You are looking for a D&D party inventory sheet and you landed on the right place.
Have a look at the three images below to check the layout of the D&D party sheet I have prepared for you.

PAGE 1 – D&D Party Loot Tracker
On this page you can record all the general information about your party, including their treasury.
- Party Name. Here you can write the party’s name. For example, the Argonauts!
- Party Motto. The motto depends on the spirit of you characters when they fight as a team, or the goal they want to accomplish in the long term.
- Party Members. Who are the alaways present characters? Those who makes the difference in other words. In addition, for each party member you may want to specify its role in the team.
- NPC Party Members. Many adventurers require followers and henchmen. Why not granting them a role too?
- Treasures Found. Write here the wealth carried by your party. You have plenty of space to record coins, gemstones and other stuff.
PAGE 2 – D&D Party Loot Tracker
This page allows to record all the things when your party has to face a long expedition.
- Animals and Vehicles. The more your party venture, the more things become sophisticated. In this section you can record what animals are helping the characters to carry their stuff. For each animal you can record the speed and the carrying capacity. For each vehicle you can record the weight, the capacity and th animal assigned.
- Equipment list. In this section you can record all the stuff carried by your party, together with the weight.
PAGE 3 – D&D party tracking sheet
Urbe et Orbi in other words.
- People & Places. While travelling across the lands your party will meet friends, foes, forge allieances and seal agreement. It is important to record places and names.
- Place Visited. Did you find a hidden temple? Keep a note of the discovery? Did you find a new Inn on the road for the borderland? Don’t forget about it!
- People Met. The hidden temple is run by an ancient cult and its high priest. What kind of person was he?
- Notes. Eventually, you may want to record some details about the people and the places visited. Here you can do it.
As you can see this is a useful party inventory sheet and loot tracker for D&D, and it provides all the information a party needs to keep track of any useful information gathered during your game sessions.
Of course this D&D party tracker is form fillable and also includes a printer friendly version in black and white.
You can download the D&D party inventory sheet on KO-FI