fatal mistake: He removes the golden circlet from the Obsidian Man’s brow. The Obsidian Man kills him and escapes into the desert
The Obsidian Man of Urik: A Timeline of Owners
The Obsidian Man of Urik is an artifact that can be controlled by a golden circlet that grants the wearer the ability to command the construct. However, the Obsidian Man also has a mind of its own, and may resist or rebel against its owner. Here is a timeline of some of the known owners of the Obsidian Man:
- Unknown, before Wind’s Reverence, 85 years ago: The original creators and owners of the Obsidian Man are unknown, but they were likely an ancient civilization that mastered psionics and technology. They may have intended the Obsidian Man to be a guardian and protector, but something went wrong during its creation, and it became corrupted and violent. The Obsidian Man turned against its creators and caused a wave of destruction that contributed to their downfall. The Obsidian Man was eventually stopped and sealed away in a vein of obsidian glass in the Smoking Crown mountains.
- Hamanu, Wind’s Reverence, 85 years ago – Sorrow’s Solace, 7 years ago: Hamanu, the sorcerer-king of Urik, became the owner of the Obsidian Man after he defeated it in a fierce battle in the main square of Urik. He used a golden circlet to bind it to his service and control its powers. He used the Obsidian Man as his personal weapon and enforcer for many years, unleashing it on his enemies and rivals. He also learned more about the Obsidian Man’s abilities and limitations, such as its nocturnal activity cycle and its psionic potential.
- None, Sorrow’s Solace, 7 years ago – Sorrow’s Solace, 2 years ago: The Obsidian Man had no owner during this period, as it escaped from Hamanu’s palace after a young templar removed the golden circlet from its brow. The Obsidian Man killed the templar and walked out into the desert, where it vanished from sight. Hamanu searched for it but could not find it.
- Unknown, Sorrow’s Solace, 2 years ago – present: The current owner of the Obsidian Man is unknown, but someone managed to steal the golden circlet from Hamanu’s palace two years ago. The thief was never caught and the circlet has still not surfaced, despite Hamanu’s rage and efforts to recover it. It is possible that the thief has found and activated the Obsidian Man, or that they are planning to do so in the future. It is also possible that the Obsidian Man has resisted or killed its new owner, or that it has remained hidden or dormant somewhere in Athas.
The Obsidian Man of Urik: Powers and Curse
The Obsidian Man of Urik is an artifact that has incredible powers and abilities, but also a dark curse that makes it a dangerous and unpredictable ally. Here are some of the powers and curse of the Obsidian Man:
- Constant: The Obsidian Man is a colossal construct made of black glass that can only be active at night. During the day, it is completely motionless and invulnerable to any physical or magical attack. At night, it animates and becomes a formidable foe, with superhuman strength, speed, durability, and psionics. It can attack twice per round with its fists, dealing massive damage to its targets. It can also resist most forms of magic and psionics, except for some specific spells and disciplines that can harm or affect it. It can regenerate any damage it suffers during the night, unless it is completely destroyed.
- Invoked: The Obsidian Man can also use some special powers that can be invoked by its controller once per day or per week. These powers include flying, creating a wall of fire, shaping or passing through stone, firing a beam of black fire, and invoking a finger of death. These powers make the Obsidian Man even more versatile and deadly in combat.
- Curse: The Obsidian Man is not a mindless golem, but an intelligent and ancient artifact that has a will of its own. It can be controlled only by a golden circlet that establishes a psionic link between the wearer and the artifact. However, the Obsidian Man is also corrupted and evil, and it has a thirst for blood. Each night, it must be allowed to kill a sentient being, or it will turn on its controller and try to kill them. Moreover, each time the controller orders it to use an invoked power, the Obsidian Man permanently drains one hit point from them. The Obsidian Man is therefore a powerful but risky ally, that may betray or harm its owner at any moment.
