What is the Ring of Gaxx?
The Ring of Gaxx is a powerful and mysterious artifact that appears in the Book of Artifacts, a 2nd edition sourcebook for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. The Book of Artifacts is a collection of 50 legendary items that have a significant impact on the world and the history of the game. The Ring of Gaxx is one of the most coveted and feared artifacts in the book, as it grants its wearer extraordinary abilities and protection, but also exposes them to great danger and corruption.
The Ring of Gaxx is a stunning and sinister artifact that catches the eye and the mind of anyone who sees it. The ring consists of a nine-sided, blue gem mounted in a platinum base on a plain, half-inch platinum band. The gem is a deep azure color that sparkles with an inner light, as if it contains a hidden fire or a portal to another realm. The gem has nine facets, each with a different shape and size, that reflect the light in different ways. The platinum base is engraved with intricate runes and symbols that are incomprehensible to most mortals, but hint at the ring’s power and origin. The platinum band is smooth and simple, contrasting with the gem and the base. Inside the band is a string of letters, with Gaxx the only legible word. The rest of the letters are faded or scratched, as if someone tried to erase or alter them.
The ring was created by Gaxx himself, who sought to cheat death and preserve his power by transferring his essence into the gemstone. However, he also became trapped in his own creation, unable to escape or influence the outside world.
The ring has been worn by many adventurers and villains over the centuries, who have used its power for good or evil purposes. The ring grants its wearer immunity to disease, poison, aging, and death, as well as enhanced strength, speed, intelligence, and charisma. The ring also allows its wearer to cast various spells, such as invisibility, teleportation, fireball, and finger of death. However, the ring also has a dark side, as it slowly corrupts and consumes its wearer’s soul. The ring’s wearer becomes addicted to its power and develops a twisted personality and appearance. The ring also tries to manipulate its wearer into doing Gaxx’s bidding, which usually involves killing or enslaving others.
The Ring of Gaxx is a fascinating and dangerous artifact that can be used as a plot device or a reward for brave and daring adventurers. However, it also comes with a high price and a heavy responsibility, as it can turn its wearer into a tyrant or a madman. The Ring of Gaxx is not an item to be taken lightly, as it can change the fate of the world and the history of the game.
Who was Gaxx?
Gaxx was an ancient and evil wizard who lived in the world of Greyhawk, one of the original settings for the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game. He was a master of necromancy and planar magic, and sought to achieve immortality and godhood by any means necessary. He was also a ruthless tyrant who enslaved and killed many people in his quest for power.
Gaxx was born in the city of Rel Astra, in the Kingdom of Aerdy, around -200 CY (Common Year). He became a powerful mage and joined the Scarlet Brotherhood, a secretive and fanatical organization that worshipped the Suel gods and sought to restore the glory of the ancient Suel Empire. He rose to the rank of Grand Master of the Scarlet Sign, the highest position in the Brotherhood, and gained access to many secrets and artifacts of the Suel.
However, Gaxx was not satisfied with his status and ambitions. He wanted to surpass the Suel gods and become one himself. He began to experiment with forbidden magic and ancient lore, trying to unlock the secrets of life and death. He also made contact with various extraplanar entities, such as demons, devils, and yugoloths, and bargained with them for more power and knowledge.
One of his most daring experiments was to create a portal to a pocket dimension within a large black gemstone. He intended to use this portal as a way to escape from his enemies and to store his treasures and secrets. He also planned to transfer his essence into the gemstone, thus becoming immortal and invulnerable. However, something went wrong during the ritual, and Gaxx became trapped in his own creation, unable to escape or influence the outside world. The only way he could communicate with anyone was through his ring, which he had enchanted to be linked to the gemstone.
The ring became known as the Ring of Gaxx, and it was one of the most coveted and feared artifacts in the world. Many adventurers and villains tried to find and use the ring, hoping to gain its power or free Gaxx from his prison. However, none of them succeeded, as the ring corrupted and consumed them all. The ring also tried to manipulate its wearer into doing Gaxx’s bidding, which usually involved killing or enslaving others.
