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D&D 5e doppelganger stats


Medium monstrosity (shapechanger), unaligned Armor Class 14Hit Points 52 (8d8+16)Speed 30 ft. Proficiency Bonus +2Proficiency Bonus +4 (5th Edition Advanced Mode) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) Saving Throws (suggested) Dex +6Skills Deception +6, Insight +3Damage Immunities CharmedSenses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11Languages CommonChallenge 3 (700 XP) Shapechanger. The doppelganger can […]

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CRAWLING CLAW – 5e stats

Tiny undead, neutral evil Armor Class 12Hit Points 2 (1d4)Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft. Proficiency Bonus +2Proficiency Bonus +2 (5th Edition Advanced Mode) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 4 (-3) Damage Immunities poisonCondition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisonedSenses blindsight 30 ft. (blind beyond this radius), passive Perception 10Languages understands Common but

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Large monstrosity, lawful evil Armor Class 13 (natural armor)Hit Points 85 (10d10+30)Speed 40 ft. Proficiency Bonus +3Proficiency Bonus +5 (5th Edition Advanced Mode) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 6 (-2) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) Skills Stealth +4 (suggested)Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11Languages –Challenge 3 (700 X P) Avoidance. If

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CLOAKER – 5e stats

Large aberration, chaotic neutral Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)Hit Points 78 (12d10+12)Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. Proficiency Bonus +3Proficiency Bonus +5 (5th Edition Advanced Mode) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) Skills Stealth +5Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11Languages Deep Speech, UndercommonChallenge 8 (3,900 XP) Damage Transfer. While attached

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BANSHEE – 5e stats

Medium undead, chaotic evil Armor Class 12Armor Class (suggested) 16Hit Points 58 (13d8)Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover) Proficiency Bonus +2Proficiency Bonus +6 (5th Edition Advanced Mode) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 1 (-5) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) Saving Throws Wis +2, Cha +5Damage Resistances acid, fire, lightning, thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing

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AZER – 5e stats

Medium elemental, lawful neutral Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor, Shield)Hit Points 39 (6d8+12)Speed 30 ft. Proficiency Bonus +2Proficiency Bonus +3 (5th Edition Advanced Mode) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) Saving Throws Con +4Damage Immunities Fire, PoisonCondition Immunities PoisonedSenses passive Perception 11Languages IgnanChallenge 2 (450 XP) Heated Body. A creature that touches the

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Dnd 5e Marilith Tactics – build challenging encounters against a Marilith

By Alan McCoy from Dungeons & Dragons: Fundamentals How to build challenging encounters against a Marilith Note: This has been prepared utilizing only the 5E Core Rules. Additional source material can be found in the book Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes. The Marilith can be found in the Monster Manual page 61. Additional information regarding Demons

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Large fiend (demon), chaotic evil Armor Class 18 (Natural Armor)Hit Points 189 (18d10+90)Speed 40 ft. Proficiency Bonus +5Proficiency Bonus +7 (5th Edition Advanced Mode) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) Saving Throws Str +9, Con +10, Wis +8, Cha +10Damage Resistance cold, Fire, lightning; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from

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Dnd 5e Cyclops Tactics – build challenging encounters against a Cyclops

By Alan McCoy from Dungeons & Dragons: Fundamentals How to build challenging encounters against a Cyclops Note: This has been prepared utilizing only the 5E Core Rules. The Cyclops can be found in the Monster Manual page 45. Cyclops are a variety of giant, huge in size (occupying a 15 ft X 15 ft combat

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