Introduction: What is the Queen Ehlissa’s Marvelous Nightingale?
The Queen Ehlissa’s Marvelous Nightingale is a magical artifact that was created by the legendary Queen Ehlissa of Aerdy, a powerful enchantress and ruler of the Great Kingdom in the world of Oerth. The artifact is a golden bird that can sing with a mesmerizing voice and emit a brilliant light that can heal, protect, or harm depending on the will of its owner. The artifact is also known as the Miniature Sun, the Singing Bird, or simply the Nightingale.
The Nightingale is one of the most ancient and mysterious artifacts in Oerth, dating back to the Age of Great Sorrow, a period of turmoil and war that followed the fall of the Suel Imperium. The Nightingale was created by Queen Ehlissa as a gift for her lover, Xagy, a mysterious figure who helped her ascend to the throne and taught her the secrets of magic. However, the Nightingale also had a dark side, as it was imbued with a curse that would eventually doom both Queen Ehlissa and Xagy, and cause the artifact to be lost for centuries.
The Nightingale has been sought after by many adventurers, scholars, and villains over the years, as it is said to possess incredible powers that can change the fate of nations or even worlds. However, the artifact is also very dangerous and unpredictable, as it can only be controlled by those who have a strong bond with it, and it can also attract the attention of deadly enemies, such as the evil god Vecna or the mad archmage Mordenkainen. The Nightingale is currently in the possession of Rary the Traitor, a former member of the Circle of Eight who betrayed his allies and fled to the Bright Desert.
In this article, we will explore the history, lore, and secrets of the Queen Ehlissa’s Marvelous Nightingale, one of the most fascinating and elusive artifacts in Oerth. We will also discuss its possible uses, dangers, and future in the world of Greyhawk.
Queen Ehlissa: The Enchantress of Ahlissa
Queen Ehlissa was the founder and ruler of the ancient Flan kingdom of Ahlissa, which existed over 1,700 years ago in the southeastern Flanaess. She was a powerful enchantress who mastered the secrets of magic and created many wonders, including the Marvelous Nightingale. She was also a ruthless monarch who used her magic to bend her subjects to her will and expand her empire.
Queen Ehlissa was born in a small Flan tribe that lived near the shores of the Azure Sea. She showed a natural talent for magic and learned from the tribal shamans and druids. She also had a curiosity for the ancient ruins and relics that dotted the land, remnants of the lost Suel Imperium. She explored these sites and discovered many secrets and artifacts, including a mysterious tome that contained arcane lore and spells.
Queen Ehlissa used her magic to gain influence and power among her tribe and neighboring tribes. She united them under her rule and founded the kingdom of Ahlissa. She also made contact with other civilizations, such as the Baklunish, the Oeridians, and the elves. She traded with them and learned from them, but also schemed against them and sought to dominate them.
Queen Ehlissa’s most famous creation was the Marvelous Nightingale, a golden bird that could sing with a mesmerizing voice and emit a brilliant light. She created it as a gift for her lover, Xagy, a mysterious figure who helped her ascend to the throne and taught her the secrets of magic. The Nightingale was a symbol of their love, but also a weapon of their power. The Nightingale could heal, protect, or harm depending on the will of its owner. It could also influence the minds and emotions of those who heard its song or saw its light.
Queen Ehlissa ruled for several hundred years, as she used her magic to extend her lifespan and preserve her beauty. She was revered by her people as a goddess-queen, but also feared by them as a tyrant-queen. She treated everyone fairly, but she also used the Nightingale to magically bend her subjects to her will. She faced many enemies and challenges, such as wars, rebellions, plagues, and invasions. She always prevailed, but at a great cost.