Gaxx’s fate is unknown, as he still remains trapped in his gemstone prison. Some say he is still alive, waiting for someone to release him or destroy him. Others say he is dead, having succumbed to madness or despair. Some even say he has transcended his mortal form and become a god, or a demon lord, or something else entirely. Whatever the truth may be, Gaxx is still a legend and a menace in the world of Greyhawk, and his ring is still a source of wonder and terror for anyone who encounters it.
The History of the Ring of Gaxx: A Timeline
The Ring of Gaxx is an ancient and evil artifact that has a long and dark history in the world of Greyhawk. Here is a timeline of some of the most important events and facts related to the ring and its creator, Kangaxx:
- -200 CY: Kangaxx is born in Rel Astra, in the Kingdom of Aerdy. He becomes a powerful mage and joins the Scarlet Brotherhood, a secretive and fanatical organization that worships the Suel gods and seeks to restore the glory of the ancient Suel Empire.
- -100 CY: Kangaxx rises to the rank of Grand Master of the Scarlet Sign, the highest position in the Brotherhood. He gains access to many secrets and artifacts of the Suel, and begins to experiment with forbidden magic and ancient lore, trying to unlock the secrets of life and death.
- -50 CY: Kangaxx makes contact with various extraplanar entities, such as demons, devils, and yugoloths, and bargains with them for more power and knowledge. He also creates a portal to a pocket dimension within a large black gemstone, where he intends to transfer his essence and become immortal.
- -25 CY: Kangaxx performs the ritual to transfer his essence into the gemstone, but something goes wrong. He becomes trapped in his own creation, unable to escape or influence the outside world. The only way he can communicate with anyone is through his ring, which he had enchanted to be linked to the gemstone. The ring becomes known as the Ring of Gaxx.
- 0 CY: The Great Kingdom of Aerdy collapses into civil war. The Scarlet Brotherhood seizes the opportunity to expand its influence and territory. Many of Kangaxx’s former allies and enemies seek to find his ring and use its power for their own purposes.
- 100 CY: A group of Netherese liches, who had opposed Kangaxx’s experiments and ambitions, discover his location and plot to destroy him. They manage to infiltrate his tomb, where his body was buried, and sunder it into pieces. They scatter the pieces in various locations, guarded by powerful traps and creatures. They hope that this will prevent anyone from ever reuniting Kangaxx’s body and freeing him from his prison.
- 200 CY: The city of Athkatla is founded on top of Kangaxx’s tomb by colonists from Amn. The city grows into a prosperous and cosmopolitan metropolis, unaware of the dark secrets that lie beneath it.
- 500 CY: A group of adventurers, led by a mysterious figure known as Gorion’s Ward, find one of Kangaxx’s body parts in an ancient temple in Umar Hills. They are contacted by a mysterious voice that claims to be Kangaxx’s servant, and offers them a reward if they can find and reunite all of his body parts.
- 501 CY: Gorion’s Ward and their companions manage to find all of Kangaxx’s body parts, hidden in various locations across Amn. They bring them back to his tomb in Athkatla, where they are confronted by Kangaxx himself, who reveals his true nature and attacks them. After a fierce battle, they manage to defeat both his lich and demilich forms, and claim his ring as their prize.
How did Gaxx travel from Greyhawk to the Forgotten Realms?
The Ring of Gaxx is an artifact that originated in the world of Greyhawk, one of the original settings for the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons game. However, it also appears in the world of the Forgotten Realms, another popular setting for the same game. How did Gaxx, the ancient and evil wizard who created the ring and became trapped in it, travel from one world to another? There is no official explanation for this question, but there are some possible theories that can be inferred from the available sources. Here are some of them:
- Planar Travel: Gaxx used his planar magic to travel between different worlds, and ended up in the Forgotten Realms by accident or by curiosity. He then built his tomb there and performed his ritual to transfer his essence into the gemstone. This theory is supported by the fact that Gaxx was a master of planar magic and had contacts with various extraplanar entities. It is also consistent with the idea that the Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk are part of a larger multiverse that can be accessed by powerful magic or portals.
- Banishment or Exile: Gaxx was banished or exiled from Greyhawk by his enemies, who used a powerful artifact or spell to send him to another world. He then landed in the Forgotten Realms and tried to rebuild his power base there. He also created his ring and gemstone as a way to protect himself and to seek revenge on his foes. This theory is supported by the fact that Gaxx had many enemies in Greyhawk, especially among the Netherese liches, who opposed his experiments and ambitions. It is also consistent with the idea that there are artifacts or spells that can transport people or objects across different worlds, such as the Rod of Seven Parts or the Spelljammer .
