Description: The Monocle of Bagthalos
The Monocle of Bagthalos is a small, circular lens made of polished crystal, set in a thin frame of gold. The lens is about an inch in diameter, and the frame has a small hook on one side that attaches to the wearer’s ear. The monocle is light and comfortable to wear, and does not interfere with the wearer’s normal vision. The monocle has a faint blue glow when activated, and sometimes emits a soft whisper that only the wearer can hear.
The monocle is an artifact of Helm, the god of guardians, and bears his symbol on the frame: a staring eye with a blue pupil on an upright war gauntlet. The symbol is also engraved on the inside of the lens, along with the name of its creator: Bagthalos Deszhummer. The monocle is a powerful magic item that grants its wearer enhanced vision and protection from various forms of magic and attacks. However, it also carries a curse that torments its wearer with guilt and remorse, and sometimes forces them to act against their will.
The monocle is one of the most sought-after artifacts in Faerûn, and has changed hands many times over the centuries. It is currently in the possession of Iryklathagra, a blue dragon who covets its power and secrets.
Biography: Bagthalos Deszhummer, the Archpriest of Helm
Bagthalos Deszhummer was a devout follower of Helm, the god of guardians, and the leader of his temple in Zazesspur, a city in Tethyr. He was a skilled cleric and a master craftsman, who dedicated his life to protecting his faith and his people from harm. He was also a visionary, who sought to create a device that would enhance the vigilance of his fellow Helmites and thwart the schemes of their enemies.
Bagthalos began working on his project in the early 1100s DR, after his temple, the House of the Steadfast, was repeatedly raided by the Skeletal Finger thieves guild. He suspected that the thieves used magic to evade detection and bypass the temple’s defenses. He decided to create a monocle that would grant its wearer true seeing, allowing them to see through any form of invisibility, illusion, or deception.
However, Bagthalos’s ambition did not please Helm, who warned him that relying on magic instead of vigilance would lead to the death of a loyal servant of Helm. Bagthalos was troubled by this prophecy, but he did not stop his work, as Helm did not forbid him to continue. He hoped that he could finish his device without causing any harm to anyone.
Bagthalos spent decades on his project, neglecting his other duties and his health. He became obsessed with his creation, pouring all his energy and faith into it. He finally completed the monocle in 1141 DR, but at a terrible cost. As he uttered the final prayers to activate the monocle, he collapsed and died on his workbench. His spirit was trapped within the monocle, along with his guilt and sorrow.
The monocle was stolen by the Skeletal Finger guild the next year, and Bagthalos’s temple never recovered from the loss of their leader and their relic. Bagthalos’s legacy was tarnished by his obsession and his curse, but he was also remembered as a faithful and brilliant servant of Helm, who tried to create something that would benefit his god and his people.
History: The Creation and Theft of the Monocle of Bagthalos
The Monocle of Bagthalos is an artifact of Helm, the god of guardians, that was created by Bagthalos Deszhummer, the Archpriest of Helm in Zazesspur, over two centuries ago. The following is a chronological summary of the events that led to the creation and theft of the monocle, based on the information you provided:
- Early 1100s DR: Bagthalos Deszhummer begins working on a device that would grant its wearer true seeing, to counter the thieves who use magic to raid his temple, the House of the Steadfast.
- 1100s DR: Helm, the god of guardians, warns Bagthalos that his project would cost the life of a loyal servant of Helm. Bagthalos is troubled by this prophecy, but does not stop his work.
- 1141 DR: Bagthalos completes the monocle after decades of work, but dies as he activates it. His spirit is trapped within the artifact, along with his guilt and sorrow.
- 1142 DR: The Skeletal Finger thieves guild steals the monocle from the House of the Steadfast, along with other valuables. They sell it to various black market dealers in Athkatla and Ithmong.
- 1150s-1180s DR: The monocle circulates in the whisper markets of Athkatla and Ithmong, but no one is willing to pay its high price. It is sold and resold to various buyers who do not recognize its value or power.
- 1190 DR: Iryklathagra, a blue dragon who has been searching for the monocle for years, buys it from a nobleman in Baldur’s Gate, who inherited it from his aunt. She returns to her lair in the Small Teeth mountains with the monocle.
This is how the Monocle of Bagthalos came to be and how it was lost by its creator and his followers. It is now in the possession of a powerful dragon who covets its secrets and does not heed its curse.
Timeline: The Owners of the Monocle of Bagthalos
The Monocle of Bagthalos has been in the possession of various individuals and groups throughout the history of Faerûn. Some of them used the monocle for its powers, while others were unaware of its true nature and curse. The following is a chronological list of some of the known owners of the monocle, based on the web search results:
- 1141 DR: Bagthalos Deszhummer, the Archpriest of Helm in Zazesspur, completes the monocle after decades of work, but dies as he activates it. His spirit is trapped within the artifact.
- 1142 DR: The Skeletal Finger thieves guild raids the House of the Steadfast, the temple of Helm in Zazesspur, and steals the monocle along with other valuables. They sell it to various black market dealers in Athkatla and Ithmong.
- 1150 DR: A young mage named Strife buys the monocle from a shady merchant in Ithmong, hoping to use it for his studies. He becomes obsessed with the monocle and its whispers, and neglects his other responsibilities. He eventually joins the Zhentarim and becomes the sixth High Imperceptor of Bane.
- 1165 DR: Strife is killed by Harpers in a battle near Zhentil Keep. The monocle is taken by one of the Harpers, who intends to deliver it to a temple of Helm for safekeeping.
