The Appearance and Language of the Herald of Mei Lung
The Herald of Mei Lung is a majestic tome that measures about two feet by one and a half feet, and is six inches thick. Its cover is plain and unadorned, but its pages are made of the finest silk paper that shimmer in the light. Each page is filled with intricate symbols and characters, written in a golden ink that seems to glow with a faint radiance. The language of the book is ancient and mysterious, and no one can decipher it without the aid of magic. Only a comprehend languages spell can reveal the meaning of the words, which tell the stories of the past, present, and future of the world.

The Creation and Legacy of the Herald of Mei Lung
The Herald of Mei Lung is a legendary artifact that was created by the ancient dragon lord Mei Lung, who ruled over the lands of Kara-Tur in the Forgotten Realms. The artifact is a large book that contains the records of all the events that have happened, are happening, and will happen in the world. The book is constantly updating itself with new information, and it can also reveal glimpses of the future to those who can decipher its cryptic pages.
The history of the Herald of Mei Lung can be summarized as follows:
- In the dawn of time, when the world was created by Ao, the Overgod, he assigned different tasks to various powerful beings to maintain the balance and harmony of his creation. One of these beings was Mei Lung, a great lung dragon who was chosen to be the Grand Historian of the Celestial Bureaucracy, a divine organization that governed the continent of Kara-Tur and its spirit world. Mei Lung’s duty was to keep a record of past, present, and future events in order that the Celestial Emperor, the supreme ruler of the Bureaucracy, could know all that had transpired and be able to best judge the deeds of humankind.
- To fulfill his task, Mei Lung used his powers over time and magic to create a tome that would serve as his chronicle. He named it the Herald of Mei Lung, and imbued it with a fraction of his own essence and intelligence. The Herald was a majestic tome that measured about two feet by one and a half feet, and was six inches thick. Its cover was plain and unadorned, but its pages were made of the finest silk paper that shimmered in the light. Each page was filled with intricate symbols and characters, written in a golden ink that seemed to glow with a faint radiance. The language of the book was ancient and mysterious, and no one could decipher it without the aid of magic. Only a comprehend languages spell could reveal the meaning of the words, which told the stories of the past, present, and future of the world.
- Mei Lung kept the Herald in his dwelling place, known as the Impossible Palace of the Silver Domes, which he relocated regularly to avoid unwanted visitors. He also entrusted a copy of the Herald to a sect of isolated and devout monks who lived in the highest mountains of Kara-Tur, known as Tabot. These monks dedicated their lives to protecting and studying the Herald, and were known as the Guardians of History. They built a hidden monastery around the Herald’s vault, and guarded it with traps, puzzles, and riddles. Only those who proved themselves worthy could gain access to the Herald and learn from its wisdom.
- Over the centuries, many adventurers, scholars, and villains sought to find and claim the Herald of Mei Lung, hoping to gain its secrets and power. Some managed to locate the monastery of the Guardians of History, but few survived its challenges. Those who did were either enlightened or corrupted by what they saw in the Herald’s pages. Some tried to use its knowledge for good or evil purposes, while others went mad from its overwhelming and often contradictory information. The Herald itself had a will of its own, and sometimes chose to reveal or conceal certain information depending on its mood or agenda.
- The Herald of Mei Lung remained one of the most powerful and mysterious artifacts in Kara-Tur, and possibly in all Toril. It was revered by many as a source of truth and prophecy, but also feared by others as a harbinger of doom and chaos. It was said that whoever possessed the Herald could shape the destiny of the world, but also risked losing their sanity and soul.
The Owners and Guardians of the Herald of Mei Lung
The timeline of the owners and guardians of the Herald of Mei Lung can be summarized as follows:
- In the dawn of time, when the world was created by Ao, the Overgod, he assigned different tasks to various powerful beings to maintain the balance and harmony of his creation. One of these beings was Mei Lung, a great lung dragon who was chosen to be the Grand Historian of the Celestial Bureaucracy, a divine organization that governed the continent of Kara-Tur and its spirit world. Mei Lung’s duty was to keep a record of past, present, and future events in order that the Celestial Emperor, the supreme ruler of the Bureaucracy, could know all that had transpired and be able to best judge the deeds of humankind.
