The Horn of Change: A Chaotic Artifact that Can Alter Reality
Imagine a horn that can grant your every wish, but also unleash chaos and destruction. A horn that can create or destroy anything, but also change the very fabric of reality. A horn that can make you a god, but also a madman. This is the Horn of Change, a powerful and mysterious artifact from the Book of Artifacts (AD&D 2e). The Horn of Change is a horn made of ivory and gold, decorated with runes and symbols of chaos. It has the ability to alter reality according to the wishes of the one who blows it, but also to produce unpredictable and dangerous effects. The Horn of Change is said to be the creation of the god of chaos, Limbo, who gave it to his most faithful followers, the slaadi. The slaadi used the horn to spread chaos and destruction across the planes, until it was stolen by a group of adventurers who sought to use it for their own purposes. However, the horn proved to be too much for them to handle, and they eventually lost it in a planar vortex. Since then, the horn has been sought by many who crave its power, but also feared by those who know its dangers.
In this article, we will explore the history and secrets of the Horn of Change, as well as some of the possible scenarios and consequences of using it. We will also provide some tips and advice for adventurers who want to find and use the Horn of Change, or prevent others from doing so. If you are interested in learning more about this chaotic artifact that can alter reality, read on. But be warned: the Horn of Change is not for the faint of heart or the weak of mind. It is a tool of great power, but also great peril. Use it at your own risk.
The Horn of Change: A Gamble of Fate
The Horn of Change is a brass horn that can alter reality according to the wishes of the one who blows it, but also produce unpredictable and dangerous effects. The horn is a manifestation of chaos and chance, and its power is coveted by many who seek to defy the laws of nature and logic. However, the horn is also a curse, for it can bring doom and destruction to those who misuse it or fall under its influence.
The origins of the Horn of Change are quite clear and can easily be learned by those who ask. Several hundred years ago (give or take a few decades), a rogue named Eustos was spending an evening at the gaming tables. He had been successful in the market that day, and his luck continued with the dice; he won throw after throw. As the evening wore on and Eustos drank and thought less, he foolishly bragged that he must surely have won the favor of the gods of luck, for no odds were too impossible for him that night.
Well, such a boast cannot go unheard and in a short time a charismatic stranger came to the table. Suddenly no throw did the stranger miss, nor any could Eustos make. Finally Eustos offered the greatest and only treasure he had remaining—his very soul. Against this, the stranger put up a plain brass horn. Eustos made the cast—and won.
It is said that the stranger smiled and told the rogue that the horn could bestow great power or immense woe, for each sounding was a roll of chance. Perhaps this is true, for after gaining a reputation for wonders, Eustos vanished one day and was never seen again.
Since then, the Horn of Change has passed through many hands, some famous and some obscure, some noble and some wicked, some wise and some foolish. Each one has used the horn for their own purposes, whether to create or destroy, to help or harm, to fulfill their dreams or their nightmares. But none has been able to control the horn completely, for it is a creature of chaos and does not obey any rules or laws. The horn has also been sought by many who crave its power, but also feared by those who know its dangers. Many have died or gone mad in their quest for the horn, or in their attempt to stop others from using it. The horn has been hidden and lost, stolen and recovered, destroyed and restored, but it always reappears somewhere in the multiverse, waiting for its next owner to blow it and face the consequences.
The Horn of Change is a chaotic artifact that can alter reality, but it is also a gamble of fate. Those who use it must be prepared to face both the best and the worst outcomes possible, for they never know what will happen when they sound the horn. The horn can make them a god or a madman, a hero or a villain, a savior or a destroyer. The horn can grant their every wish or unleash their every fear. The horn can be a blessing or a curse. It all depends on how they play their hand—and how lucky they are.
The Horn of Change: A Brief History
A possible timeline of the owners of the horn of change is:
- Unknown origin: The horn of change was created by an unknown entity or power, possibly related to the gods of luck or chaos. Its purpose and history are shrouded in mystery.