- 1166 DR: The Harper carrying the monocle is ambushed by bandits on his way to Waterdeep. He manages to escape, but loses the monocle in the process. The bandits sell it to a traveling merchant, who does not recognize its value.
- 1170 DR: The merchant sells the monocle to a noblewoman in Baldur’s Gate, who thinks it is a fashionable accessory. She wears it occasionally, but does not notice any effects.
- 1180 DR: The noblewoman dies of old age, and her estate is inherited by her nephew. He finds the monocle among her belongings and decides to keep it as a souvenir.
- 1190 DR: The nephew is visited by a mysterious stranger, who claims to be a collector of rare items. He offers a large sum of money for the monocle, and the nephew agrees to sell it. The stranger is actually Iryklathagra, a blue dragon in disguise, who has been searching for the monocle for years.
- 1191 DR: Iryklathagra returns to her lair in the Small Teeth mountains with the monocle. She studies it with great interest and learns its secrets. She also hears Bagthalos’s voice in her mind, but she ignores it or argues with it. She becomes fascinated by the artifact and its creator, and considers them as part of her hoard.
As far as it is known, Iryklathagra still has the monocle in her possession, and guards it jealously from anyone who might try to take it from her.
Powers and Curse: The Blessing and Bane of the Monocle of Bagthalos
The Monocle of Bagthalos is a potent artifact that grants its wearer various magical abilities and effects, but also carries a terrible curse that torments its wearer with guilt and remorse. The following is a list of the powers and curse of the monocle, based on the information you provided:
- Constant: Looking through the monocle gives the wearer the power of a true seeing spell, which allows them to see things as they really are, regardless of any form of invisibility, illusion, or deception. Furthermore, the monocle-wearer is immune to all gaze attacks and to effects or menaces, magical or psionic, that employ hypnotism, bright lights, shimmering colors, mesmerizing patterns or eye contact. This makes the wearer resistant to many forms of enchantment and manipulation.
- Invoked: Three times per day, the Monocle can fire a bright orange ray (range 60 yards, duration instantaneous) that immediately drains 1d8 hp from the wearer but deals 4d8 hp damage to everything in its path. The beam penetrates all materials but lead. Targets the wearer can see are automatically hit, while those in the path but concealed by solid objects are allowed to roll a saving throw vs. death (+4 bonus) to avoid the beam. This power can be used as a weapon or a tool, but it comes at a cost to the wearer’s health.
- Random: The Monocle also has two random powers from Table 15: Detection in the Book of Artifacts . These powers are determined by rolling 2d20 on the table and consulting the corresponding entries. The powers can range from detecting alignment, magic, metals, gems, traps, secret doors, invisible objects, thoughts, lies, or emotions. These powers can be useful for exploration and investigation, but they are unpredictable and may not always be relevant or reliable.
- Curse: The most dreadful aspect of the Monocle is its curse, which stems from the spirit of Bagthalos Deszhummer that is trapped within the artifact. When worn, the artifact whispers his sorrows and regrets into the mind’s eye of its owner. Each hour (or fraction thereof) spent wearing the monocle, the user must roll a saving throw vs. spells. If failed, the character remembers intensely every error, misstep, and fault they have ever committed and feels compelled to make amends as best as possible. The DM should choose an incident from the character’s past adventures that must be corrected. The character becomes obsessed with this quest (as per a geas spell, only the effect cannot be dispelled) and the Monocle ceases to function until things have been set right.
These are the powers and curse of the Monocle of Bagthalos, which make it a double-edged sword for anyone who dares to use it. The Monocle can grant great vision and protection, but it can also inflict great pain and suffering. It is a testament to the genius and folly of its creator, who tried to create something that would benefit his god and his people, but ended up creating something that would haunt him and his users forever.
Destruction: The Quest to End the Monocle of Bagthalos
The Monocle of Bagthalos is an artifact of Helm, the god of guardians, and as such, it is extremely difficult to destroy. However, there may be a way to end its existence and free the spirit of its creator, Bagthalos Deszhummer, from its curse. The following is a list of the suggested means of destruction of the monocle, based on the information you provided:
- All of the pieces of Bagthalos’s spirit must be found on the outer planes and reunited: When Bagthalos died, his spirit was trapped within the monocle, but it was also shattered into fragments that were scattered across the outer planes. These fragments are the source of the monocle’s curse, as they whisper Bagthalos’s regrets and sorrows to its wearer. To destroy the monocle, one must find all of these fragments and reunite them with the monocle, restoring Bagthalos’s spirit to wholeness. This would require a perilous journey through the planes, facing many dangers and challenges along the way. The exact number and location of the fragments are unknown, but they may be related to the incidents that Bagthalos felt guilty about in his life.
- It must be frozen at the heart of the Abyss: Once Bagthalos’s spirit is restored, the monocle must be taken to the heart of the Abyss, the plane of infinite evil and chaos. There, at the bottom of the infinite layers, lies a frozen wasteland known as Thanatos, where even demons fear to tread. The monocle must be plunged into the ice at the center of Thanatos, where it will be frozen for eternity. This would prevent anyone from ever using or abusing its power again, and it would also sever its connection to Helm, who may not approve of its destruction.
These are the suggested means of destruction of the Monocle of Bagthalos, which are both extremely difficult and dangerous. However, they may be the only way to end its curse and honor its creator’s legacy. It is up to anyone who dares to take on this quest to decide if it is worth it.
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