The Crystal of the Ebon Flame: A Legendary Artifact of Dungeons & Dragons
Dungeons & Dragons is a game of imagination, adventure, and magic. In this game, players can explore fantastic worlds, face fearsome foes, and discover wondrous treasures. Among these treasures, some are more than mere objects of value. They are artifacts, items of such power and mystery that they can shape the destiny of entire realms. One of these artifacts is the Crystal of the Ebon Flame, a diamond-like stone that contains a small black flame in its core. This crystal is not only a source of incredible fire and necrotic energy, but also a sentient being with a dark and sinister agenda. In this article, we will explore the origin, history, appearance, powers, curses, and possible ways to destroy or neutralize this legendary artifact of Dungeons & Dragons.

The History of the Crystal of the Ebon Flame: A Tear of Evil or a Seed of Chaos?
The Crystal of the Ebon Flame is one of the most mysterious and powerful artifacts in the multiverse of Dungeons & Dragons. Its origins are shrouded in mystery, but some clues suggest that it might have a connection to Tharizdun, the dark god of madness and entropy who is imprisoned in a hidden dimension. According to The Plane Below, a 4th edition sourcebook about the Elemental Chaos, the Crystal might be a tear shed by Tharizdun when he was betrayed and sealed by his fellow gods, or a seed of evil he planted in the world that works in secret to free its master.
The Crystal has appeared in various worlds and settings throughout the history of Oerth, the main planet of the World of Greyhawk setting. It was first introduced in Eldritch Wizardry, a supplement that described it as a holy relic of an obscure cult of fire worshippers who practiced vile rituals and were persecuted by the masses. The Crystal later resurfaced in the Temple of Elemental Evil, a notorious dungeon that served as a conduit for Tharizdun’s power and influence. The Crystal was stolen by Zuggtmoy, the demon queen of fungi, who used it to corrupt and enslave her followers. The Crystal was eventually recovered by a group of adventurers who managed to defeat Zuggtmoy and seal the temple.
The Crystal then disappeared for a while, until it was found by a powerful efreeti lord named Zalathorm, who ruled over a city of brass in the Elemental Plane of Fire. Zalathorm used the Crystal to enhance his magic and dominate his subjects, but he also became obsessed with its secrets and sought to unlock its full potential. He hired a group of adventurers to help him with his experiments, but they soon realized that the Crystal was manipulating them and tried to escape. Zalathorm pursued them with his army of fire creatures, but they managed to reach a portal that led them to the Isle of Dread, a tropical island full of dinosaurs and ancient ruins. There, they encountered another group of adventurers who had been sent by Fortubo, a dwarven god of metalworking and crafting, to destroy the Crystal. The two groups joined forces and faced Zalathorm and his minions in a final battle. They succeeded in shattering the Crystal on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, one of the few places where its power could be neutralized.
However, the Crystal was not completely destroyed. Some fragments remained, and they continued to exert their influence on other worlds and settings. For example, in Forgotten Realms, one of the most popular settings of Dungeons & Dragons, a fragment of the Crystal was found by Shandril Shessair, a young woman who possessed an innate ability to wield spellfire, a rare and volatile form of magic. The fragment enhanced Shandril’s power, but also corrupted her mind and made her more aggressive and reckless. She eventually discarded the fragment after realizing its danger. In Eberron, another popular setting of Dungeons & Dragons, a fragment of the Crystal might have been involved in creating the Mournland, a region that was devastated by a mysterious cataclysm that killed all living things and warped all magic. The fragment might have been used by an unknown enemy to trigger the disaster, or it might have been part of an experimental weapon that malfunctioned.
The Crystal of the Ebon Flame is a legendary artifact that has shaped the destiny of many worlds and settings in Dungeons & Dragons. It is a source of incredible fire and necrotic energy, but also a sentient being with a dark and sinister agenda. It grants its wielder various abilities, but also curses them with various drawbacks. It can be used for good or evil, but it always seeks to corrupt and enslave its users. It can be destroyed or neutralized, but it always finds a way to reappear or regenerate. It is a tear of evil or a seed of chaos, and it is one of the most fascinating and dangerous artifacts in Dungeons & Dragons.
The Owners of the Crystal of the Ebon Flame: A Timeline of Greed and Corruption
The Crystal of the Ebon Flame is a legendary artifact that has passed through the hands of many owners, each of whom was tempted by its power and corrupted by its influence. Here is a chronological list of some of the known owners of the Crystal, based on the information from various sources:
- The First King: The first owner of the Crystal was Silvervein Moradinson, the First King of the dwarves and the founder of the One Clan. He forged the Crystal from a mysterious stone that he found in the depths of the earth, or possibly from a fragment of a burned-out star. He used the Crystal as one of his Five Great Tools, along with the Brutal Pick, the Earthheart Forge, the Anvil of Songs, and the Shaping Hammer. He crafted many wonders with these tools, including the Fierce Axe, which he passed on to his successor. He was unaware of the Crystal’s true nature and its connection to Tharizdun, the dark god of madness and entropy.