- Eustos: Eustos was a rogue and a gambler who won the horn of change from a mysterious stranger in a game of dice. He used the horn to perform various wonders and feats, but also suffered from its curse of gambling fever. He disappeared one day, along with the horn, and his fate is unknown.
- Maure family: The horn of change somehow ended up in the possession of the Maure family, a noble and powerful clan of wizards and adventurers. They kept the horn in their castle, in a room called the Room of Randomness, where they stored many other strange and dangerous artifacts. One of the lesser members of the family accidentally triggered the horn, causing it to destroy a set of bookshelves and vanish to parts unknown, along with its user. The room was left with a region of unstable magic that still persists to this day.
- Current location: The horn of change is currently missing and its whereabouts are unknown. It may be hidden somewhere in the world, waiting for a new owner to find it and unleash its unpredictable powers. Or it may have been transported to another plane of existence, where it could cause even more chaos and havoc.
Eustos: The Rogue Who Played with Fate
Eustos was a rogue and a gambler who won the horn of change from a mysterious stranger in a game of dice. He used the horn to perform various wonders and feats, but also suffered from its curse of gambling fever. He disappeared one day, along with the horn, and his fate is unknown.
Some of the things that Eustos did with the horn of change are:
- He turned a pile of rocks into gold coins and became rich overnight.
- He changed his appearance to look like different people and infiltrated various places and events.
- He created a beautiful garden out of thin air and invited a princess to spend a night with him.
- He transformed a dragon into a mouse and saved a village from its wrath.
- He made himself invisible and stole a priceless jewel from a king’s vault.
However, he also faced many troubles and dangers because of the horn of change, such as:
- He lost all his money in a rigged game of cards and had to flee from angry creditors.
- He was caught impersonating a nobleman and was thrown into a dungeon.
- He angered the princess’s father, who sent an army of knights to hunt him down.
- He was chased by the mouse-dragon, who regained its original form and wanted revenge.
- He was trapped in the king’s vault, which was sealed by a magic lock that only the king could open.
Eustos was always looking for new challenges and thrills, and never stayed in one place for too long. He was addicted to gambling and risk-taking, and always wanted to test his luck with the horn of change. One day, he decided to blow the horn as hard as he could, hoping for something extraordinary to happen. He vanished in a flash of light, along with the horn, and no one ever saw him or the horn again. Some say he was transported to another world, where he continued his adventures. Others say he was destroyed by the horn’s power, which was too much for him to handle. No one knows for sure what happened to Eustos, the rogue who played with fate.
The Maure Family: A Noble and Powerful Clan of Wizards and Adventurers
The Maure family is a prominent and influential family that has a long and rich history in the world of magic and adventure. The name Maure comes from the Darokinian word “marre”, meaning “a ram”. The family traces its origins to the Streel Plain, the heartland of Darokin, where they held a family seat since ancient times. The family later expanded to other parts of Darokin, such as Selenica, Corunglain, and Athenos, acquiring lands, titles, and fame.
The Maure family is known for its exceptional talent and skill in magic, especially in the fields of transmutation, illusion, and enchantment. Many members of the family have been renowned wizards, sorcerers, alchemists, and artificers. Some of the most notable Maure wizards are:
- Alphonse Maure, who invented the Maure’s Magnificent Mansion spell, which creates a luxurious and extradimensional space for the caster and their guests.
- Bianca Maure, who discovered the Maure’s Mutable Matter potion, which allows the drinker to alter the shape and properties of any nonmagical object or substance.
- Charles Maure, who created the Maure’s Marvelous Mirror artifact, which can show the user any image or scene they desire, as well as communicate with other mirrors.
- Delphine Maure, who mastered the Maure’s Mind Meld technique, which enables the user to share thoughts, memories, and emotions with another creature.
The Maure family is also known for its adventurous spirit and curiosity. Many members of the family have been explorers, travelers, treasure hunters, and heroes. Some of the most notable Maure adventurers are:
- Edgar Maure, who explored the Lost Continent of Mu, where he encountered ancient civilizations, exotic creatures, and hidden secrets.
- Fiona Maure, who traveled to the City of Brass, where she befriended the efreeti, learned their secrets, and acquired rare and valuable treasures.