Queen Ehlissa’s downfall came from within. Her lover, Xagy, betrayed her and stole the Nightingale. He revealed himself to be an agent of Vecna, the evil god of secrets and magic. He had seduced Queen Ehlissa and manipulated her to create the Nightingale for Vecna’s purposes. He planned to use the Nightingale to unleash Vecna’s wrath upon Oerth. Queen Ehlissa pursued him and confronted him in a final battle. The outcome of this battle is unknown, but it is believed that both Queen Ehlissa and Xagy perished, along with the Nightingale.
Queen Ehlissa’s legacy lives on in the modern Ahlissa, which is named after her ancient kingdom. Her descendants still rule some of the principalities of Ahlissa, such as Darmen and Chathold. Her magic still lingers in some of her creations, such as the Crown of Arumdina or the Staff of Power. Her history still inspires awe and wonder in those who study it, such as scholars or adventurers. And her mystery still haunts those who seek it, such as Rary the Traitor or Mordenkainen.
History of the Queen Ehlissa’s Marvelous Nightingale: A Timeline
The Queen Ehlissa’s Marvelous Nightingale is an artifact that has a long and rich history, spanning over 1,700 years in the world of Oerth. Here is a timeline of the major events and milestones in the history of the Nightingale:
- c. -1700 CY: Queen Ehlissa is born in a small Flan tribe near the Azure Sea. She shows a natural talent for magic and learns from the tribal shamans and druids. She also develops a love for song birds, especially nightingales.
- c. -1650 CY: Queen Ehlissa unites several Flan tribes under her rule and founds the kingdom of Ahlissa. She also makes contact with other civilizations, such as the Baklunish, the Oeridians, and the elves. She trades with them and learns from them, but also schemes against them and seeks to dominate them.
- c. -1600 CY: Queen Ehlissa meets Xagy, a mysterious figure who helps her ascend to the throne and teaches her the secrets of magic. He also gives her a mysterious tome that contains arcane lore and spells. They fall in love and become lovers.
- c. -1550 CY: Queen Ehlissa’s beloved nightingale dies on her birthday. She is devastated and goes into mourning. Her subjects, fearing for their beloved queen, send for their greatest artisans, bards, mages, and craftsmen. For one year they labor, and on Ehlissa’s next birthday, they give her the mechanical Nightingale. The music that comes forth is so pure and lovely that it soothes the queen and her sorrow melts away.
- c. -1549 CY: Queen Ehlissa enchants the mechanical Nightingale with her magic, making it a powerful artifact. She imbues it with her love for Xagy, but also with a curse that would eventually doom them both. The Nightingale can sing with a mesmerizing voice and emit a brilliant light that can heal, protect, or harm depending on the will of its owner. It can also influence the minds and emotions of those who hear its song or see its light.
- c. -1500 CY: Xagy betrays Queen Ehlissa and steals the Nightingale. He reveals himself to be an agent of Vecna, the evil god of secrets and magic. He had seduced Queen Ehlissa and manipulated her to create the Nightingale for Vecna’s purposes. He plans to use the Nightingale to unleash Vecna’s wrath upon Oerth.
- c. -1499 CY: Queen Ehlissa pursues Xagy and confronts him in a final battle. The outcome of this battle is unknown, but it is believed that both Queen Ehlissa and Xagy perished, along with the Nightingale.
- c. -1498 to 570 CY: The Nightingale is lost for over 2,000 years. It is rumored to be hidden in various places, such as the Tomb of Horrors, the City of Brass, or the Vault of Zagyg. Many adventurers, scholars, and villains seek it, but none find it.
- 570 CY: The Circle of Eight, a group of powerful mages who seek to maintain balance in Oerth, discover the Nightingale in an ancient ruin in the Bright Desert. They recognize its power and danger, and decide to keep it in their secret headquarters in Castle Greyhawk.
- 581 CY: Rary the Traitor, a former member of the Circle of Eight who betrayed his allies and fled to the Bright Desert, steals the Nightingale from Castle Greyhawk with the help of Robilar, another traitor. He plans to use it to create his own empire in the desert.