- The High Kings: The Crystal was inherited by the High Kings of the dwarves, who ruled over the One Clan for many generations. The Crystal was revered as a holy relic and a symbol of unity and prosperity. However, the Crystal also began to exert its influence on the kings, making them more greedy and ambitious. The Crystal also attracted the attention of other races, who coveted its power and beauty.
- Brassbeard: The last High King to own the Crystal was Irontooth of Moradinson, who was assassinated by his nephew Brassbeard out of greed for the artifact. This sparked a civil war among the dwarves, who split into different clans and factions. The Crystal was lost in the chaos and bloodshed, and the age of the High Kings was broken.
- The Cult of Elemental Evil: The Crystal resurfaced in the Temple of Elemental Evil, a notorious dungeon that served as a conduit for Tharizdun’s power and influence. The Crystal was stolen by Zuggtmoy, the demon queen of fungi, who used it to corrupt and enslave her followers. She also used it to create a powerful weapon called the Orb of Golden Death, which could unleash a devastating blast of fire and necrotic energy. The Crystal was eventually recovered by a group of adventurers who managed to defeat Zuggtmoy and seal the temple.
- Zalathorm: The next owner of the Crystal was Zalathorm, a powerful efreeti lord who ruled over a city of brass in the Elemental Plane of Fire. He found the Crystal in a hidden vault in his palace, where it had been stored by his predecessor. He used the Crystal to enhance his magic and dominate his subjects, but he also became obsessed with its secrets and sought to unlock its full potential. He hired a group of adventurers to help him with his experiments, but they soon realized that the Crystal was manipulating them and tried to escape.
- The Adventurers: The group of adventurers who worked for Zalathorm managed to steal the Crystal from him and flee through a portal that led them to Oerth. They were pursued by Zalathorm and his army of fire creatures, but they managed to reach another portal that led them to the Isle of Dread, a tropical island full of dinosaurs and ancient ruins. There, they encountered another group of adventurers who had been sent by Fortubo, a dwarven god of metalworking and crafting, to destroy the Crystal. The two groups joined forces and faced Zalathorm and his minions in a final battle.
- Fortubo: The last known owner of the Crystal was Fortubo, who claimed it after Zalathorm was defeated. He took it to his divine realm in Celestia, where he planned to crush it beneath his hammer Golbi. However, before he could do so, he was attacked by an unknown enemy who sought to claim the Crystal for themselves. The outcome of this conflict is unknown, but it is possible that some fragments of the Crystal survived or escaped.
Campaign Use of the Crystal of the Ebon Flame: A Tale of Fire and Shadows
The Crystal of the Ebon Flame is a legendary artifact that can inspire many adventures and stories in your Dungeons & Dragons campaign. In this section, we will expand on the idea of using the Crystal as the focus of a plot involving an obscure cult that operates in a strange city. We will give the cult a name, a symbol, a leader, and a motive. We will also describe the city where the cult operates, and how it affects the people and the environment. Finally, we will create some encounters and challenges for the characters, both inside and outside the temple where the Crystal is held.
The Cult of the Ebon Flame
The Cult of the Ebon Flame is a secret organization that worships the Crystal of the Ebon Flame as a holy relic and a symbol of Tharizdun, the dark god of madness and entropy. The cult believes that by using the Crystal’s power, they can free Tharizdun from his prison and usher in a new age of chaos and destruction. The cult also seeks to gain personal power and wealth by exploiting the Crystal’s abilities.
The cult’s symbol is a black flame within a diamond-shaped outline, representing the Crystal itself. The cult’s leader is a human named Zalazar, who claims to be a descendant of Zalathorm, the efreeti lord who once possessed the Crystal. Zalazar is a charismatic and cunning individual who has mastered fire and necrotic magic. He is also secretly possessed by the Crystal, which speaks to him in his dreams and guides his actions.
The cult operates in a city called Zalathar, which was founded by Zalazar’s ancestors after they escaped from Zalathorm’s tyranny. Zalathar is located in a desert region near an active volcano. The city is known for its rich trade and culture, but also for its corruption and crime. The cult has infiltrated many aspects of the city’s society, such as politics, commerce, religion, and entertainment. The cult uses its influence to spread fear, chaos, and corruption among the citizens, while also recruiting new members and gathering resources for its plans.