- Gaston Maure, who hunted down the Horn of Change, a legendary artifact that can alter reality with a blast of sound, but also brings misfortune and madness to those who use it.
- Helene Maure, who rescued the Princess of Pearls, who was kidnapped by a dragon and held captive in an underwater palace.
The Maure family is still active and influential in the present day. They have many allies and enemies among other noble families, powerful organizations, and mysterious factions. They are always looking for new challenges, opportunities, and discoveries. They are the Maure family: a noble and powerful clan of wizards and adventurers.
The Horn of Change: A Chaotic Campaign Item
Some of the possible campaign uses for the horn of change are:
- The horn of change can be a quest item that the player characters have to find, steal, or destroy. The horn may be in the possession of a powerful villain, a mysterious faction, or a hidden location. The player characters may have to face various challenges and enemies to get to the horn, or they may have to compete with other parties who want the horn for their own purposes.
- The horn of change can be a plot device that triggers or resolves a major event in the campaign. The horn may be used by an ally or an enemy to cause a drastic change in the world, such as creating or destroying a kingdom, unleashing or banishing a monster, or starting or ending a war. The player characters may have to deal with the consequences of the change, or they may have to try to reverse it.
- The horn of change can be a reward that the player characters receive for completing a difficult or dangerous task. The horn may be given to them by a grateful benefactor, a mysterious patron, or a random encounter. The player characters may decide to use the horn for their own benefit, or they may decide to sell it, hide it, or give it away.
- The horn of change can be a curse that the player characters suffer from for breaking a rule or offending a deity. The horn may be attached to them by a magical bond, a geas, or a curse. The player characters may have to blow the horn at random intervals, or they may have to blow the horn whenever they face a certain situation. The player characters may have to find a way to remove the horn, or they may have to learn to live with it.
The horn of change is an artifact that can add chaos and fun to any campaign. It is up to the DM and the players to decide how to use it and what effects it will have. The only limit is their imagination.
The Powers of the Horn of Change: A Magical Artifact of Chaos and Wonder
The horn of change has the following powers:
- Reality Alteration: The horn can change the physical or metaphysical aspects of anything within its range, such as shape, size, color, material, alignment, identity, or existence. The changes are permanent unless reversed by another use of the horn or by powerful magic. The changes are random and unpredictable, and may be beneficial, harmful, or neutral to the user or the target. For example, the horn could turn a rock into gold, a dragon into a mouse, a friend into an enemy, or nothing at all.
- Sound Blast: The horn can emit a loud and powerful sound that can affect anything that can hear it. The sound can cause damage, deafness, fear, confusion, charm, or other effects depending on the user’s intention and the horn’s whims. The sound can also trigger other effects that are related to sound, such as echoes, vibrations, or silence. The sound is audible for miles and may attract unwanted attention.
- Curse: The horn is cursed with a gambling fever that affects anyone who possesses it. The user becomes addicted to using the horn and testing their luck with its powers. The user also becomes paranoid and secretive, fearing that someone will steal their horn or their secrets. The user may lose their sanity and their sense of self as they become obsessed with the horn.
The Curse of the Horn of Change: A Gamble with Fate
The curse of the horn of change is a gambling fever that strikes the user at random. The user becomes addicted to using the horn and testing their luck with its powers. The user also becomes paranoid and secretive, fearing that someone will steal their horn or their secrets. The user may lose their sanity and their sense of self as they become obsessed with the horn.
The curse of the horn of change is not easy to remove or resist. The only way to get rid of the curse is to give away or lose the horn, which may be difficult for the user to do. The user may also try to resist the urge to use the horn, but this requires a strong willpower and a constant vigilance. The user may seek help from others, such as friends, allies, or healers, but they may also distrust or endanger them.
The curse of the horn of change is a gamble with fate, which may bring great rewards or terrible consequences. The user may experience wonders and miracles, or horrors and disasters. The user may gain fame and fortune, or infamy and ruin. The user may find happiness and fulfillment, or misery and despair. The user may never know what will happen next, as they blow the horn of change.
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