- To fulfill his task, Mei Lung used his powers over time and magic to create a tome that would serve as his chronicle. He named it the Herald of Mei Lung, and imbued it with a fraction of his own essence and intelligence. The Herald was a majestic tome that measured about two feet by one and a half feet, and was six inches thick. Its cover was plain and unadorned, but its pages were made of the finest silk paper that shimmered in the light. Each page was filled with intricate symbols and characters, written in a golden ink that seemed to glow with a faint radiance. The language of the book was ancient and mysterious, and no one could decipher it without the aid of magic. Only a comprehend languages spell could reveal the meaning of the words, which told the stories of the past, present, and future of the world.
- Mei Lung kept the original Herald in his dwelling place, known as the Impossible Palace of the Silver Domes, which he relocated regularly to avoid unwanted visitors. He also entrusted a copy of the Herald to a sect of isolated and devout monks who lived in the highest mountains of Kara-Tur, known as Tabot. These monks dedicated their lives to protecting and studying the Herald, and were known as the Guardians of History. They built a hidden monastery around the Herald’s vault, and guarded it with traps, puzzles, and riddles. Only those who proved themselves worthy could gain access to the Herald and learn from its wisdom.
- Over the centuries, many adventurers, scholars, and villains sought to find and claim either copy of the Herald of Mei Lung, hoping to gain its secrets and power. Some managed to locate either dwelling place or monastery or both places at different times but few survived their challenges. Those who did were either enlightened or corrupted by what they saw in either copy’s pages. Some tried to use its knowledge for good or evil purposes, while others went mad from its overwhelming and often contradictory information. The Herald itself had a will of its own, and sometimes chose to reveal or conceal certain information depending on its mood or agenda.
- The Herald of Mei Lung remained one of the most powerful and mysterious artifacts in Kara-Tur, and possibly in all Toril. It was revered by many as a source of truth and prophecy, but also feared by others as a harbinger of doom and chaos. It was said that whoever possessed either copy could shape the destiny of either world or both worlds but also risked losing their sanity and soul.
How to Use the Herald of Mei Lung in Your Campaign
The Herald of Mei Lung is a unique and benevolent artifact that has no harmful powers. Instead, it can offer valuable guidance and insight to those who seek its wisdom. The artifact can help adventurers solve mysteries and gain clues about the future, as well as learn from the past. However, the artifact is not easy to access or use. The player characters cannot own or take the artifact with them. They must travel to its location and earn its trust.
The location of the artifact is a hidden monastery in the mountains of Tabot, a remote and dangerous region of Kara-Tur. The monastery is guarded by a sect of monks who are devoted to protecting and studying the artifact. They are known as the Guardians of History, and they have a strict code of conduct and ethics. The player characters must embark on a perilous journey across a hostile wilderness, facing natural hazards, wild beasts, and hostile natives. They must also find a way to locate the monastery, which is concealed by magic and traps.
Once they reach the monastery, the player characters must prove themselves worthy to the monks and the artifact. They must show respect, humility, and curiosity. They must also pass various tests and challenges that will test their knowledge, skills, and morals. The monks will not allow anyone to access the artifact unless they are convinced that they have a good reason and intention. The player characters must also be careful not to abuse or misuse the artifact’s power, as it can have unforeseen consequences.
The player characters must also be prepared to face the dangers of their return journey, as well as the possible enemies or rivals who might be after the artifact or its secrets. The artifact is coveted by many who seek to exploit its power or knowledge for their own gain or agenda. The player characters might have to deal with spies, thieves, assassins, or even other adventurers who want to claim the artifact for themselves.
The Herald of Mei Lung is a fascinating and rewarding artifact that can enhance any campaign set in Kara-Tur or beyond. It can provide a rich source of adventure hooks, plot twists, character development, and world-building. It can also challenge the player characters to think critically, creatively, and ethically about their actions and choices.