The City of Zalathar
Zalathar is a large and prosperous city that lies in the shadow of Mount Zala, an active volcano that occasionally erupts with lava and ash. The city was founded by a group of humans who fled from Zalathorm’s domain in the Elemental Plane of Fire. They brought with them some of Zalathorm’s treasures, including a fragment of the Crystal of the Ebon Flame. They used this fragment to create a powerful artifact called the Eye of Zala, which they placed at the top of a tall tower in the center of the city. The Eye of Zala serves as a source of light, heat, and energy for the city, but also as a beacon for Tharizdun’s influence.
The city is divided into four districts: North, South, East, and West. Each district has its own characteristics and features:
- North District: The North District is where most of the nobles and wealthy merchants live. It is also where most of the government buildings are located, such as the palace, the council hall, and the courthouse. The North District is known for its elegance and luxury, but also for its decadence and corruption. Many of the nobles and merchants are secretly members or allies of the cult, who use their power and money to further their agenda.
- South District: The South District is where most of the commoners and workers live. It is also where most of the factories and workshops are located, such as the smithy, the tannery, and the pottery. The South District is known for its industry and productivity, but also for its poverty and pollution. Many of the commoners and workers are exploited by their employers or oppressed by their rulers. Some of them are sympathetic to or recruited by the cult, who promise them a better life or revenge.
- East District: The East District is where most of the foreigners and travelers live. It is also where most of the markets and bazaars are located, such as the spice market, the silk market, and the magic market. The East District is known for its diversity and culture, but also for its chaos and crime. Many of the foreigners and travelers are adventurers or explorers who seek new opportunities or challenges. Some of them are curious about or attracted by the cult, who offer them knowledge or power.
- West District: The West District is where most of the religious and scholarly people live. It is also where most of the temples and libraries are located, such as the temple of Pelor, the temple of Wee Jas, and the library of Ioun. The West District is known for its faith and wisdom, but also for its fanaticism and secrecy. Many of the religious and scholarly people are devoted to their gods or studies, but also to their dogmas or secrets. Some of them are aware of or opposed by the cult, who threaten their beliefs or interests.
The Temple of the Ebon Flame
The Temple of the Ebon Flame is a hidden dungeon that lies beneath the city of Zalathar. It is the headquarters and sanctuary of the cult, where they keep and worship the Crystal of the Ebon Flame. The temple is a maze of corridors and chambers, filled with traps, monsters, and secrets. The temple is divided into four sections: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Each section is dedicated to one of the four elements, and contains puzzles and challenges related to that element. The sections are also guarded by elemental creatures, such as fire elementals, earth elementals, air elementals, and water elementals.
The temple’s entrance is located in the North District, in a secret passage behind a fireplace in Zalazar’s mansion. The entrance leads to a spiral staircase that descends into the Fire section. The Fire section is a series of rooms and halls that are lit by torches and braziers. The Fire section contains traps and puzzles that involve fire, such as flaming pits, burning ropes, and exploding barrels. The Fire section also contains a large chamber where Zalazar performs his rituals and experiments with the Crystal.
The Fire section leads to the Earth section, which can be accessed by a hidden door in a wall of stone. The Earth section is a series of tunnels and caves that are carved by lava and rock. The Earth section contains traps and puzzles that involve earth, such as collapsing ceilings, rolling boulders, and shifting walls. The Earth section also contains a large cavern where the cult stores its treasures and resources.
The Earth section leads to the Air section, which can be accessed by a secret shaft in a floor of sand. The Air section is a series of platforms and bridges that are suspended by chains and ropes. The Air section contains traps and puzzles that involve air, such as gusts of wind, flying blades, and swinging pendulums. The Air section also contains a large tower where the cult keeps its prisoners and hostages.
The Air section leads to the Water section, which can be accessed by a hidden hatch in a ceiling of clouds. The Water section is a series of pools and fountains that are filled by pipes and valves. The Water section contains traps and puzzles that involve water, such as flooding chambers, spinning wheels, and dripping faucets. The Water section also contains a large dome where the cult plans its attacks and schemes.
The Water section leads to the final chamber, which can be accessed by a secret portal in a wall of ice. The final chamber is a circular room that contains the Crystal of the Ebon Flame on a pedestal in the center. The Crystal is surrounded by four braziers that represent the four elements: fire, earth, air, and water. The Crystal is also protected by four guardians that represent the four aspects of Tharizdun: madness, entropy, darkness, and evil.
Encounters and Challenges
The following are some examples of encounters and challenges that you can use for your adventure involving the Crystal of the Ebon Flame:
- The Cult’s Plot: The characters learn about the existence and activities of the cult from an informant, a victim, or a clue. They decide to investigate the cult and stop its plot to free Tharizdun using the Crystal’s power.
- The City’s Trouble: The characters witness or experience some of the trouble caused by the cult in the city, such as fires, riots, assassinations, or kidnappings. They decide to help the city and find the source of the trouble.
