The Mass Combat guide is a useful tool for those who want to integrate warfare in their campaigns and game sessions.
The guide explains how to create an army, by building what are called “Battle Units”.
A Battle Unit possesses the following characteristics:
Base Force. The sum of Leadership, Hit Points, Equipment and Training.
Battle Rating. The sum of different instances like Mounted units, Ranged attacks, Magic abilities, Special abilities, Spellcasting abilities, Flying and Average speed.
Battle Score. The sum of different circumstances like Troop ratio, Morale, Environment & Terrain and Fatigue.
Tactics. With each side picking among 10 different tactics, you obtain different result and modifiers to the battle outcome. The tactics contemplated in the Mass Combat Guide are Charge, Attack, Central Attack, Defensive Attack, Single Envelop, Double Envelop, Trap, Hold, Feigned Retreat and Withdraw.
MASS COMBAT GUIDE & Clash of Armies
Guide to run mass combat and large scale wars at strategic level. The guide includes rules that explain how to set up a battle unit, the effect of tactics, and other tips.