This D&D campaign setting focus on an epic background where dragons and the Goddess Tiamat represent the villains.
Sagas from the lands of Krynn are filled with valiant heroes destined to discover ancient secrets and vanquish terrible evils. Like those great champions, you will band together with brave companions to set forth on daring adventures. The tales of those bold deeds will become the newest legends in the world of Dragonlance.
MC4 Monstrous Compendium Dragonlance Appendix (2e)
This volume of the exciting Monstrous Compendium series brings you the unique creatures of Krynn: astral dragons, Krynn minotaurs, the various races and tribes of dwarves and elves, knights of Solamnia, kender, and dozens of other creatures and monsters from both Ansalon and the new continent of Taladas.
PG1 Player’s Guide to the Dragonlance Campaign (2e)
This book will not baffle you with “game jargon.” It presents the world of Krynn in a manner you are sure to find entertaining and informative. Through a combination of original fiction and long-established fact, you will discover the continent of Ansalon—home to the Heroes of the Lance. You will find information about the races of the world, its major cities and regions, its deities, and its monsters. You will read The River of Time, the chronological history of Krynn. Open this book, and open the world!
DLC 1- Dragonlance Classics Volume I (2e)
Starting from the Inn of the Last Home in Solace, journey throughout the lands of Ansalon and defy the evil that threatens to overwhelm and entire continent. Explore the Lost City of Xak Tsaroth, defeat the mighty black dragon Khisanth, and recover the Crystal Staff of Mishakal. Penetrate the fastness of Pax Tharkas and face the evil Verminaard and the red dragon Ember. Can you survive the dangers of Skullcap, hounded by the undead minions of the wizard Fistandantilus?
DLC2: Dragonlance Classics Volume II (2e)
You hold in your hands the second in a series of all-in-one reprints of the epic adventures of the Dragonlance saga. This booklet comprises the adventures previously published as Dragons of Ice, Dragons of Light, Dragons of War, and Dragons of Deceit. This 128-page adventure booklet contains everything necessary to play this portion of the epic campaign. Relive the excitement of discovering the Stone Dragon and the Tomb of Huma!
DLC3: Dragonlance Classics Volume III (2e)
This is the final installment in the Dragonlance Classics series, the dramatic conclusion to the entire 14-module Dragonlance saga. Within are the reprints of Dragons of Dreams, Dragons of Faith, Dragons of Truth, and Dragons of Triumph, fully updated to 2e AD&D rules.
This 128-page book contains the maps, and descriptions that will take the Heroes of Legend from the ancient port of Tarsis to the depths of the Blood Sea and, finally, to the corrupt city of Neraka, the heart of the Dark queen’s empire. Can the Heroes at last foil Takhisis’s evil plans forever? The answer lies within these pages!
The History of Dragonlance (2e)
Here within the walls of the Great Library of Palanthas, you will find a treasure trove of information on the world of Krynn and its inhabitants. Visitors to that enchanted realms have left us with records of their journeys. Feel free to browse through them at your leisure. You may not take the scrolls with you, but the monks will be happy to copy any for your use. Please put in your request at the front desk and be aware that the copying time is about six years, longer if you would like the document illustrated. May your studies be fruitful.
Atlas of the Dragonlance World (1e)
Accompany the Heroes of the Lance on their epic travels across Krynn in this magnificently illustrated volume. Behold the beauty of the King Priest’s Hall of Audience in the Temple of Istar. Smell Raistlin’s herbs as you wander the hallways of the Tower of High Sorcery at Palanthas. Become hopelessly lost in the thirty-five levels of Mount Nevermind.
Time of the Dragon (2e)
When the true gods punished Istar by wreaking the Cataclysm on Krynn, a shower of meteors pounded the continent of Ansalon. Halfway around the world, a similar continent was shattered by a single, enormous meteor. Thousands of square miles of land disappeared beneath a smoking sea of magma, which boiled up from beneath the planet’s crust. Mountain ranges were toppled, rivers changed course, and weather patterns were altered. Survivors were scattered and isolated. The devastation was nearly complete.
Tales of the Lance (2e)
Dragons – once they were mere legends’stories told to frighten children. Now, they are living nightmares. From Draconian patrols on the streets of port Balifor to the haunted depths of the Blood Sea, the dragons have returned to Krynn. Enter the ravaged land of Ansalon, a land forsaken by gods, beset by fell beasts, and championed by desperate heroes. Enter the Age of Dragons. The world of Krynn has one last chance to reclaim its lost honor and glory.
Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn (2e)
The two booklets contained in this set hold information that has never before been collected in one place. Songs of the Loremaster, for players to read, chronicles the history of the dwarven race on Krynn, from their first appearance on the planet’s surface to their withdrawal following the Cataclysm. A World in Stone presents each kingdom in turn for DM’s eyes only, describing how each cavern was delved, what each clan’s world-view encompassed, and what each kingdom’s fate has been.
DLE2 Dragon Magic (2e)
The Moons of Krynn are fading. The alignment forces of Good, Evil, and Neutrality are locked in conflict… and evil seems to be winning! The unnatural machinations of the treacherous Khardra—daughter of Takhisis herself!—have led to a crisis of cosmic proportions.
DLR2 Taladas: The Minotaurs (2e)
This booklet exposes the secrets of minotaur society for the first time in the Dragonlancecampaign setting. Among the information within these pages are their origin myths, bureaucratic organizations, military strategies, and philosophical leanings. Major minotaur non-player characters are also delinieated—including a magic-user and a paladin of Paladine! The Warriors’ Guild is explored in detail, for use in your own campaign.
DLA2: Dragon Knight (2e)
Someone or something is killing the Othlorx (‘The Uninvolved’) dragons of Taladas. Not only good dragons, but evil ones as well. Who or what would be so angered at these dragons as to slaughter them indiscriminately? To find out, The PCs must masquerade as dragon hunters and set out to destroy dragons. It’s a dangerous game—if the dragons don’t get you, your employers might!
DLA3 Dragon’s Rest (2e)
Your heroes find themselves on a demi-planar island in the Ethereal void, where a mysterious god enlists their help in his scheme to stop Erestem (Takhisis). The heroes must journey through space and time to recover the powerful cindergemsand forge a weapon to destroy Erestem. If your heroes fail, Erestem’s evil minions will invade Taladas and destroy the Orthlox (Uninvolved) dragons, which is just the star of her plans for Taladas!
DLS1 New Beginnings (2e)
New Beginnings includes a simple, step-by-step character creation outline which new players can use without the help of a Dungeon Master. Also, it presents essential tips on equipping and playing your new character in the Taladas setting, and sample encounters which allow your to test your characters skills without risking them in actual play. Finally, a complete mini-adventure helps to begin your Taladas campaign by thrusting the player characters right into the action.
DLS2 Tree Lords (2e)
The time has come for the elves to reclaim their homelands, the lands warped and ruined by Lorac and the Orb of DragonkindThe Kirath, the elite scouts of the Silvanesti, are in the vanguard of the returning tribes. What they find is familiar, yet unfamiliar—landscapes twisted by magic, once-verdant lands now gray and barren. It is the duty of the Kirath to assess the damages done, and report their findings to the rest of the Silvanesti. Only then can the tribes return to their woods and fields.
DLS3 Oak Lords (2e)
Before the Cataclysm, the great Kith-Kanan and a band of brave elves separated from their Silvanesti brethren and founded the legendary realm of Qualinesti. Then, just prior to the War of the Lance, the fledgling kingdom toppled before evil dragon armies. Now the great war is over and new beginnings arise!
DLR3 Unsung Heroes (2e)
Caramon, Raistlin, Tika, Laurana, Tanis, Sturm, Flint, Tasselhoff? Heroes all, their names are known by everyone familiar with their saga. But there are others as well: veterans of the War of the Lance, players behind the scenes, and even those who had no involvement wit the War whatsoever who are still heroes in their own right. Many are presented here for the first time.
DLT1 New Tales: The Land Reborn (2e)
Returen to the time just after the end of the War, when the land is healing and its peoples are struggling to rebuild their lives. Travel with Tika and Caramon in search of her father, Alleran Waylan. Help a group of kender track down an aging black dragon. Go with Riverwind and Goldmoon to reclaim the settlement of Que Shu. Or, aid Tanis on a touchy diplomatic mission – to Laurana’s people.
