The Death Rock: A Deadly Artifact of Power and Mystery
Have you ever heard of the Death Rock? It is one of the most feared and coveted artifacts in the world of Dungeons & Dragons. It is a large black boulder that emanates a dark and sinister aura, capable of granting incredible power or unleashing terrible destruction. It is also a trap, as anyone who touches it or uses its powers becomes enslaved by its will. The Death Rock is a source of many legends and adventures, as well as a threat to the balance of life and death. In this article, we will explore the history, nature, and secrets of this fascinating artifact.

The Death Rock: A Timeline of Its Owners
The Death Rock is an ancient and powerful artifact that has been in the possession of various individuals and groups throughout history. Some of them sought to use its power for their own purposes, while others tried to destroy it or keep it away from evil hands. Here is a brief timeline of some of the known owners of the Death Rock:
- Zaltec: The original creator and owner of the Death Rock, Zaltec was a mad wizard who performed a ritual that sacrificed thousands of lives to infuse the rock with necromantic energy. However, the ritual went wrong and Zaltec was consumed by the Death Rock, becoming its guardian and prisoner. He still resides within the rock, waiting for someone to free him or challenge him.
- Netheril: The Netherese were an ancient empire of human wizards who ruled over a vast territory in Faerûn. They discovered the Death Rock in one of their expeditions and brought it to their floating city of Thultanthar, also known as Shade. They experimented with the rock’s powers, hoping to unlock its secrets and use them for their own benefit. However, they also unleashed its curse, as the rock corrupted and twisted many of them into undead or monstrous beings. The Death Rock also contributed to the fall of Netheril, as it attracted the attention of the phaerimm, a race of evil creatures who drained the magic from the land and caused the Netherese cities to crash.
- Vecna: Vecna was a powerful human wizard who became a lich and then a god of secrets and evil magic. He learned about the Death Rock from his spies and sought to claim it for himself. He sent his army of undead and cultists to raid Thultanthar and retrieve the rock. He managed to obtain it and brought it to his citadel in the Grey Wastes, where he studied it and used it to enhance his power. He also used it to create his infamous Hand and Eye, two artifacts that granted him immense abilities but also cursed him. Vecna was eventually betrayed by his lieutenant Kas, who tried to usurp his power with the help of the Death Rock. However, the rock turned against both of them, causing a cataclysmic explosion that destroyed Vecna’s citadel and scattered his body parts across the planes.
- Kas: Kas was a vampire warrior who served as Vecna’s right hand and most loyal follower. He wielded a sword that Vecna had forged for him, which was imbued with part of the Death Rock’s power. The sword also whispered to Kas, urging him to rebel against Vecna and take his place as the god of evil magic. Kas eventually succumbed to the sword’s influence and attacked Vecna with it, severing his hand and eye. He then tried to use the Death Rock to finish him off, but the rock betrayed him as well, causing a massive blast that killed most of their followers and sent them both to different planes of existence. Kas survived, but was cursed by Vecna’s wrath and haunted by his sword’s voice. He wandered the planes in search of Vecna’s remains, hoping to destroy him once and for all or make peace with him.
- The Circle of Eight: The Circle of Eight was a group of eight powerful wizards who acted as guardians of balance and stability in the world of Oerth. They were led by Mordenkainen, one of the most influential mages in history. They learned about the Death Rock from their research and decided to acquire it and keep it safe from anyone who might misuse it or unleash its curse. They tracked down its location in the Grey Wastes and sent a team of agents to retrieve it. They succeeded in bringing it back to their headquarters in the Citadel of Eight, where they stored it in a secure vault under heavy protection. They also studied it carefully, trying to understand its nature and origin. However, they also faced some difficulties, as the rock occasionally activated its random power, causing some trouble or damage in their citadel.
- Iuz: Iuz was a demigod of evil, pain, and oppression, who ruled over a vast domain in Oerth. He was the son of Graz’zt, a demon lord, and Iggwilv, a witch queen. He was also an enemy of the Circle of Eight, who had thwarted his plans several times. He learned about the Death Rock from his spies and decided to steal it from them, hoping to use its power to conquer more lands and destroy his foes. He launched a surprise attack on their citadel with his army of orcs, ogres, trolls, fiends, and cultists. He managed to breach their defenses and reach their vault, where he confronted Mordenkainen and his allies. A fierce battle ensued, during which Iuz tried to grab the Death Rock and use it against them. However, the rock resisted his touch and activated its random power, opening a portal to the Negative Energy Plane. A wave of negative energy swept through the vault, killing many of Iuz’s minions and weakening him. Mordenkainen and his allies seized the opportunity and banished Iuz to the Abyss, where he was imprisoned by his father Graz’zt. The Circle of Eight then recovered the Death Rock and moved it to a more secure location.
- Elminster: Elminster was one of the most famous and powerful wizards in the world of Toril. He was also a chosen of Mystra, the goddess of magic, and a member of the Harpers, a secret organization that fought for freedom and justice. He learned about the Death Rock from his friend Khelben “Blackstaff” Arunsun, another powerful wizard and Harper. They decided to investigate the rock and see if they could find a way to destroy it or neutralize its curse. They tracked down its location in the Circle of Eight’s new headquarters in the City of Greyhawk, where they managed to infiltrate and reach their vault. They found the rock and tried to examine it, but they triggered its guardian, Zaltec, who emerged from the rock and attacked them. A fierce battle ensued, during which Elminster and Khelben tried to use their magic to overcome Zaltec’s power. However, they also faced some interference from the rock itself, which activated its random power several times, causing some unexpected effects. The battle ended in a stalemate, as neither side could gain the upper hand. Elminster and Khelben decided to retreat, realizing that they needed more time and resources to deal with the rock and its guardian. They vowed to return someday and finish their mission.