- Original Origin: Gaxx was originally from the Forgotten Realms, and was a member of the Scarlet Brotherhood, a secretive and fanatical organization that worshipped the Suel gods and sought to restore the glory of the ancient Suel Empire. He then traveled to Greyhawk to learn more about the Suel lore and artifacts, and became corrupted by their power. He also created his ring and gemstone as a way to achieve immortality and godhood. He then returned to the Forgotten Realms and built his tomb there. This theory is supported by the fact that the Scarlet Brotherhood had a presence in both Greyhawk and the Forgotten Realms, and that they were interested in the Suel culture and magic . It is also consistent with the idea that there are similarities and connections between the Suel and the Netherese, two ancient civilizations that were known for their arcane prowess and downfall .
These are some of the possible theories of how Gaxx traveled from Greyhawk to the Forgotten Realms. However, none of them are confirmed or canon, so they should be taken with a grain of salt. The truth may be different or unknown, as Gaxx himself is still a mystery and a legend in both worlds.
The Owners of the Ring of Gaxx: A Timeline
The Ring of Gaxx is an ancient and evil artifact that has been worn by many adventurers and villains over the centuries, who have used its power for good or evil purposes. Here is a timeline of some of the most notable owners of the ring and their fates:
- -25 CY: Kangaxx, the creator and original owner of the ring, becomes trapped in his own gemstone prison, unable to escape or influence the outside world. The only way he can communicate with anyone is through his ring, which he had enchanted to be linked to the gemstone.
- 0 CY: The Great Kingdom of Aerdy collapses into civil war. The Scarlet Brotherhood, a secretive and fanatical organization that Kangaxx was a member of, seizes the opportunity to expand its influence and territory. Many of Kangaxx’s former allies and enemies seek to find his ring and use its power for their own purposes.
- 100 CY: A group of Netherese liches, who had opposed Kangaxx’s experiments and ambitions, discover his location and plot to destroy him. They manage to infiltrate his tomb, where his body was buried, and sunder it into pieces. They scatter the pieces in various locations, guarded by powerful traps and creatures. They hope that this will prevent anyone from ever reuniting Kangaxx’s body and freeing him from his prison.
- 200 CY: The city of Athkatla is founded on top of Kangaxx’s tomb by colonists from Amn. The city grows into a prosperous and cosmopolitan metropolis, unaware of the dark secrets that lie beneath it.
- 500 CY: A group of adventurers, led by a mysterious figure known as Gorion’s Ward, find one of Kangaxx’s body parts in an ancient temple in Umar Hills. They are contacted by a mysterious voice that claims to be Kangaxx’s servant, and offers them a reward if they can find and reunite all of his body parts.
- 501 CY: Gorion’s Ward and their companions manage to find all of Kangaxx’s body parts, hidden in various locations across Amn. They bring them back to his tomb in Athkatla, where they are confronted by Kangaxx himself, who reveals his true nature and attacks them. After a fierce battle, they manage to defeat both his lich and demilich forms, and claim his ring as their prize.
The Powers and Curse of the Ring of Gaxx
The Ring of Gaxx is an artifact that grants its wearer extraordinary abilities and protection, but also exposes them to great danger and corruption. The ring has four types of powers: constant, invoked, random, and curse. Here is a description of each type of power and its effects:
- Constant: The wearer is immune to all forms of disease, both normal and magical. This means that the wearer cannot be infected by any bacteria, virus, fungus, parasite, or poison that causes illness or harm to the body. This also means that the wearer cannot be affected by any spell or effect that causes disease, such as contagion, mummy rot, or lycanthropy.
- Invoked: Each of the nine sides of the gem has its own power. The active side faces the finger tip and the entire ring is impossible to mark. The gem rotates clockwise one segment when one of the following occurs: it is put on, it is worn while sleeping, or the stone is turned. Once all nine powers have been discovered, the wearer can use the powers with 90% accuracy. Two of the powers are stoneskin (2/day) and invisibility (1/day). Stoneskin allows the wearer to create a layer of stone-like substance over their skin, which absorbs damage from physical attacks. Invisibility allows the wearer to become invisible to normal sight, but not to other forms of detection.