The Obsidian Man of Urik: Powers and Curse in Other Editions
The Obsidian Man of Urik is an artifact that has incredible powers and abilities, but also a dark curse that makes it a dangerous and unpredictable ally. The powers and curse of the Obsidian Man vary slightly depending on the edition of D&D used to represent it. Here are some of the differences in the powers and curse of the Obsidian Man in other editions:
- 3.5 Edition: The Obsidian Man is a Huge construct with the psionic subtype. It has a CR of 21 and a LA of +0. It has a natural armor bonus of +18, DR 15/adamantine, and SR 32. It can attack twice per round with its slam attacks, dealing 4d10+12 damage each. It can also use its psionic powers, such as astral construct, body adjustment, energy burst, energy missile, inertial barrier, mind thrust, psionic lion’s charge, and telekinetic force. It can be controlled by a golden circlet that grants the wearer a telepathic link with the artifact and the ability to command it as a free action. However, the Obsidian Man is also cursed by its evil nature, and it must kill a sentient being every night or it will turn on its controller. Moreover, each time the controller orders it to use a psionic power, the Obsidian Man permanently drains one hit point from them.
- 4th Edition: The Obsidian Man is a level 27 solo soldier. It has an AC of 43, Fortitude 41, Reflex 37, and Will 39. It can attack twice per round with its obsidian fists, dealing 3d10+9 damage each. It can also use its encounter powers, such as black fire beam, finger of death, obsidian shards, stone shape, wall of fire, and wrathful roar. It can be controlled by a golden circlet that grants the wearer a mental link with the artifact and the ability to command it as a minor action. However, the Obsidian Man is also cursed by its evil nature, and it must kill a living creature every night or it will turn on its controller. Moreover, each time the controller orders it to use an encounter power, the Obsidian Man deals 10 necrotic damage to them.
- 5th Edition: The Obsidian Man is a Huge construct with a CR of 21. It has an AC of 21, HP of 345, and immunity to bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons that aren’t adamantine. It can attack twice per round with its obsidian fists, dealing 5d12+8 damage each. It can also use its legendary actions, such as black fire beam, finger of death, stone shape, and wall of fire. It can be controlled by a golden circlet that grants the wearer a telepathic link with the artifact and the ability to command it as a bonus action. However, the Obsidian Man is also cursed by its evil nature, and it must kill a sentient being every night or it will turn on its controller. Moreover, each time the controller orders it to use a legendary action, the Obsidian Man permanently drains one hit point from them.
The Obsidian Man of Urik: Suggested Means of Destruction
The Obsidian Man of Urik is an artifact that is extremely difficult to destroy, as it is immune to most forms of damage and can regenerate any harm it suffers during the night. However, there are some possible ways to permanently destroy the Obsidian Man, or at least render it inert. Here are some of the suggested means of destruction:
- Expose the Man to 24 hours of continuous sunlight: The Obsidian Man cannot function during daylight, and returns to its resting place at dawn. If the Obsidian Man is exposed to 24 hours of continuous sunlight, such as by using a powerful spell or artifact that creates an artificial sun, it may be possible to overload its system and cause it to shatter or melt. However, this method is risky, as it may also trigger a massive explosion or release a wave of dark energy that could harm the surrounding area.
- Cut out its heart with a weapon of +5 enchantment, then throw the heart into the lava of the Smoking Crown: The Obsidian Man has a heart made of pure obsidian that is located in its chest cavity. This heart is the source of its power and life force, and if it is removed, the Obsidian Man will become inactive. However, the heart is also protected by a layer of adamantine that can only be pierced by a weapon of +5 enchantment or higher. Moreover, the heart must be thrown into the lava of the Smoking Crown, a volcanic region near Urik where the Obsidian Man was originally found. This will ensure that the heart is destroyed and cannot be recovered by anyone.
The Smoking Crown: A Volcanic Region of Athas
The Smoking Crown is a region of Athas, a post-apocalyptic world where magic has drained the life force of the land and created a harsh and desolate environment. The Smoking Crown is located north of Urik, one of the seven city-states of Athas, and it is a ring of volcanic peaks that constantly emit steam, ash, and cinders. The Smoking Crown is a dangerous and inhospitable place, where lava flows, scalding steam, poisonous gases, and jagged obsidian pose constant threats to any living creature. The Smoking Crown is also a source of valuable resources, such as obsidian, pumice, and kank nectar, which are mined by slaves under the supervision of templars.
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