The Powers and Abilities of the Herald of Mei Lung
The Herald of Mei Lung is a remarkable artifact that has the ability to record and reveal the history, the present, and the future of the world. The artifact is a large book that contains the records of all the events that have happened, are happening, and will happen in the world. The book is constantly updating itself with new information, and it can also reveal glimpses of the future to those who can decipher its cryptic pages.
The powers and abilities of the Herald of Mei Lung can be summarized as follows:
- The Herald of Mei Lung can write by itself the history of every major and minor event in the world, starting from the creation of the world by Ao, the Overgod. The book contains a vast amount of information that covers every aspect of the world’s history, such as geography, culture, politics, religion, magic, warfare, and more. The book also records the deeds and fates of various individuals, groups, and races that have influenced or been influenced by the world’s events. The book’s history is accurate and truthful, but it may also reflect the perspective and bias of its creator, Mei Lung, who was a lung dragon and a member of the Celestial Bureaucracy.
- The Herald of Mei Lung can also record and reveal any event that is occurring in the present time. The reader can simply turn to the last pages that have been written and read about what is happening in any part of the world at that moment. The book can provide detailed and up-to-date information about current situations, conflicts, trends, and developments. The book can also show the reader how their own actions or choices may affect or be affected by the present events.
- The Herald of Mei Lung can also record and reveal some events that will happen in the future. The reader can turn to the last pages that have not been written yet and read about what may happen in any part of the world in the near or distant future. However, this ability is limited and uncertain, as the future is not fixed and can change depending on various factors and possibilities. The book can only provide a 20% chance of giving useful information about the future, and even then it may be incomplete or vague. The book can also show the reader how their own actions or choices may affect or be affected by the future events.
- The Herald of Mei Lung is protected by a powerful spell that automatically teleports either copy back to its original location if it has been absent for more than 12 hours. This spell prevents anyone from stealing or tampering with either copy for a long time. The original copy is kept by Mei Lung in his dwelling place, known as the Impossible Palace of the Silver Domes, which he relocates regularly to avoid unwanted visitors. The copy is kept by a sect of monks who live in a hidden monastery in Tabot, a remote region of Kara-Tur. These monks are devoted to protecting and studying either copy, and they are known as the Guardians of History.
Abut the Impossible Palace of the Silver Domes: The Mysterious Home of the Dragon Lord Mei Lung
The Impossible Palace of the Silver Domes is a legendary palace that belongs to the ancient dragon lord Mei Lung, who is the Grand Historian of the Celestial Empire in Kara-Tur. The palace is a magnificent structure that has eight large sections, each topped with a silver dome. The palace is also enchanted with powerful magic that allows it to teleport to different locations and times, making it impossible to find or enter without Mei Lung’s permission.
The palace is the place where Mei Lung keeps his chronicle, the Herald of Mei Lung, a large book that records and reveals the past, present, and future of the world. The book is constantly updating itself with new information, and it can also show glimpses of the future to those who can read its cryptic language. The book is one of the most powerful and mysterious artifacts in Kara-Tur, and many adventurers, scholars, and villains have sought to claim it for themselves.
The palace has appeared and disappeared throughout the history of Kara-Tur, sometimes in times of crisis and sometimes in times of peace. The first recorded appearance of the palace was in Shou Year 413 (−837 DR), when it was discovered by agents of the emperor in Arakin province. The palace vanished again in Shou Year 601 (−649 DR), leaving behind a place called “The Field of Burnished Bronze”. The palace reappeared several times over the centuries, but always for a short period of time and in different places .
The palace is guarded by Mei Lung himself, who does not tolerate trespassers or intruders. He often tests or challenges those who dare to approach his palace, either with riddles, puzzles, monsters, or conversation. He only helps or rewards those who prove themselves worthy or have a good reason to seek his wisdom. He also eats or destroys those who offend him or try to harm him or his book.
The Impossible Palace of the Silver Domes is a fascinating and mysterious place that can offer great rewards or great dangers to those who encounter it. It is also a reflection of the personality and power of its owner, Mei Lung, who is one of the most influential and secretive beings in Kara-Tur.