- 583 CY: Mordenkainen, the leader of the Circle of Eight and a rival of Rary, learns of Rary’s theft of the Nightingale. He vows to recover it and stop Rary’s schemes.
- 584 CY: Rary uses the Nightingale to create a magical barrier around his domain in the Bright Desert, preventing anyone from entering or leaving without his permission. He also uses it to enhance his magic and influence his followers.
- 585 CY: Mordenkainen leads an expedition to breach Rary’s barrier and confront him in his citadel. He brings along some allies, such as Bigby, Jallarzi Sallavarian, Otto, Tenser, Alhamazad the Wise, Murlynd, Heward Sechster, Zagig Yragerne (also known as Zagyg), Iggwilv (also known as Tasha), Drawmij (also known as Jim Ward), Nystul (also known as Mike Nystul), and Otiluke (also known as Luke Gygax). They also have the support of some factions, such as the Knights of the Hart, the Scarlet Brotherhood, and the Baklunish.
- 586 CY: The expedition reaches Rary’s citadel and engages in a fierce battle with Rary and his allies, such as Robilar, Kermin Mindbender, Lareth the Beautiful, and the Cult of Vecna. The battle is inconclusive, as both sides suffer heavy losses and retreat. The Nightingale is damaged in the battle, and its song and light become erratic and unstable.
- 587 CY: The Nightingale’s curse manifests itself, as it begins to affect the minds and emotions of those who are near it. Rary becomes obsessed with the Nightingale and isolates himself from his allies and followers. He also becomes paranoid and hostile to anyone who tries to approach him or the Nightingale. Mordenkainen becomes obsessed with the Nightingale and abandons his allies and followers. He also becomes secretive and manipulative to anyone who tries to stop him or the Nightingale.
- 588 CY: The Nightingale’s power grows out of control, as it begins to affect the environment and magic of the Bright Desert. The desert becomes a place of extremes, where day and night, heat and cold, life and death are constantly fluctuating. The magic of the desert becomes unpredictable and dangerous, causing anomalies and disasters. The Nightingale also begins to sing a new song, a song that only Rary and Mordenkainen can hear. A song that calls them to a final confrontation.
- 589 CY: Rary and Mordenkainen meet in a secret location in the Bright Desert, where the Nightingale awaits them. They engage in a duel of magic and wills, each trying to claim the Nightingale for themselves. The outcome of this duel is unknown, but it is believed that both Rary and Mordenkainen perished, along with the Nightingale.
This is the end of the timeline of the Queen Ehlissa’s Marvelous Nightingale. It is possible that the Nightingale still exists somewhere in Oerth, waiting for a new owner to discover it and unleash its power and curse. Or it is possible that the Nightingale is gone forever, leaving behind only legends and mysteries. Either way, the Queen Ehlissa’s Marvelous Nightingale remains one of the most fascinating and elusive artifacts in Oerth.
Powers and Curse of the Queen Ehlissa’s Marvelous Nightingale
The Queen Ehlissa’s Marvelous Nightingale is a magical artifact that can sing with a mesmerizing voice and emit a brilliant light that can heal, protect, or harm depending on the will of its owner. However, the artifact also has a dark side, as it is imbued with a curse that would eventually doom its owner and anyone who hears its song or sees its light.
Powers of the Nightingale
The Nightingale has five different songs, each associated with a different power. The songs can be activated by moving a small lever into different notches on the bottom of the cage. The songs are as follows:
- Bless: The Nightingale sings a song of hope and courage, granting a +1 bonus to attack rolls and saving throws against fear effects to all allies within the area of effect. This song can be used seven times per day.
- Music of the Spheres: The Nightingale sings a song of harmony and balance, creating a sphere of protection around itself and its owner. The sphere blocks all spells of 4th level or lower from entering or leaving, and grants a +2 bonus to saving throws against spells of 5th level or higher to those inside. This song can be used five times per day.