These are some of the known owners of the Death Rock, but there may be others who have encountered it or tried to claim it over the centuries. The Death Rock is still out there, waiting for someone to find it or challenge it. Who knows what secrets or dangers it holds? Who knows what fate awaits those who dare to touch it or use its powers? The Death Rock is a deadly artifact of power and mystery, and one of the greatest mysteries in the world of Dungeons & Dragons.
The Death Rock: A Campaign Use for the Death Rock
The Death Rock is a powerful and mysterious artifact that can be used in a campaign as a plot device, a challenge, or a reward. However, the DM should be careful and considerate when introducing the Death Rock to the players, as it can have serious consequences for the characters and the group. The Death Rock is not a simple treasure or a magic item, but a trap and a temptation that can test the heroes’ morals, values, and loyalty.
The DM should only use the Death Rock if they want to sorely tempt and test the heroes. The rock grants great power, but only to one person and at terrible cost to the PC’s companions. The rock can offer the user a wish, a powerful spell, or a unique ability, but it will also demand a sacrifice, such as the life of a friend, the soul of an ally, or the betrayal of a cause. The rock can also corrupt or transform the user, turning them into an undead servant or a twisted creature of death. The rock can also communicate with the user, tempting them to use its powers or luring them into its trap.
The DM should know the players well, for if the temptation succeeds, serious ill will could develop among the players, threatening the harmony of the group. The DM should make sure that the players are mature and respectful enough to handle such a situation, and that they understand that it is part of the game and not personal. The DM should also be prepared to deal with the consequences of the user’s choice, such as how it will affect the story, the other characters, and the world. The DM should also be ready to intervene if the situation gets out of hand or becomes too unpleasant.
The Death Rock is a deadly artifact of power and mystery that can provide many opportunities for adventure and storytelling in a campaign. However, it is also a very dangerous artifact that should be handled with caution and respect. If you ever use it in your campaign, be careful not to succumb to its dark allure. Remember that the Death Rock is not a tool, but a trap.
The Death Rock: A Power and a Curse
The Death Rock is an artifact that grants its owner great power, but also imposes a terrible curse. The power and the curse of the Death Rock are as follows:
- Power: The Death Rock gives its owner all the abilities of a necromancer-mage of the same level as the character. The character knows all necromancy spells appropriate to that level but can only memorize and use necromantic spells. The character gains no hit points and does not earn or record experience as a necromancer. Experience and hit dice are gained normally in the other class and each time a new level is gained, the character also advances as a necromancer. The character loses none of the abilities of the other class and can freely mix the powers of both classes. The most favorable adjustments to THAC0, saving throws, etc. are used. If the character is a wizard, the selection of spells is doubled, although the PC is still limited to necromantic spells for the additional ones.
- Curse: To activate and maintain the power of the Rock, the character’s closest companion must be claimed each week as a zombie slave. If this is not done, the Rock instantly vanishes, not to be seen again.
The power of the Death Rock can make its owner a formidable spellcaster, able to command the forces of death and undeath. However, the curse of the Death Rock can also make its owner a ruthless and lonely tyrant, who must sacrifice their friends and allies to feed the Rock’s hunger. The power and the curse of the Death Rock are inseparable, and anyone who seeks to use it must be prepared to pay a high price.
The Death Rock: A Suggested Means of Destruction
The Death Rock is an artifact that is nearly impossible to destroy, as it has resisted many attempts over the centuries. However, there may be some ways to achieve its destruction, if one is willing to take the risk and pay the price. Here are some suggested means of destruction for the Death Rock:
- It must be burned in the Flames of Pure Truth: The Flames of Pure Truth are a legendary fire that burns in the heart of Mount Celestia, the plane of law and good. The flames are said to consume anything that is not pure and true, leaving only what is good and noble. The Death Rock, being an artifact of evil and death, would surely be destroyed by the flames, but reaching them would be a perilous journey. One would have to travel through the planes, facing many dangers and temptations along the way. One would also have to gain the permission of the archons, the guardians of Mount Celestia, who may not approve of bringing such a foul object into their realm. And one would have to endure the pain of the flames, which would burn not only the rock, but also the bearer’s body and soul.
- It must be used to slay a god of death: The Death Rock is a product of a ritual that sacrificed thousands of lives to infuse it with necromantic energy. It is possible that using it to slay a god of death would reverse the process, draining the rock’s power and destroying it. However, this would also be a very dangerous and difficult task. One would have to find a way to reach the domain of a god of death, such as Hades, Nerull, or Kelemvor. One would have to face their minions and servants, who would try to stop or kill them. And one would have to confront the god themselves, who would be a formidable opponent with divine power and wrath. Even if one succeeded in killing them, they may not stay dead for long, as gods can often resurrect or reincarnate themselves.
- It must be given to a man who was never alive: The Death Rock is an artifact that feeds on life and death, draining the life force from living creatures and creating undead ones. It is possible that giving it to a man who was never alive would break its cycle, as it would have nothing to feed on or create. However, finding such a man would be a rare and unlikely occurrence. One would have to look for someone who was not born from a living mother, but from some other means, such as magic, alchemy, or artifice. One would have to make sure that they were truly never alive, and not just undead or artificial. And one would have to convince them to accept the rock, which may not be easy, as they may not want or need it.
These are some suggested means of destruction for the Death Rock, but they are not guaranteed or proven. They are based on speculation and logic, but they may not work in practice or reality. The Death Rock is a deadly artifact of power and mystery, and one of the greatest mysteries in the world of Dungeons & Dragons.
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