DLR1 Otherlands (2e)
Far beneath the vastness of Krynn’s oceans is Watermere, home to the reclusive Dargonesti sea elves. In their valley on the sea floor, they work, play, explore, and resist the plots and forces of Takhisis, the Dark Queen, whose ambitions to conquer Krynn extend even to the seas and the lands below them. Airbreathers are occasionally brought to Watermere with the aid of powerful magix-sometimes as guests, sometimes as pets, sometimes as prey… which will you be?
Rise of the Titans (2e/SAGA)
During the Age of Dreams, ogres were beautiful creatures who built fantastic cities and ruled over the greatest civilization on all of Krynn. They eventually fell prey to their own decadence–their culture collapsed into barbarism while the ogres themselves degenerated into their current repulsive forms. Recently, however, a new form of ogre has emerged. These titans are gigantic, highly intelligent creatures who claim to hold the key to regaining the ogres’ lost beauty and power. Already the titans have begun to reclaim their former position in Ansalon through conquest and slavery!
Seeds of Chaos (2e/SAGA)
Krynn swelters in the grip of unnatural heat–a summer so dry and scorching the very world seems ready to burst into flame. Across this baked landscape, Lord Ariakan’s armies of Dark Knights sweep unchecked. Finally, the great city of Palanthas, the jewel in Ansalon’s crown, awaits the onslaught of unstoppable legions.
Chaos Spawn (2e/SAGA)
In the heat of an unnaturally warm summer, the Knights of Takhisis conquer nearly every inch of Ansalon, even the glorious city of Palanthas. Mere days later a messenger arrives in Palanthas bearing a dire missive: Something wiped out the Knights posted at the Tower of the High Clerist and now cuts a swath of destruction across the countryside!
DLA1 Dragon Dawn (2e)
Venture once more to the world of Krynn, but this time to the continent of Taladas, largely untouched by the war of the Lance. The dragons here are Othlorx, the Uninvolved, because they remain neutral in the struggle against the evil of Takhisis and her minions. Then why are they being systematically exterminated? Who wants all dragons on Taladas dead?
DLE1 In Search of Dragons (2e)
For reasons unknown, the balance among Krynn’s good, evil, and neutral dragons is shifting: A deadly affliction is killing off silver dragons, and no one has seen a bronze dragon in months. What’s more, the people of Krynn seem to have lost their respect for dragons, hunting them for sport, looting their treasure troves, even training them for use in circuses and sporting events! And as the adventure begins, a strange being named Khardra appears with a fascinating theory—that dragons are merely animals whose presence on Krynn may no longer be necessary!
DLE3 Dragon Keep (2e)
The good dragons of Krynn need help. Recruited by the silver dragon Saramber, the player characters have joined ranks with the dragons and sought to solve the mystery behind the deaths of many silver and bronze dragons and passed the tests set out for them, earning the trust of these ancient creatures.

More Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home (2e)
To celebrate the coming of a new age to Krynn, we have devised a menu of succulent dishes we hope you wil lenjoy. Take a seat in your favorite booth. Order a mug of your favorite beverage. Meet new friends and share past times with old ones. Here are songs for the singing and good food for the eating.
DLS4 Wild Elves (2e)
At long last, the Kagonesti elves are rising against their Silvanesti and Qualinesti masters. A prophet has come to deliver them from bondage; all of Southern Ergoth rings with the sounds of battle!
The Kagonesti flee their arrogant cousins, heading toward a land of legend: The Valley of Perfect Silences. Here only Kagonesti are allowed; no longer will they suffer servitude and wrong. The Gate has been found and the way is open. Kagonesti pass through the gate and into the promised land.
DLQ1 Knight’s Sword (2e)
The sword of Sturm Brightblade is gone, stolen from his dead body. The dishonorable one must be brought to justice, before he flees forever and the blade lost. The trail leads through webs of intrigue to traitors and thieves most foul. This is a task suitable only for those of keen mind and stout heart, for danger will confront them at every turn.
DLQ2 Flint’s Axe (2e)
Before the War of the Lance, Flint Fireforge returned to his place of birth, the dwarven town of Hillhome. There, he uncovered a fiendish plot and used his magical battle axe to stop evil dwarves from destroying his home. The axe was destroyed in Flint’s final battle with the leader of the evil forces.
Or was it?
Now, rumors are circulating that Flint’s axe has been seen around Hillhome. It is up to the player characters to solve the mystery and find the legendary battle axe of one of the Heroes of the Lance.