- Unceasing Vigilance of the Holy Sentinel: The Nightingale sings a song of alertness and vigilance, granting its owner and all allies within the area of effect immunity to sleep effects, charm effects, and surprise attacks. This song can be used once per week.
- Zone of Truth: The Nightingale sings a song of honesty and truth, creating a zone where no one can lie or deceive within the area of effect. Anyone who enters the zone must make a saving throw or be compelled to speak only the truth. There is no saving throw for this song. This song can be used once per week.
- Emotion: The Nightingale sings a song of emotion, affecting the minds and feelings of those who hear it. The owner can choose one of the following emotions to evoke: calmness, despair, fear, friendship, happiness, hate, hopelessness, or rage. Those who fail their saving throws are affected by the chosen emotion for as long as the owner maintains concentration. If the owner does not choose an emotion, one is selected randomly and lasts for 2d4 rounds. This song can be used once per day.
Curse of the Nightingale
The Nightingale also has a curse that affects anyone who possesses it. The curse makes the owner increasingly childlike and vulnerable. The curse has the following effects:
- Fear: The owner becomes afraid of monsters and other dangers, causing them to flee in panic for 2d4 rounds whenever they encounter them.
- Sleeplessness: The owner becomes too frightened to sleep at night, preventing them from healing and memorizing spells. Each night there is a 50% chance that the owner is unable to sleep. If the owner loses sleep for three consecutive nights, they become incoherent and sluggish, with their attributes dropping by 1 point.
- Truthfulness: The owner becomes unable to lie or deceive anyone, forcing them to speak only the truth at all times.
- Level Loss: The owner loses one experience level for each month that they possess the Nightingale. This loss is permanent unless the Nightingale is given up.
The curse can only be reversed by giving up the Nightingale voluntarily and without coercion. The negative effects are gradually reversed over the same amount of time that they were incurred.
Suggested Means of Destruction of the Queen Ehlissa’s Marvelous Nightingale
The Queen Ehlissa’s Marvelous Nightingale is a powerful and dangerous artifact that can be very hard to destroy. However, there are some legends and rumors that suggest possible ways to destroy it. Here are some of the suggested means of destruction of the Nightingale:
- Giving it to the King of Songbirds: According to some stories, the Nightingale was originally a gift from the King of Songbirds, a mythical creature that rules over all the birds in Oerth. The King of Songbirds gave the Nightingale to Queen Ehlissa as a token of his friendship and admiration. However, when Queen Ehlissa enchanted the Nightingale with her magic and curse, the King of Songbirds was offended and angry. He vowed to reclaim the Nightingale and undo its corruption. Some say that if the Nightingale is given back to the King of Songbirds, he will destroy it with his song and light, freeing it from its curse and power.
- Smashing it by a Tinker Gnome with the Strength of a Titan: According to some tales, the Nightingale was originally a creation of the tinker gnomes, a race of ingenious and eccentric inventors who live in the Flanaess. The tinker gnomes made the Nightingale as a marvel of engineering and artistry, using clockwork and magic to make it sing and shine. However, when Queen Ehlissa took the Nightingale and enchanted it with her magic and curse, the tinker gnomes were outraged and dismayed. They swore to destroy the Nightingale and restore its original beauty. Some say that if the Nightingale is smashed by a tinker gnome with the strength of a titan, it will break into pieces and lose its magic and curse.
- Exposing it to the Most Wretched Chord Playable on Heward’s Mystical Organ: According to some sources, the Nightingale was originally a part of Heward’s Mystical Organ, a legendary musical instrument that can produce any sound or effect imaginable. The Nightingale was one of the pipes of the organ, capable of producing the most beautiful and harmonious melodies. However, when Queen Ehlissa removed the Nightingale from the organ and enchanted it with her magic and curse, Heward’s Mystical Organ was damaged and incomplete. It lost some of its power and versatility. Some say that if the Nightingale is exposed to the most wretched chord playable on Heward’s Mystical Organ, it will shatter and lose its magic and curse.
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