- Random: The ring also has seven random powers that are determined by rolling dice on different tables. The tables are: Table 23: Healing, Table 27: Movement, Table 28: Offensives, and Table 33: Protections. The ring has two powers from Table 23, two powers from Table 27, two powers from Table 28, and one power from Table 33. For example, one possible combination of random powers is: cure light wounds (1/day), cure serious wounds (1/week), fly (1/day), haste (1/day), fireball (1/day), finger of death (1/week), and protection from evil (3/day). Cure light wounds and cure serious wounds allow the wearer to heal themselves or others by touching them. Fly allows the wearer to fly through the air at a speed of 60 feet per round. Haste allows the wearer to double their movement and action speed for one minute. Fireball allows the wearer to launch a ball of fire that explodes in a 20-foot radius, dealing 6d6 points of fire damage to anyone in the area. Finger of death allows the wearer to kill a living creature with a touch, unless they succeed on a saving throw. Protection from evil creates a magical barrier around the wearer that prevents evil creatures from approaching or harming them.
- Curse: The ring also has a dark side, as it slowly corrupts and consumes its wearer’s soul. Once the ring is worn for more than 48 continuous hours, it begins to transform the wearer (over the next 96 hours) into a creature of unknown origin. A thick pair of horns grow 2 inches above the ears; the skin hardens into thick scales, providing a natural AC of 5. The eyes develop infravision (90 feet) and daylight becomes painful (-2 penalty to attack rolls). The lower canines extend an inch beyond the lips. Horn and bite attacks are possible, inflicting 1d4/1d4/1d6 points of damage. To reverse an incomplete transformation, the ring must be removed for a number of hours equal to the number worn. However, once it is complete it is permanent, and the wearer needs the ring to survive; without it death occurs within 72 hours.
How to Destroy the Ring of Gaxx
The Ring of Gaxx is an artifact that is very difficult to destroy, as it is imbued with powerful magic and protected by the spirit of Gaxx, who resides in the gemstone. However, there are some possible ways to destroy the ring, or at least to render it useless. Here are some of them:
- The Wish Spell: The wish spell is one of the most powerful and versatile spells in the game, as it can alter reality and grant almost any desire. However, it also comes with a great risk and a high cost, as it can have unpredictable side effects and drain the caster’s life force. The wish spell could be used to destroy the ring, by wishing for its annihilation or its separation from Gaxx’s spirit. However, this would require a very powerful and skilled caster, who could overcome the ring’s resistance and Gaxx’s influence. It would also likely have a severe consequence for the caster and the world, as such a wish would violate the natural order and balance of magic.
- The Sun: The sun is a massive sphere of plasma that emits intense heat and light. It is also a source of life and energy for many worlds. The sun could be used to destroy the ring, by taking it by hand to the center of the sun, where its temperature and pressure are so high that nothing can survive. However, this would require a way to travel to the sun and withstand its radiation and gravity. It would also require a great sacrifice from the bearer of the ring, who would have to give up their life and their soul to ensure the ring’s destruction.
- The Creators: The ring was created by Gaxx, an ancient and evil wizard who lived in the world of Greyhawk. He was a master of necromancy and planar magic, and sought to achieve immortality and godhood by any means necessary. He was also a ruthless tyrant who enslaved and killed many people in his quest for power. The ring could be destroyed by returning it to Gaxx, or to his original world, where his enemies or his secrets could be used to undo his work. However, this would require a way to find and contact Gaxx, or to travel between different worlds. It would also require a great courage and wisdom from the bearer of the ring, who would have to face Gaxx’s wrath or his temptation.
These are some of the possible ways to destroy the Ring of Gaxx. However, none of them are easy or guaranteed, as the ring is a formidable and cunning artifact that can resist or deceive any attempt to harm it. The best way to deal with the ring may be to avoid it altogether, or to keep it hidden and safe from anyone who would seek to use it or destroy it. The Ring of Gaxx is not an item to be taken lightly, as it can change the fate of the world and the history of the game.
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