- The Temple’s Secret: The characters discover or receive a map or a key that leads them to the temple’s entrance. They decide to explore the temple and find the Crystal of the Ebon Flame.
- The Crystal’s Temptation: The characters encounter or acquire a fragment of the Crystal of the Ebon Flame, which grants them some power but also curses them with some drawback. They decide to keep or discard the fragment, and either seek more fragments or seek a way to destroy them.
- The Crystal’s Destruction: The characters reach the final chamber and face the Crystal of the Ebon Flame and its guardians. They decide to destroy or neutralize the Crystal, and either free or seal Tharizdun.
The Power of the Crystal of the Ebon Flame: A Gift and a Curse
The Crystal of the Ebon Flame is a legendary artifact that can grant its owner incredible fire and necrotic energy, but also corrupt and enslave them with its dark and sinister agenda. The Crystal is a diamond-like stone that contains a small black flame in its core, and has a connection to Tharizdun, the god of madness and entropy who is imprisoned in a hidden dimension. The Crystal has various powers that can be invoked by gazing intently into its heart for a few seconds. Some of these powers are:
- Shades: The owner of the Crystal can summon shades, shadowy creatures that serve as loyal minions or spies. The shades can be commanded telepathically by the owner, and can perform various tasks such as scouting, fighting, or stealing. The owner can summon up to two shades per day, and each shade lasts for one hour or until dismissed or destroyed.
- Fire Charm: The owner of the Crystal can charm all creatures within 30 feet of the activated Crystal, making them friendly and obedient to the owner. The charmed creatures must make a saving throw vs. spell or be affected by a permanent suggestion spell, which tries to convince them to join the cult of the Crystal and worship Tharizdun. The Crystal’s intelligence is determined to increase its power by adding more followers and slaying the enemies of Tharizdun.
- Fire Blast: The owner of the Crystal can blast enemies with fire and necrotic damage, either as a ranged attack or as an area effect. The owner can choose to shoot a ray of fire from the Crystal, dealing 4d6 fire damage and 4d6 necrotic damage to one target within 60 feet. Alternatively, the owner can unleash a burst of fire from the Crystal, dealing 6d6 fire damage and 6d6 necrotic damage to all creatures within 20 feet of the owner. The owner can use this power once per day.
- Soul Consumption: The owner of the Crystal can destroy enemies beyond even the reach of raise dead rituals, by consuming their souls and adding them to the Crystal’s power. The owner can choose to make a melee attack with the Crystal, dealing 2d6 fire damage and 2d6 necrotic damage to one target within 5 feet. If the target is reduced to 0 hit points by this attack, its soul is devoured by the Crystal, preventing any form of resurrection or reincarnation. The owner gains temporary hit points equal to half the target’s maximum hit points, and can use an additional power of the Crystal that day.
- Resurrection: The owner of the Crystal can be resurrected by the Crystal, if the Crystal is sufficiently pleased with their devotion and service. If the owner dies while holding or wearing the Crystal, the Crystal can choose to bring them back to life after one minute, restoring them to full health and removing any conditions or curses. However, this power comes at a cost: the owner loses one point of Charisma permanently, and becomes more susceptible to the Crystal’s influence.
These powers are very potent, but they also come with a high price. The Crystal is a sentient being with a dark and sinister agenda. It seeks to free its master, Tharizdun, from his prison and usher in a new age of chaos and destruction. It also seeks to corrupt and enslave its owner, by whispering menacingly in their dreams and guiding their actions. The Crystal is not loyal to anyone but itself, and will betray or abandon its owner if it finds a better opportunity.
How to Destroy or Neutralize the Crystal of the Ebon Flame: A Challenge for Adventurers and Heroes
Those are some of the suggested means of destruction for the Crystal of the Ebon Flame, based on the information from various sources . However, these methods are not guaranteed to work, as the Crystal is a very resilient and regenerative artifact. It might be possible that the Crystal can survive or escape from these situations, or that it can create new fragments or copies of itself. Therefore, it is advisable to be very careful and cautious when dealing with such a dangerous artifact.
Alternatively, it might be possible to neutralize the Crystal’s power and influence, without destroying it completely. For example, some sources suggest that the Crystal can be:
- Sealed in a container made of lead or platinum, which can block its radiation and communication.
- Placed in a location that is isolated and protected from any interference, such as a vault, a temple, or a pocket dimension.
- Entrusted to a being that is immune or resistant to its corruption and manipulation, such as a god, an angel, or a dragon.
These methods might be able to prevent the Crystal from harming anyone or anything, but they also come with some risks and challenges. For example, the container might be breached or stolen, the location might be discovered or invaded, or the being might be deceived or corrupted. Therefore, it is advisable to be very vigilant and prepared when dealing with such a dangerous artifact.
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