About Mei Lung: The Dragon Lord and Grand Historian of Kara-Tur
Mei Lung is a legendary lung dragon who lives in the continent of Kara-Tur, a land of ancient civilizations and exotic cultures in the world of Toril. He is one of the most powerful and influential beings in Kara-Tur, as he is the Grand Historian of the Celestial Bureaucracy, a divine organization that governs the spirit world and the mortal realm. He is also the creator of the Herald of Mei Lung, a magical tome that records and reveals the past, present, and future of the world.
Mei Lung was chosen by Ao, the Overgod, to be the Grand Historian when the world was created. His duty was to keep a record of all the events that have happened, are happening, and will happen in the world, so that the Celestial Emperor, the supreme ruler of the Bureaucracy, could know everything and judge the deeds of humankind. To fulfill his task, Mei Lung used his powers over time and magic to create a tome that would serve as his chronicle. He named it the Herald of Mei Lung, and imbued it with a fraction of his own essence and intelligence.
The Suggested Means of Destruction of the Herald of Mei Lung and My Personal Considerations
The suggested means of destruction of the Herald of Mei Lung are as follows:
- If the universe ends, the book also ends. This means that the only way to destroy the book is to destroy the entire creation of Ao, the Overgod, who assigned Mei Lung his duty as the Grand Historian. This would require an unimaginable amount of power and a disregard for all life and existence. This is a very unlikely and undesirable scenario, as it would mean the end of everything.
- One must go back in time and prevent Mei Lung from becoming the Celestial Historian. This means that one must alter the course of history and change the decision of Ao, who chose Mei Lung as his Grand Historian. This would require a powerful magic that can manipulate time and reality, as well as a way to access the dawn of time, when Ao created the world and its beings. This is a very risky and dangerous scenario, as it would mean altering the fundamental nature of the world and its history.
- Mei Lung must be convinced that knowledge is meaningless. This means that one must persuade or deceive Mei Lung into abandoning his duty and his book, by making him doubt or lose interest in his role as the Grand Historian. This would require a great deal of charisma, wisdom, and cunning, as well as a way to communicate with Mei Lung, who lives in a hidden and mobile palace that can teleport to different locations and times. This is a very challenging and uncertain scenario, as it would mean confronting and influencing one of the most powerful and intelligent beings in Kara-Tur.
I think that the Herald of Mei Lung is a valuable and benevolent artifact that can offer guidance and insight to those who seek its wisdom, but also challenge them to think critically, creatively, and ethically about their actions and choices. I think that the Herald of Mei Lung should be respected and protected, not destroyed or exploited.
The Adventure Modules Featuring the Herald of Mei Lung
The Herald of Mei Lung is a legendary artifact that was created by the ancient dragon lord Mei Lung, who is the Grand Historian of the Celestial Empire in Kara-Tur. The artifact is a large book that records and reveals the past, present, and future of the world. The artifact is one of the most powerful and mysterious artifacts in Kara-Tur, and many adventurers, scholars, and villains have sought to claim it for themselves.
The Herald of Mei Lung has appeared in several adventure modules for the Dungeons & Dragons game, set in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. Some of these modules are:
- Night of the Seven Swords: This module is part of the Oriental Adventures series, and it takes place in the island nation of Wa. The player characters are hired by a mysterious patron to recover a stolen scroll that contains a prophecy from the Herald of Mei Lung. The scroll reveals the identity and location of a hidden heir to the throne of Wa, who is in danger from a conspiracy of evil samurai. The player characters must find and protect the heir, while facing various enemies and challenges along the way.
- Storm Riders: This module is part of the Empires Adventures trilogy, and it takes place in various locations across Kara-Tur. The player characters are recruited by a group of rebels who oppose the tyranny of Yamun Khahan, the leader of the Tuigan horde. The rebels have learned that Yamun Khahan plans to use a powerful artifact called the Eye of Shou Lung to conquer all of Kara-Tur. The Eye of Shou Lung is actually another copy of the Herald of Mei Lung, which was stolen from its original location in Tabot by Yamun Khahan’s agents. The player characters must find and destroy the Eye before it falls into Yamun Khahan’s hands, while facing various enemies and allies along the way.
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